Quinceberry ago

Or was it a result of their posting that pic? Either way, No Coincidences.

Fateswebb ago

Did they fall off the side? 😂

OptimusPrime4 ago

There should be 25 cooments, I only count 16. It is dangerous to out yourself, you either get fired, or 87'd. Keep working on your sphere of influence and avoid a fleeting moment of release when you declare your loyalties in a WW way. This is a war, we need all patriots at their stations, no matter how small you think your part is, it matters. It will be years before the enemy is removed from powerful positions. They are so entrenched and devious, be smart as a serpent but gentle as a dove. Think before you act. Avoid knee-jerk reactions. This is not a game.

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

So many people dying, so many children hurt, so many children at the boarder that should never have been taken out of their country. There was a documentary of a beautiful little girl who could not speak english being taken to the US by men she did not know & we allow this to continue. I am just heartbroken for all the unnecessary tragedy. I can no longer even listen to the democrats and the rinos. Their lack of caring for others is despicable.

ijij5511 ago

ice wall, despite Q's misdirection

knarnia ago

The pic would have been from a few months ago due to snow depth around sign so likely early spring (Oct/Nov) and post winter season. Pole marker is the 2018 version. Pic was Amundson-Scott South Pole Station. McMurdo Station is on the coast and main facility.

LoveIsBlind ago

Sauce? Need facts.

Morbo ago

They must have been killed by those blue lasers.

DamnLiquor ago

Lurch Kerry, Neil Armstrong and others have all been there to take a peep, we aren't being told about anything new

Scablifter ago

Buzz Aldrin was shipped to New Zealand while on a visit to Antarctica, he had a severe mental collapse and said that he was shown horrors beyond imagination.

nomorenwo ago

Neil went to visit a luxury hotel there called white-desert.com..anyone with money can go. They just had a giant ice race there.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Check out Q post 2566 and the picture below the yellow jackets.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Where these the 2 that posted photos of WWG1WGA?

G3rm4nF4g ago

If it was those 2 then we should be mourning them, they were obviously patriots.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Well, ok. But like Roswell 1947, The Kennedy Assassination 1963 and 9/11 2001, we will NEVER get a straight answer on this one.

Quinceberry ago

Hoping not, but the timing is incredibly suspect.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Affirmative Patriot.

BB-3 ago

How can you even know that? They were wearing masks in the picture.

Smell_the_Covfefe ago

They watched for scientist coming to work wearing masks, and then BAMB.

MissleCopterStoped ago

He asked “where” so yes I answered it correctly.

However, you do have a point that it would be impossible to know their true identities with masks on.

I was pointing out that this place had been mentioned by Q less than 3-4 days ago.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Now I'm REALLLYYY curious on what's really in antarctica.

Momerath ago

This is key for me. The 10-15% of me still on the fence re Q/Trump pied piper potential rests at the South Pole and Neuschwabenland. These two events (q post/death) are hard to see as coincidence. Still not the answer I seek.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Middle Earth. And a volcano that holds something or traces of something they want.

Astonisher667 ago

That Ring was made into ashes lol.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yes it was. But the spirit of it, they think, is still there because once lava cools and is frozen, the matter that was there is sealed in.

Astonisher667 ago

I guess they didn't get the memo that when the other Rings were diminished, and actually left Middle Earth that the essence of the One's power would be gone.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well they are stupid. Also there was that deal with the gates being opened again. So there's that.

Astonisher667 ago

Ooh I forgot about that. Yikes.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The gate was secured about 40 years ago, they just didn't know what it was and why that was there. Where it was. And how it had that eerie soundwave up into space like that. The sound never changed in all that time and so...put 2 and 2 together and the map of what's under the ice, complete with the perfectly preserved volcano and...yeah they kinda moved fast after that. Also the finding of that round black stone sorta spelled it out.

Astonisher667 ago

God I hate it when they kill off a Dark Lord only to have it reappear. And after they disembodied the fucker thousands of years prior to the Westmarch events.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Tell me about it.