Euli ago

At Mar 10/2018 Q said: "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." "This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)" Q said in Aug 14

Morbo ago

This is why you Qtards get treated the way you do here on Voat. You could be doing research in the real world that is actually relevant to the actual state of the world but instead you spend your time coming up with the most incredible connections and links you can. I used to take this Q stuff more seriously before the Rettardit crowd showed up. The GA sub on Voat was actually pretty relevant and reasonable with realistic research and plausible theories. When the Qtarddits got banned and instructed to come here, the whole thing turned into wild speculation on aliens, DEWs, links to Tesla inventions and now fictional Star Trek characters. You're making a joke out of your very own movement. You're doing more damage than any shill ever could. Why do you let your own people destroy your cause with things like this?

WeAreUnited ago

Seems like lots of these 'anons' have not seen a proper close encounters thread on 8chan. - I'm with you OP. Anything is possible now. Unlearning what we've been taught...anything is possible

popcorn_time ago

I've always dreamt of being able to fly... Until grade 4.

What happened? I grew up

LurkMaster ago

LOL, put down the joint my friend, time for a break....

1southrising ago

Q in Star Trek Next Generation is part of the “Q Continuum.” They are god-like ancient keepers of the universe type intelligent essence that manifest themselves to the Enterprise crew in human form and one part of the Continuum in particular enjoys interacting with the Enterprise crew usually for recreation —- AND IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL.

Now if some guy used this fictitious character as a name for himself as he posts on chans, whether he be the inner circle of Trump, a LARP or other, is yet to be completely known or understood. However, without the mystery the interest will dwindle.

antiworldorder2 ago


Euli ago

REALiTY is far more what you probably understand as REAL. We are just at the beginning to understand the big picture. E.g. the huge cosmic reality is not allowed to become part of the common consciousness.

"This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)" Q said in Aug 14

And: At Mar 10/2018 Q said: "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."

lethak ago

I personally believe, that Q is a very special divine essence with hyper intelligence - who is directly connected to the 2nd Coming of Christ.

I know you don't care, but Q is not a prophet.