SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @GodsAngell.

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Tallest_Skil ago

Go away.

TSE ago

Is this clickbait? There are no reports of raids.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Yes. See my post.. πŸ™‚

mrgreenjeans9 ago


candtalan ago

A bit far out but - Message Mysterious: Suppose it was a photo of GHWB entering gitmo in his wheelchair... ?

mrgreenjeans9 ago

even better

gman225 ago

So are there any evidence that these raids have taken place?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

No. See my post πŸ™‚

cmcgee14 ago

Until I see a screen shot of the CCTV supposedly screen shot of a raid i'm not going to believe all of this sensational over analyzation of the funeral. Yes I see the envelopes and they could be a notice of summons but really the photos of everyone's faces and what it means and on and on. We will all know when we know. I know its all salacious and we want it to move along but I just don't want to read into every single moment something that may not be there. Who said it was a raid? who said they were seeing their personal "safe" house being raided? Is it proven? Where? Lets stick with the facts. We aren't Democrats...they go on false information.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

See my post re where from, who etc..

It was likely a joke...

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @GodsAngell.

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GodsAngell ago

So everyone's "safe house" got raided by Huber & Co while these dirt bags were at their state funeral, which they created to prevent the Clinton Foundation dirty laundry from being aired publicly by Huber testimony before Congress. Gee, was the funeral charade worth it?

Q syas: Please allow us to counter. Moves and counter moves.

Can you imagine how much fun we would have all missed out on, if Q wasn't leaking to us?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Never let a crisis go to waste.

ANC3 ago

So, in essence, this is just a pile of made up shit?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

One of many jokes made speculating about the paper... like "Son, I'm not really dead.. I'm in the bar in disguise"..:

You'll have seen them...

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Brenden M Dilley is the quoted source, but I found him on video saying he has no idea what was on that piece of paper, this may turn out to be a HOAX

Kevin McCaulay is mixed in too, see below

OP shows Washington Pundit video tweeted by Kevin McCauley retweeted by Brenden Dilley. It is McCaulay who says the sentence about a 'still frame from CCTV'. When Dilley retweets it he adds the Obama bolt hole remark.

Here is second tweet, this from OutlawJoseyWales but Dilley is said to be source and the tale gets a bit taller...

Brendan M Dilley is a Republican author, a nice guy who campaigned to be elected to Congress in 2018, but I think he dropped out at some point.

He does a nice rambling video log, and I found the one relating to the Funeral. He is talking about the way faces changed from smiles to horror.

At around 23:40 he says very clearly

"I have no idea what was written on that piece of paper"

You can listen to the whole hour here.

It seems to me that McCauley makes the claim about CCTV stills, and Dilley retweets adding the bolt hole, but relying on McCauley as source.

McCauley does a tweet but quotes Dilley as source.

It's a bit circular...

(I'm sure that @mrgreenjeans9 posted in good faith, and I'm glad he did, if only because I'm gonna follow Dilley...)

late2thegame ago

Here is the video of when Dilley gets the message on his computer, not sure who provided to him.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I watched as far as the bit I quoted, but saved the rest for later...

Have you got a time stamp please ?

MissleCopterStoped ago

If that isnt a masonic time, I dont know what is.

Roug ago

GODFATHER III ,Instead of a baptism how about a funeral to get evidence against the enemies of the American Citizens.

With all the hopes



wolfsktaag ago

what the fuck does it even mean to 'toss a bolt hole'? what country is this from?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

A bolt hole is a place where you go to hide... A secret place... A hidey hole.... A refuge...

In the UK, when they search they TOSS everything all over the place..

Put the two together and it means search his place of refuge.

Lynnwiod ago

They toss shit around in the US too.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Thanks, as I was way off too, as I was thinking of a dead bolt lock.

I never heard that term before.

angelCole ago

Me neither, thanks for asking.

Fetalpig ago

Oh Laura when you killed your boyfriend drinking and driving you weren't as upset now were ya?

BettyLiberty ago

Holy tossed boltholes, Batman! Talk about tongue in cheek!

RG72 ago

Other than a brief experiment with batgirl, I always wondered about three men hanging out in a cave all day....reminiscent of Bert and dirty Ernie.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I laughed my ass off a few ago reading a β€œserious article” that Bert n Ernie were really communists.

RG72 ago

Dirty Damn commies....

MissleCopterStoped ago


G45Colt ago

I'm not sure I get the point - that is Jeb Bush in the picture. Is there any evidence of raids of personal properties?

Wanting something to be true doesn't make it so.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

HOAX. See my comment. πŸ™„

G45Colt ago

I know a few odd/random British colloquialisms, didn't know that one. I learned something new - thanks. The bolt hole being a hidey hole makes perfect sense - where would a crook bolt to for safety?

The meme doesn't work for me though. No worries....

MrShekelstein ago

rest in pieces, traitor.

MissleCopterStoped ago

The funny part is he rode on the Trump train to his final destination.

lynnmar ago

Ohhh I just love it!!!

lindisfarne ago

I thought that was Michael's job.

Anon1492 ago

If true, that would be glorious.

Morbo ago

So show the CCTV frame grab then.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Exactly, either there's going to be action or not.

Morbo ago

Q predicted this. 5:5 there are no coincidences.