godsstudent ago

Thank you Paul, very well laid out and concise! Appreciate your work! God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Qd4Action ago

This all sounds great and hopefully today's testimony will move the needle. I believe it has to be really dynamic to cause a ripple with the MSM though - so explosive that they just can't ignore it. If that doesn't happen, the people who already think Clintons' are the biggest scumbags in America will simply be validated in their beliefs. Unless HRC and WJC end up in court with an orange jumpsuit and waist chains, it will reinforce the idea that there is a two-tiered system in place for justice in this country. Maybe that will be the tipping point: the point where Conservatives and regular hard-working Americans finally say, 'Enough of this bullshit!' and start a yellow vest-style revolt against the Deep State, the criminal MSM, and those forces working to destroy the foundation and fabric of our nation.

Also - no more 'closed door hearings'. At best, do a tape delay and scrub classified information that exposes sources and methods. I'm so fucking tired of the excuse, 'Americans would not be able to handle the testimony'. Americans can handle that and hell of a lot more. If those panty-waisted politicians can handle it, I think the average American that put them in office can handle it. If testimony causes revolt, then revolt is needed to return power to the people of this country.

Fingers crossed that today's testimony finally gets wheels of justice turning and holding criminals accountable.

RealBlackberry ago

Wow! That was powerful and brought back a lot of Q memories and reminders. Thank you Patriot Paul! Congratulations for getting Q'ed!

Bushpilot ago

Saw it on Twitter, retweeted it right away. Good work by Paul.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Whoop whoop! Just gotta yelp! QWW!

Keneo77 ago

For myself I will feel like 1000 pds just floated off my chest. I mean the entire fate of the world is hanging on a balance beam. This is some great information, tonight's been a good night.

Kirbyrambo ago

Operations of this magnitude take time-lots of it. I have to learn to be more patient.

hildberht ago

Wow, bring it on.

WakeUpDJ ago

Well thought out and written by Paul, excellent view of the state of progress.

canyou ago

Can a Anon ask Q, why Bob Lazar has been in tye news lately?

Ochre1954 ago

Thank you

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

@srayzie, I always appreciate your posts but for fucks sake, at this point I cant even tell if youre serious or larping.

srayzie ago

Why? What did I say that you’re trippin on?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Just the title, its so. . . . Fuck i dont even know but it comes off as so blindly following shit? Not trying to offend just stating how the optics look.

bopper ago

Lol, dunno Srayzie but this made me laugh..

Animal_Chin ago

Rowdy Gowdy is gonna lay the smack down on some fucking swamp monsters!!!

GodsAngell ago

Yes Trey Gowdy should be at tomorrow's hearings.

bopper ago

Everybody please upvote this post, very important.

The twitter thread posted by Q is very good, informative and very encouraging. There is, and has been, a huge investigation going on by Huber and others into the Clinton Foundation and also the failed Trump coup (named Operation Crossfire Hurricane).

Q says the investigation and what's coming is absolutely massive, and mentions "History Books."

Thanks @srayzie for posting (and thanks to Q), this twitter thread has lifted my spirits about what's going on behind the scenes. It's been too quiet, but it won't be for much longer.

Should we be careful what we have been wishing for....

GodsAngell ago

I take it this means Huber WILL BE at the Hearings tomorrow, although the Congressional subcommittee website, does not list his name.

TexasInfidel ago

"Please upvote this post"? what makes this so special it voids TOS? Get this VERY CLEAR,everything posted here has been read and or will be shortly by those in the fight. Take your nerve wracked to another fox hole and cry yourself to sleep. This is Grown Man Business up in here,we are fighting for a Nation,not drinking lattes on food stamp money with no fckn job.

JGamble ago

seems like we are all going about out daily life, then we come on the computer and pretend we are helping. Maybe maybe not, but reading does not = GROWN MAN BUSINESS not sure what that would =

We are all waiting, reading, and some are calm, some are not :)

TexasInfidel ago

Life is not a joke, predator and prey system applies to all species.I choose to not be a victim.

JGamble ago

too much dark side in you. if the evil cabal was in charge of the world for 8,000 years...here we are....seems life is getting better just because it's getting better

TexasInfidel ago

I read a history book that says otherwise,keep thinking better all you want.Ill stay ready for the Truth.

TexasInfidel ago

You fucks are spoon fed and await on nothing but the next feeding,who the fuck you trying to kid here? I as many are NOT WAITING on any fucking thing asshat,we are at our leisure simply "FOLLOWING" a media source while we tend to the business of our lives. Keep waiting for FB to tell you to prep up and be READY like a good low-level world following swine. Keep eating scrapes till there are no scrapes

JGamble ago

then tell me what are you doing all day? are you shooting people? If you are on Team Q then the war is already over and we are waiting for confirmation. What could you possibly be doing all day? Buying ammo? What for? Who will you shoot?

Your position and emotional tantrum leave many questions, all of which lead to answers that show you for a fool. :O

TexasInfidel ago

I run a business everyday,Ive been "prepped" since 1994 and only tweaked a few things over the years.I now have solar power,filtered well water and a few other things that will sustain me for up to 5 years without leaving my property.

JGamble ago

sounds like a terrible life and a waste. Solar panels are only going to get better, you went all in too soon (fear choice)

TexasInfidel ago

Nope just installed the panels a year ago,they are well rated for commercial use. Ill be fine,fear is a spirit I dont have.

JGamble ago

LOL. everyone has fear, it's how you handle it. The key is fear everything and then make a plan to overcome. You missed the training...clearly

TexasInfidel ago

I rebuke spirits,its not me that overcomes and its not me that handles it. Nor am I trained, who again handles what? Who LOL at the power or the living Christ? Please tell me more . . . . . . I wait to rebuke the devil in you I DO HAVE THE POWER TO TREAD

JGamble ago

rebuke spirits. Nice, probably effective.

I have the power to choke grown people to death, unless they tap then i let go. To each his own. Training in spirits, well there is no standard for that...well done :)

bopper ago

Just trying to highlight the important twitter thread posted by Q.

TexasInfidel ago

That everyone on Twitter has already read, when a Tweet hits it's around the globe 5 times before 40% ever see it.Five minutes later there isnt 10% that haven't on the global scale.

AlwaysDeplorable ago

I love the fact that Sessions appointed a second special prosecutor on top of the Huber appointment - that no one knew about! Ha ha! They're going after them from all directions.

HelloDolly ago

Why am I not seeing that anywhere. I have read the Q drops and the thread linked here. It's all about Huber bringing the Pain to DC.

comprametu ago

In case anyone doubted Huber there's another one checking after him. Brilliant!

bopper ago

Fantastic. Hey, Q is doing a Q and A right now..

Ochre1954 ago

Love the way he answers the questions. No BS, straight to the point. Snowden is a traitor

SnazzyD ago

Yeah, and that JFK Jr is dead :(

amarQ144 ago

Snowden is C_A clown

bopper ago


derram ago

https://archive.fo/Uc1vd :

Paul Serran on Twitter: "(1) A #QAnon thread about U.S. Attorney John Huber, and the explosive prosecution effort he is heading, alongside DOJ IG Horowitz: in "Scope & Size" it is said to be the "biggest in history."

GreatAwakening… t.co/aEM3kp4X4H"

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