SaveOurGrandChildren ago

Wonder if HCR will show at Bush' funeral. It would be GREAT to have a police van ready to take them all to the memorial services.

azdali ago

Notice Bill Clinton with his finger pointing to his temple.

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seeallevil ago

Intrigue is exciting. Everyone loves a good old spy novel. Sorry - but I've had enough. No more intrigue - it's time for action. I'm sick of living on this prison planet where those who play by the rules are free-range prisoners and the criminals run around free and prosperous killing our children, rigging our markets, poisoning our food supply, creating money out of thin air, extorting us with taxes and withholding technologies from us that will set us all free.

Questioning001 ago

The fact that Mueller is in the photo makes it even more interesting!

kathied7 ago

We know is under the Christmas Tree picture. Where is that taken, and if you know, how do you know? I tried a Google image search and got nothing useful.

Hibby ago

What picture is worth many sentences? Earlier this year there was talk about a photo of a former pres with a rifle and the question was what was he pointing at? Is that what's being brought up again?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

No it’s the retweet by POTUS yesterday...

Showed all the main swampies behind old style western jail bars..

Usually get from but it’s slow..

Here’s another link

lbeni540 ago

Bingo! This is what Q was referring to.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

A picture worth 61,000+ sentences.

GodsAngell ago

Its 65,000+ sealed indictments now!


Q Post re: Trump's Tweeted Meme Yesterday: WE ARE LOCKED AND LOADED .......and ready to FIRE AWAY!!!!


DO IT!!!!!!!

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

I did a quick search on duckduckgo and the results were as lame as google. Thanks for the update.

eronburr ago

stupid asshole. it'd qtarded npcers that make this all not worth supporting. sealed indictments were mostly for warrants for cell phones and email accounts which means multiple indictments per person and most have been unsealed.

stupid qtard npc

Aaronkin ago

Starts with the name calling, ends with the name calling and the middle is filled with nothing.

60,000 +? SURE, All for cell phone taps and Email accounts in the last 2 years when each year before that there has been less then 2,000. That is a increase more then 15 times larger then any year prior to TRUMP and Q! You may want to read what it takes to keep a Indictment sealed and what that means. You have zero proof that that even 10% of this is as you say because they are sealed! As I said "filled with nothing".

NPC's don't think for them self's, NPC's don't reason. Break your chains, free your mind, you can be better then this.

eronburr ago

Most indictments have been unsealed. We had a ton unsealed last week. It's been bashed that anyone pretending there's 60k people indicted is an idiot

Aaronkin ago

All talk and no links. Your credibility is on the line, defend it. I want to see proof of more then 30 thousand unsealed indictments. All of which have have been created during the last 24 months. Your the one who made the claim back it up with proof! Or are you just a NPC repeating what you have heard others say?

eronburr ago

All talk and no links. Your credibility is on the line, defend it. I want to see proof of more then 30 thousand unsealed indictments. All of which have have been created during the last 24 months. Your the one who made the claim back it up with proof! Or are you just a NPC repeating what you have heard others say?

Links? To what "unsealed indictments?" Did you even bother to look at my history and see the posts from about convictions that ALL INCLUDE "unsealed indictments"?

Here's a single, ONE SINGLE FUCKING PDF, with hundreds of unsealed indictments for cases involving investigations into marijuana trafficking, child porn, and money laundering are among the first 10-20 entries'.

Now go troll the following sites to read up on all the arrests and convictions that include 'unsealed indictments'.

Maybe you need help using google to do this for you.

When you got on the internet the first time , did you look up entertainment or information?

You useless, good for nothing, fucking NPC

Aaronkin ago

Thanks for tanking the time to post your evidence. You PROMISED most were unsealed, there has been well over 60,000 sealed in the last 2 years. I asked for 30,000 unsealed, you gave me " hundreds'". For more then a year Sealed Indictments have been increasing at a rate greater in quantity a month then any 12 months combined prior to Trump, BUT MOVE ALONG FOLKS NOTHING TO SEE HERE!

According to you these Sealed Indictments should all be ignored because some have been unsealed. OMG, the Justice Department has been still been doing it's job even though Trump is in office, ignore every thing Q has said, it's all lies.

You have failed to defend your credibility. You have failed to consider this from a rotational perspective. You have failed to use logic. I will give till tomorrow Jan 1 Noon to deliver proof of 30,00 unsealed indictments in the last 2 years! It's your credibility on the line not mine.

Now that's done until you get proof, I will give you a up vote for having the courage and commitment to post some reasonable content instead of just name calling and nothing burgers. Think for yourself don't just believe what others tell you. Your smart enough to be able to see past the lies. Your been played like a fish and you did not even know it.

eronburr ago

Thanks for tanking the time to post your evidence. You PROMISED most were unsealed, there has been well over 60,000 sealed in the last 2 years. I asked for 30,000 unsealed, you gave me " hundreds'". For more then a year Sealed Indictments have been increasing at a rate greater in quantity a month then any 12 months combined prior to Trump, BUT MOVE ALONG FOLKS NOTHING TO SEE HERE!

According to you these Sealed Indictments should all be ignored because some have been unsealed. OMG, the Justice Department has still been doing it's job even though Trump is in office, ignore every thing Q has said, it's all lies.

You have failed to defend your credibility. You have failed to consider this from a rotational perspective. You have failed to use logic. I will give till tomorrow Jan 1 Noon to deliver proof of 30,00 unsealed indictments in the last 2 years! It's your credibility on the line not mine.

Now that's done until you get proof, I will give you a up vote for having the courage and commitment to post some reasonable content instead of just name calling and nothing burgers. Think for yourself don't just believe what others tell you. Your smart enough to be able to see past the lies. Your being played like a fish and you did not even know it.

Thank you for outing yourself as a useless, good for nothing, NPC.

Kids and idiots want promises because, like I stated, they don't trust their own judgement and look for anything else to put their trust in.

I made it clear I'm not looking for all unsealed indictments for you. You're looking for proof of Y incitements sealed - X unsealed indictments since. I gave you one list with hundreds unsealed and they release those lists randomly. I've been reading them and not going back through them to 'give you something to believe'. You're too lazy to read and research yourself then explain to me why you're worth helping? I didn't help the stupid kids when I was in school and I'm not going to help them now that you're an adult.

You should flip to being a democrat. They're idiots looking for someone to follow and tell them what to thing. The rest of us have the wherewithal to keep up to date.

There's 2500 "q" drops, would you like someone to paraphrase them all for you, catalog which have come to fruition and which are pending? Would you like someone to hold your hand and go over the map so you can understand it?

I'd like to know what college you attended or what entitles you to so much hand holding? "I want 60k arrests by the end of the week or I'll kill myself", go ahead, thousands have been arrested in the past 2 years. 10k in human trafficking alone. They don't list the number of sealed indictments per person and the time to cross check them would take a team months. All to appease some little shit that wants to look cool and show his friends what he 'found' on the internet?

Fuck off kid. Ask your parents for a promise not to kick you out at 18, you're far from being self sufficient.

Aaronkin ago


eronburr ago


You're <12.

onesaltymotherfucker ago

going along with the implied metaphor (who is)= acting AG Matthew Whitaker, A.K.A. the hammer

Vibratron ago

If anyone has been wondering if Mueller and Rosenstein are secretly "white hats", it appears that Trump has settled that

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

Ok - what did i miss on Trump giving an indication if mueller or rosenstien are white or black hats? Thank you . . .

Vibratron ago

he tweeted the picture of them behind bars with the caption about treason

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

Got it - sorry too many years in Florid-ah - the great state of voter fraud - but CA is taking our place.

Uptosomething ago

Exactly! You noticed that too, heh?

Kirbyrambo ago


isalod_2298 ago

Good catch. People have been going back and forth over that, I think this is the indicator that both are as dirty as sewer rats.

nobilisbellum ago

No Brennan. I want that POS to hang umm.... I mean serve justice... almost as much as Killary and Obummer.

nobilisbellum ago

And Soros.... Rothschild.... I guess there was only so much room on the picture.

Kirbyrambo ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

So Q dropped

2504 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 29 Nov 2018 - 11:01:45 AM

A picture is worth many sentences.

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?

Think timing.

Think Senate lock.

Think SC lock.

Locked & (who is) Loaded.


Meanwhile completely by coincidence POTUS retweeted a picture (a statement?) of a large number of recognisable individuals LOCKED UP....

redtoe_skipper ago

O there is a double meaning. A picture is worth a 1000 words. Mostly we do not use words to tell the story about a picture. We use sentences.

Normally, in relation to crime, I would expect the word: conviction here. But that one also has a double meaning, in terms of what you really have come to be convinced about.

At any rate, it is a nice play on words, and the rest of the qdrop locks it's real intention:

A picture is worth many sentences.

Indeed. At least 61.000.

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)? The picture is a retweet by Potus. So, his statement is now surrounded by expectation. Although, I missed moral barf JB.

Think timing.

Ok, let's see what's in store in the coming 10 days of darkness....

Think Senate lock.

Check. 53 senators locked.

Think SC lock.

check: SC locked. and perhaps one or two extra on the way.

Locked & (who is) Loaded.

Eh ..... loaded language this one. Jeffry Epstein is loaded ... with money, influence. So is Potus. And Larry Silversteen. James Comey (6 million) Rothschilds, House of Saud. The queen of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France and some other 100 destination for holidays. Sark for instance. O, defender of the faith, head of the church of England, etc, etc. You get bored by all those titles.

Loaded = guns ready to shoot.

loaded = Whitaker ...

I go with the last one.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

I mentioned this as a question in a different posting about this: has anyone noticed the hand that looks like a gun in the lower right corner? It's pointed at bill clinton. I then asked whose hand is it? It's Loretta Lynch and if you notice, the Ls in Locked and Loaded are capitalized. Think about it. Looks like HRC is going to have a blue Christmas (hotel pic) without Bill? Maybe his cancer is now so bad he's going to discontinue his chemo? No Named? Just sayin'.

Edit: also, maybe we need to look carefully at what these people are doing in this pic. Hands up for instance? Just speculating here.

redtoe_skipper ago

Let's speculate:

1.Huma is green and yellow. Looks like she is seasick or something, about to barf.

  1. Hillarious going completely bonkers

  2. James Clapper: What the Fuck?

  3. James Comey: No way this is happening to me. I can't believe it.

  4. Rod Rosenstein: Pleading the fifth.

  5. Robert Mueller: I was about to say....

  6. Podesta: Calling his lawyer on an imaginary phone

  7. Huessein: note the lapel: Communist extraordinaire thinking: I really miss Michael's staff...

  8. Holder: oke, I yield, Oke, oke. stop fucking me in the ass.

  9. Slick Willy: I will arkancide myself before I talk.

  10. Loretta: They promised me a place on the bench. I got one all right, but I am orange clothed instead of black.

Uptosomething ago

Nice catch!

GreyhoundsAway ago

This is worth a look. Think of Q's posts, Graham's questions to Kavanaugh at his confirmation hearing, and connect the dots.

sfscubarob ago

It turned out that was to announce a sting operation that was going after prisoners in S Carolina who were baiting service members with lewd photos. Once the service member sent their own lewd photos back, they were extorted by the prisoners (posing as women) to the tune of around $500k. Can’t femeber the name of the operation, but the representation was due to the involve,met of both prisoners & servicemen.

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

I think there will be additional information forthcoming from the prisoner sting.

Vibratron ago

I don't think it's a "double" meaning ........ I think, like you think ---- he's talking about 20 years to Life ... or Life Sentences

Timaria0930 ago

That's what I thought, but then then I noticed the 2503 picture saying "We know" Does anyone know where the Christmas tree is located?

Jigsy17 ago

Hyatt Regency. Chongqing, China.

Uptosomething ago

FANTASTIC FIND! Is this the same province Q posted about Feinstein being there? Why is this province of China significant?

kathied7 ago

How did you find that? I did a Google image search & got junk replies.

Jigsy17 ago

From anonymous on 8Chan. Then went and checked it out. If you search chongqing on there’s a lot of posts about it. Some about auto industry, Clinton foundation (CHAI) pharmaceuticals, it is a port city although it is inland(on a river). There’s some posts about the ports regarding child trafficking. Also, Trump is negotiating the tariffs GM auto industry with Xi now. Lots of rabbit holes on this city.

Kirbyrambo ago

No kidding? How do you know?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago;aggregationId=101&albumid=101&filter=7&ff=152202515/

Must have been magic.. note the lamps and corridor towards the lift...

Kirbyrambo ago

Thanks Mate. just went to the site and the xmass tree pic is not there. They must have taken it down. Thoughts?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Sorry I didn’t explain fully. The Xmas tree is not there because the photo was just an out of season one by a guest. But you can see the same lamps, marble, square ceiling light etc...

Notbworked out the Christmas link, but possibly spa reference to a meeting held there at.. Christmas?

Kirbyrambo ago

Thanks. God bless you and the people of Great Britain. Hope you can get out of the EU

70times7 ago

0 arrests.

0 wall.

Censorship at an all time high.

38 billion to israel.

Bombed Assad.

Threatens Iran.

Still not ready to take the blinders off?

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

0 arrests...false. 0 wall...false. Censorship...needs to happen to expose those behind it. Bombed Assad...false, bombed C_A assets. Threatens Iran...why wouldn’t he? They’re still deep state.

You ready to stop lying yet? Every time I see your dumb ass you’re spreading lies and division. Go fuck yourself hater.

FreedBy45 ago

Well said!

basedmangod2015 ago

what arrests exactly?

70times7 ago

Really? Who did the Trump administration have arrested?

New wall was built? Where was this?

The left censoring everyone and everything "needs to happen"? Double speak much?

Oh, so Trump only bombed Assads airfields after the cia took them over? lol You believe that?

Why shouldnt Trump threaten a sovereign nation? You typed that with a straight face?

You q'ers fall deeper into delusion by the day.

angelCole ago

Bunches of fucking pedophiles or are you too dumb to read.

1scm ago

You obviously are not smart enough to connect dots. Go back to your video game and read all about it later.

70times7 ago

Who did the Trump administration have arrested?

angelCole ago

1000's of pedophiles.

70times7 ago

The Trump admin has arrested thousands of pedos?


0 politicians. 0 ngo personal. 0 foreign nationals. 0 current or past .gov employees.

Q'ers need to wear helmets.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Maybe one day you and @are_we_sure can shill each other to death, because you both suck equally.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Fuck you. You’re a piece of shit liar who does nothing but start trouble, and anyone who’s been on voat for more than 10 mins knows it. Fuck off.

hangry ago

Typical Qtard reply. Won't answer the questions, but attacks the person @70times7.

basedmangod2015 ago

still zero arrests. also why the fuck is AOC in this picture, like she doesn't have anything to do with Benghazi, pizzagate, phone tapping none of it. the only thing she has in common with anyone else in that picture is she makes every one of you "forwardsfromgranpa" pushing retards foam at the mouth everytime her name gets mentioned. you guys are just a different breed of sheep.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

AOC? That’s Huma you uninformed idiot. Go eat your wheaties and let the adults handle this.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Think he means Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Red lipstick... vacant expression...

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago









70times7 ago

Aww. Thats not very nice.

You have something on your nose mate.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Bye shill. Enjoy sucking 🖕

70times7 ago

A "shill" who asked you a few elementary level questions you couldnt answer?

Reddit sure isnt sending their best.

You need to go back.

white_eagle ago

I can't think of any...but then again, I'm not part of the MSM.