Timedancer ago

Can we watch this hearing on Fox or C-Span? What time will it start? Anybody know?

Timedancer ago

Google sure wasn’t very helpful in trying to figure this out!

I imagine Fox will air it but it’s live coverage on C-Span at 2pm EST

CovfefeFan ago

I do believe Tomorrow is a big day, but it looks like Huber won't be there. https://qmap.pub/read/2604 Perhaps there is something bigger up their sleeve.

J_D11 ago

The only problem is that Huber is not on the calendar to testify... it's Tom Fitton. Huber's not mentioned. Idk what this means or if something else is in the works, but today may not be as explosive as it should be.

john1776 ago

Huber's spokeswoman, Melodie Rydalch, confirmed that Huber wouldn't testify.

“Consistent with conversations between the department and the committee, Mr. Huber will not appear at the hearing,” she said.

The hearing will instead feature Tom Fitton, the head of the right-leaning Judicial Watch, a law professor and two tax professionals.


Winnipegger ago

Thanks for the info and link.

Tom Fitton is still worthy of a watch.

hangry ago

And when nothing happens tomorrow?

Morbo ago

They'll call you a shill, per the usual, and go on to the next "big day".

hangry ago


DamnLiquor ago

Sorehole seems worried, so I am happy

DawnPendraig ago

Haha that's an awesome nickname for our troll. I'm stealing it

sicntrd ago

For me Huber testifying tomorrow is huge. I am hoping the child sex trafficking comes out, since that was how CF made a lot of money for themselves and the cabal. This is all about the children for me.

amarQ144 ago

Looks to be an interesting day...with or with out Huber

sorosminion ago

Huber is NOT testifying, isn't appearing dumbfuck. Look it up.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Gonna be a great Christmas, patriots!