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sunshine702 ago

You don't think it's interesting the Pizzagate connections?

LacyLiberty ago

I believe the bookstore's actual name is Politics and Prose. In case anyone wants to search on it, y'know...

MissleCopterStoped ago

When I saw the name of business, I immediately thought of CPP, so you are not alone.

Blacksmith21 ago

It was the misspelling Politics vs. Poetry. Not 5000 block Conn NW history.

Was v/pizzagate from the start. I'm a local, so I've checked the places up close. Took a whizz on the toilet paper in CPP a couple years back even LOL.

You should read the v/pizzagate history. WE worked hard to keep the submissions to a bare "academic standard". Not spelling, but sourcing and citations.

There has been some pretty crazy shit covered over the years. When r/qanon (or whatever it was) got shut down, the volume increased here on Voat significantly. v/PG, for me at least, was somewhat drowned out in the Q noise. For good reason.

We documented enough qualified criminal leads to open a thousand indictments.

Backup everything.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Ah-Ha! Now I get it! They must have misidentified Trump for you in regards to pee-pee tape. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I archive PizzaGateโ€™s archive offline and fully aware of PG. ๐Ÿ‘

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you!

I've tried for 2 years to rally people to come up with a backup position if we ever were shut down here. The last I heard was @jesus on Twitter. Not that I'm religious at all, but because it had so many followers that it could withstand any ban except a Twitter shutdown.

Hopefully there are hidden mirrors for Voat backup. I backup what I can, but I'm pretty sure files backed up on a major cloud provider aren't immune to "sudden corruption".

Blacksmith21 ago

It's a known Commie hotspot.

sunshine702 ago

Woops. Yes correct.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I believe she got charged with human trafficking in Columbus, Ohio while doing some dance pole work.

eronburr ago

She has connections to NXIVM and tweeted about being initiated into a cult. It's been known she wasn't innocent.