kalchaya ago




Hardly anyone on any of these, and poal seems very receptive to QAnon. Check them out. Do a test drive. Proof is in the puddin'.

Gyvate ago


Shizy ago

member for 8 days

WanderingTaurus ago

What the heck are you going on about and why? Zero proof just feelings.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Member for 8 days

beef13 ago

Right. I can’t possibly have ever, ever read voat prior to 8 days ago. Completely impossible. And I couldn’t possibly have ever had another account before. Nope. You guys don’t have any alt accounts at all. None of you ;)

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You've been here since whoaverse and you've personally given handjobs to Atko, rite?

SearchVoatBot ago

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ExpertShitposter ago

I agree niggerfaggot. You baby boomers scum do need a new reddit, where you can show your leftist face and ruin some more things.

P.S, average voat user is Gen X. A.k.a 30yo boomer.

5940218 ago

Wherever you go, the shills will follow (it's their job). Get used to it.

OsoCovfefe ago

So go wander the desert and find/make us a new home fella or fellette. No one, not a single Q supporter is hindering you, DO IT!

Still gonna be a long haul, we're just now ling up at the Start Gate, gonna be a while yet before it gets any better.

This place is like china in a way, no one cares about your whining or feels, scream as loud as you like, it doesn't bother us.

I want to add, 'soon now' but it won't be that soon really.


SchlongKeyhote ago

try to convert us to their very misguided cause.

did you see the election breakdown, dumb boomer FAGGOT?

white men are the only group who voted for your precious republican party.

we want exclusively white men to rule America

why don't you save us the pillow and just off yourself now, you old bitch?

ExpertShitposter ago

No no, they will red pill 150 million niggers. Just show them the Clitnon emails, and podesta pedo parties, surely they will voat to be relived of free gibsmedat.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Don't forget the infamous tarmac meeting as a lot of normies took notice of that during the 2016 presidential election before MSM became the mockingbird propaganda tool to democrat socialists hell-bent on trying to destroy our country.

UberAngler ago

Maybe it’s that some people are becoming skeptical because nothing is happening. Literally nothing. The commies just stole the election and people really think that’s part of some plan. This is a war and the commies are winning because they’re out in the streets and Q followers are behind their keyboards. So if you’re gonna go somewhere other than VOAT, get off your ass and hit the streets.

pakprotector ago

This is why Q can’t have anything nice... nut up buttercup.

gabara ago

Millenials? LOL! No, we're Generation X.

ExpertShitposter ago

No, we're gen y. I take insult to "millennial" it sounds lame.

AEndtoThemForever ago

Nah. Im gen x. The 'take it on faith' magical thinking mind control bullshit didnt really take with us

gabara ago

You maybe, but I had Pong and an Atari 2600

MissleCopterStoped ago

Same here!

I hated the Pong system because the sound came from the console itself and not the TV and the volume could not be adjusted.

In other words, I couldn't play the damn thing when my parents were asleep and stuffing a pillow over the speaker to muffle it just did not work.

Who knew that the makers of Pitfall (Activision) for the 2600 would be here today still producing games?

Did you have a Coleco video game console too? I did and My favorite game was Zaxxon.

gabara ago

I had an uphill battle convincing them to let me connect it to the TV the first time. Had it for a good week before they went for it. My parents were born in the 30's. They were convinced the picture would stay that way.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I think that must of been something of an urban legend because I same issue with my grand parents too.

gabara ago

Confirmed. They stated they were "told" that would happen by "people at work". Also there were "memes" before the Internet. As late as the 90's I would come accross off colour jokes that had been photocopied over and over again.

zyklon_b ago


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Q = 1990


SBBH > 1990

zyklon_b ago


#me too

Fighting26 ago

There will be Shills no matter where you go. Don't understand your thinking. Just deal with it or stop reading comments.

whiteboard ago

"[T]aking over press conferences" as Jim Acosta does, is precisely one of the things you can do with Free Speech.

Free Speech allows people to be rude, and attempt to "sabotage and manipulate".

Lesson over.

MissleCopterStoped ago

@Acosta was trying to debate Trump (using the word challenge) and inserted his opinions, whereas he is supposed to ask tough questions for the President and listen to his answers with possible a follow-up question(s).

@Acosta proved he was just a beta bitch by sitting down especially when alpha male Trump stepped away from the podium and headed in Jim’s direction. That was effing hilarous and justifies microwaving a bag of popcorn for the press conference in itself.

By the way we may have freedom of speech, but we don't freedom of consequences as a result of it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Sure, free speech gives him the right to do that.

Free speech also gives the rest of us the right to call him a giant douchebag faggot who deserves a short drop and a sudden stop.

whiteboard ago

The Deep State runs America, will you leave the US too?

SearchVoatBot ago

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MissleCopterStoped ago

Nice try on the consensus cracking attempt. Fuck off faggot.

pby1000 ago

You want a place where you can censor and ban people. You also want an echo chamber. You think that people who disagree with you are shills. Why don't you address people's concerns about how things are progressing?

Everything was supposed to be revealed last July, and 11-11 was a dud. These are hard facts. Deal with it.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Based off your excellent comment, I wonder if one of those u/theawakening faggot mods are behind this.

Wobblegong ago

muhlenialls ruin everything. Quit crying and act like an adult that you’re supposed to be. I’m an older millennial and to be honest most boomer post are for attention. Like this post it provides nothing useful related to Q. It’s just you crying because you don’t understand the internet or the context in which people talk on here. That’s the one thing I’ve noticed about boomers they always put their feelings above others sort of selfish honestly. Anyway I support Q. I like most of you boomers your memes are terrible but you’re trying and I appreciate that.

Headwest127 ago

Don't be pussy. It's easy to recognize the shills and trolls after you've been here for a while. It's one of the reasons I don't like the 'other' Q sub. Without names to track, it's easier for the shills to blend in.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

It's easy to recognize the shills and trolls after you've been here for a while

Member for 2 months

Headwest127 ago

And yet, its still easy to recognize. Do you have a point?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Yeah - that you're a faggot.

MDS0341 ago

You have been on here for 7 days but you try to push people out......

hangry ago

Coordinated? ha you think too much of yourself. Good riddance.

pwdwp ago

I hope you understand that your comment could be interpreted like a comment from a shill trying to break or misguide the movement.

In a war there will be attacks. Running away is not always the good move.

stationJO ago

Or stop being such a nigger faggot kike. Ever think of that?

Black_Lithium ago

Grow a pair and deal with it, there are plenty of places you can go, why discourage the people here. Stand and fight !

finessa ago

8chan is also full of shills and saboteurs trying to confuse and break up the movement. People need to be trained to recognize what is going on; we are on a digital battlefield with enemies doing whatever they can to stop us. Don't let them.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

try 8chan.

motorcycledog ago

I’m an 8chan newbie. Can you point me in the right direction? I can’t seem to find the right postings to keep up to date there. I try to get as much info as I can but I get confused 🤷🏻‍♂️. Thanks

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well well well, what do we have here? Looks like another sleeper account has just been activated.

motorcycledog ago

Seriously? I’ve been a Q follower since I first saw him/her/them on Reddit. I’m trying to do more research but I’m an 8chan idiot. I asked for help from a community with more knowledge than I have and what do I get? A snarky put down! I realize shills are out there but also many like myself trying to learn more. So thanks for nothing, I’m ashamed to say that too many on the Q train are now too good to help others. The movement will not prosper with attitudes like yours and I thought we were all trying to work together for the good of the nation.

MissleCopterStoped ago

One more thing:

How the fuck were you following Q if you werent here and do not know how to navigate 8 chan?

This is a comment from you about a year ago:

No links, I'm on my phone and am thinking that Google may be your friend.

Stop with the feigning ignorance crap...

motorcycledog ago

At the time I was able to follow posted links. There are so many Q related sections now that I don’t know which to follow. I’m rarely on 8chan so it’s easy for me to get lost.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Here you go, a link to YT 8 chan tutorial videos.


You’re welcome.

motorcycledog ago

Thank you

MissleCopterStoped ago

My apologies in the beginning, we have a lot of old accounts to seem to wake up only to stir the shit in the cauldron.

pby1000 ago

Yeah! Try 8chan. They will understand your concerns there.

Suzo ago

Q says 8chan in the end. Lots of tits and ass in there for some.