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PasswordForgetter ago

Not only did we have Japanese ciphers but we gave them false intel that our fleet was ready to move on them.

Our Navy would have had trouble making it to Japan much less operating in the South Pacific, and we knew it had to be replaced.

Those sailors were sacrificed not only for the optics of getting into the war, but to allow us to build a new fleet.

grace8 ago

Do you, and everyone reading this, think that our history will be rewritten to acknowledge the truth of these things?Its horrible to be sure but how else do we make sure this never happens again.

slowburn ago

Every anon who archives offline is doing just that, rewriting our history. The past cannot be changed as far as what we were taught, but the present can when we tell our children the truth and don't depend on schools to teach them every thing. Schools teach, parents give truth.

24zshow ago

yes according to Q

Hand_of_Node ago

Not only is it going to continue, it's going to become worse than most can imagine. Just look at the technology trend-lines. The pressure-relief of "underground sites" and groups will probably continue, but what does it matter when most humans are as easily controlled as livestock on a farm?

PasswordForgetter ago

There is a separate history, archives upon archives. It exists. There is the 'public' truth, there is the 'Vatican's' truth, there is 'God's' truth, and there are carbon chain storage devices in space.

If you are into the truth of human history on this planet and like puzzles,

There are shorter versions but this shit will blow your mind.

LadyMisfortune ago

Dee and Shakespeare were queens spies