SearchVoatBot ago

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nullifyNWO ago

Ask him: Do they employ a database giving textblocks, themes, terms at hand?

yellowrose ago

Why would you take money to work against yourself/America? Be a patriot.

Wheatstone ago

Imagine taking part in this kind of cover up for minimum wage!

102thepowerof1 ago

Hence why a shill stands out like a sore thumb. They're not in the game, they are paid to try and create division. Traitors to the American people.

Aaronkin ago

Sold their freedom for minimum wage. WOW! Hard to be loyal to a employer who pays minimum wage.

Muh-Shugana ago

Shills have always been real.

BettyLiberty ago

Just doin' muh jerb - that defense didn't work for the Nazis, and it won't work for you shillfucks for high crimes.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Report all listings to "investigate/credit/discredit" to the community. Problem solved.

EyeOfHorus ago

this is gayer than gay. derp I saw CL advert.

srayzie ago

Why is it Gay?

EyeOfHorus ago

It's not gay, it's gayer than gay! Come on, the entire article is based in some anonymous faggot claiming he found a craigslist ad to troll internet relating to pedohpilia. Sure. And only one of his targets was even worthy of getting enough attention to troll.

M2Q2 ago

A special corner in hell for paid shil fuckery... over plain idiot fuckery.

DawnPendraig ago

Did that 11-11-18 wave shake loose some kind of mind control so people are suddenly feeling guilty for being liars and despoiling important work?

Johnny_Ninja ago

I was thinking the same thing. Not sure what type of tech would/could do such a thing though.

But what little I've looked into the mystery wave, it doesn't seem that it could be a natural phenomenon.

In my past life, I was a trained audio engineer, and audio deals with the science of sound waves.

If I record sounds of any event in the real world, no wave ever looks or sounds exactly like another. And even if you record something that sounds like it's the same to you as another take, when you actually look at the wave on a computer screen, there will always be differences between the two.

The only way to get truly identical waves is to either clone (copy and paste) or to create them synthetically (for example a sine wave which is perfectly symmetrical every time). In other words, it takes some sort of man made/tech intervention.

I'm no geologist, but I have to assume that the same principles apply to seismic waves for the same reasons.

And based on what I read, the waves were identical...

srayzie ago

I wish

blackzetsu ago

Curious what that craigslist ad looked like

DamnLiquor ago

probably similar to the crisis actor ads

pwdwp ago

I'm not surprise at all, and most probably the shills are also paid.

allonthesameteam ago

I sense a flood of testimonies from good folks being complicit in bad actions. Knowing so and not. The #ifuckeduptoo movement.

DickTick ago

Pizza - good ------ Gates - bad

(Brought to you by the fine crustaceans living in the tip of Soros' urethra)

srayzie ago

From their alt account 😂

Blacksmith21 ago

And to think I/we probably stuck our foots up their ass a few times...

SearchVoatBot ago

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pby1000 ago

It is why we will win. We are not fighting against evil in order to make money. We believe in the cause.