YugeDick ago

Well I'll be damned. Another day and nothing happened.

PacaGoat ago

Whatever L is in the kill box. Could be Lynch but she has been singing.

srayzie ago

Are you wanting us to see something specifically? I was hoping DECAS was one of the code names lol

srayzie ago

I’ve been away. What have I missed? I updated with this link...

Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential attorney general picks

I knew Gowdy wasn’t done!

YugeDick ago


Bet me.

srayzie ago

I can’t because still laughing at your username 😂

Bee4Q ago


srayzie ago


YugeDick ago

Hover over it. It gets better.

srayzie ago

😮 Do you mean with my mouse? 🤔

YugeDick ago

If that's what you wanna call it.

srayzie ago


Timaria0930 ago

Hover your mouse over the [L].

Trizzle1 ago

Good eye. It works. I must go back and mouse over everything! Thanks.

Timaria0930 ago

YHVH, for the most part allows me to stumble nicely through life.

WanderingTaurus ago

Probably not considering 4 day weekend due to holiday.

42641 ago

The trolls are out in force on this post. @srayzie Looks like you hit a nerve.

srayzie ago

Omg I know! The shills are nervous. Hoping to God nothing big happens soon to make us Q Tards. Elebrate! Geezzz

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Agreed. Must be onto something...nearing or over a target.

Jdtaylormm ago

Q drops

Nov 11 2018

2488Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.462  Nov 11 2018 15:48:17 (EST)

https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/ratcliffe-gowdy-join-list-potential-attorney-general-picks-n934616 Q

2487Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.461  Nov 11 2018 14:41:55 (EST)

[Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub]

2486Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.460  Nov 11 2018 14:41:25 (EST)

[Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub]

2485Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.459  Nov 11 2018 14:40:57 (EST)

[Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] [Placeholder - Foreign Acts_pub]

2484Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.458  Nov 11 2018 14:40:15 (EST)

[Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] [Placeholder - Leak(s)]

2483Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.457  Nov 11 2018 14:39:52 (EST)

[Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] [Placeholder - SC rulings re: USA v Def appeals]

2482Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.456  Nov 11 2018 14:39:32 (EST)

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

2481Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.455  Nov 11 2018 14:39:14 (EST)

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

singlebrain1 ago

placeholder motion, legal term. Holding for future motion to indict?

SpiritualWarrior ago

California is a big state. Can you narrow it down some? I have friends I can contact, but you're not giving me anything to work with.

42641 ago

This is what I was curious about! I'm thinking its some kind of timeline. It looks like this could take a while but it'll be worth the wait. Will you make a post about this on the main page? I was going to but you're first here.

Jdtaylormm ago

Go ahead and post. I think there are a couple post up already

Patnar_doozy ago


It's getting impossible to satirize Qtards. No matter how ridiculously you try to portray their extrapolation, logical leaps, and cherry-picking, they happily set the bar higher in a matter of days.

Never change, boomers. Never change.

1Mystere ago

It’s not impossible, you’re just not any good at it.

Brilliant-Hope-91 ago

L=12 could also mean the month of December, either all of the month or sometime during the month. That's a lot of info to go through, especially in light of the fact that all news networks are watching recounts, reversing concession speeches, fires in CA, etc... with that being said, should declass be done on 11/12 to keep it under the radar?

singlebrain1 ago

That would explain the placeholder posts. Holding for motions to indict I suspect.

Psalm144-1 ago

This is just getting ridiculous...

TheQPhenomenon ago

Reminder that tomorrow, Nov 12, is a federal holiday. (courts closed.)......???

whohat ago

Today and Tomorrow are great days to server Warrants.. Courts closed no Preliminary hearings so perps in jail for those 2 days :-)

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Heh heh. Good point.

1scm ago

L in kill box seems to refer to Lynn de Rothschild. Refer to previous Q post with 3 separate kill boxes spelling initials LDR. Also remember the failed chopper extraction at R estate in UK.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I remember the plane crashing into the helicopter, who was trying to extract who that day?

1scm ago

White Hats in helicopter were compromised and crashed at target (R estate).

MissleCopterStoped ago


SueRitz5 ago

OH please yes!

oldlady ago

I hope so. Time to getter done. Thank you President Trump.

BurqaFart ago

When goats go retarded. Yeah, L=12 so look for the FISA DECLAS tomorrow. That's exactly what it means.

Locknltx ago

Q originally posted D-Day....D=Declass??

singlebrain1 ago

Invasion, landing of troops. The Battle for Justice will begin.

LongBeachPatriot ago

There’s a few different FISA ‘DECAS’ Q could be referencing. Could Q be referencing DECLAS of Russia probe (which is imminent)... or FISAs Trump ran against Dims more recently. Could there have been umbrella surveillance on the D/Election Officials? Is this a solid sting op with hard evidence? Is it more widespread in many States?

singlebrain1 ago

AngelofDeath posted:This is an acronym for "Data Element Collection Analysis and Standardization System"


srayzie ago

Oh gosh. What does that mean?

singlebrain1 ago

voting machines. I should have mentioned that, my bad.

srayzie ago

Oh! Makes sense with what’s happening.

Anonymouse_cheese ago


singlebrain1 ago

Multiple meanings, Qcourse

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Ahhh! Good point!

MuckeyDuck ago

If [L] appears in other Q post (150), will it mean same thing or different? is the meaning contextual?

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol this is hilarious

redtoe_skipper ago

Allow me to go into some of the points you raised:

How does q make your daughter not an entitled slut?

Q has nothing to do with that. You on the other hand, a lot. First, you claim her to be your daughter. If so, you put your trousersnake in a place to make that happen. Additionally, it is incumbent on you to instil some eh ... liberty tendencies (=government is in place to secure liberty) during her upbringing. And, by example, to show it to be the better philosophical road.

So, if you have any questions regarding the end product you are considering as your daughter, think mirror. ;-)

How does q fix the opiate crisis?

One person at a time. The dependency on opiates, both in terms of illegal and legal drugs, is fostered by the idea that orthodox medication is the way to go. So, it again, ties in to your first question and the rebuttal I provided.

This brings us to your first challenge.

how does q trust the plan method get muslims the fuck out of white America?

Point number one: what do you, or what have you instilled in your daughter as a basic consideration on who to chose for a mate? A person who professes to believe in everything is given by God to Mo, the apostle, and his faithful underlings? Does she understand the difference between a second amendment supporter for what it is meant to achieve, and those who support it for more nefarious reasons? Who do you hire? Where do you buy your stuff? What influence do you have on what your child is being taught at school? Home scholing? Second: Trust the plan does not mean, sit down and watch the show only. It means, you know the outlines to give you an outlook, to give you a fighting chance, to show you, you are not alone, that there are millions out there to connect with both domestically and internationally. Continue with your life as a patriot, and do your share in your life. The next point:

You retards, the country is being stolen.

No, my friend. The country IS already stolen. What you are watching is a last ditch effort to refrain the criminals to get away with it without invoking a full scale civil war, because the latter would definitely burn down the house to the ground with tremendous suffering in it's wake.

Another point:

do nothing

If you are a bible reader, you might want to consider the fact you do trust Gods plan, right? Would you say: do nothing, is the prerogative, here? If not, why not? And how does your answer reflect on the current state of affairs?

If you are not a bible reader, what does Natural Law mean when it concerns morality?

Personally, I see no difference in effect, whether departing from the view of an anthropomorphised God or not. Recognition of the fact we are nature, part of nature and therefore subject to the Law of Nature, means that certain things are what they are: self evident. Acting in harmony with the Laws of Nature then should follow.

The final point:

Imagine Thomas Jefferson talking about random codes he was reading in the newspaper that spelled out (((trust the plan)))

When I have to imagine such an image, I would tend to imagine him being part of the group that communicates directly to the patriots in this way as the originator. Yet, fact of the matter is, he was in the thick of guiding the revolution. Yet, as president, he of all people, made some interesting mistakes, that defy a logical progression of the philosophical views he espoused.

What do you learn from that?

1Mystere ago

“Wake up you retards,the country is being stolen” Fair enough Snake. So what’s your plan?

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Feel free to leave. Don't let the door hit ya!

1scm ago

Yes boy, you obviously cannot connect dots yet.

oldlady ago

Well Mr. Trouser Snake ask yourself why. Why the hell are you doing here with your negative thoughts? You think enough of this site to read the latest.

Trousersnake1488 ago

... because I've been on this site for years not having to deal with you retards clogging it up and so now I'm addressing it.

You are like children in your mindset, always hoping someone else will fix the problems.

Negative thoughts are bad and make me feel bad and bad feelings are not good....

Why not address my questions or points, you stupid old blinded fuck?

PoundSign_999 ago

I wade into the morass to answer:

You're making an assumption that Q followers are being culled into inactiondue to the "trust ___" directives from Q.but yet I don't see any vigilantism from anyone on the Right, so to say Q followers are being lied to so they'll not take matters into thror own hands is disingenuine.

The Right is low to act because they understand that as soon as they do, we'll be in hot civil war.

I believe it is prudent for those on the Right to wait and see if Trump can restore law and order. Because that's all there is, really. If engage in a civil war then we're basically in a state of anarchy. Sounds like fun, but most conservatives want law.

So we wait to see if Trump can pull it off. We don't really have a choice... until it becomes apparant that the rule of law is dead.

singlebrain1 ago

Great summary. I am waiting for Trump to act but I am nervous as hell.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I agree with you. Thanks

FindingTruth ago

Half of the upper levels of the FBI have been removed, major parts of the DOJ, then entire 7th floor almost of SES, added SC Judges and many other circuit court judges, we have thousands of sealed indictments that Q JUST said will be unsealed! https://qmap.pub/read/2478 LOL, what the hell do you expect?

Trousersnake1488 ago

Then why is the country turning poop colored?

Or are you a faggot and think race has nothi ng to do with it

FindingTruth ago

Step out of the closet already. You‘ll feel better.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 snort!

Trousersnake1488 ago

... ah yes, the classic. You're in a basement, argument. Npc response number 375, I see.

How come you faggots never answer my questions?

Here, this is what actual Americans look like and the video explains why.


Get back to me when you pass basic biology, you communist retard

Anonymouse_cheese ago

What exactly is your question? I'm sure if you look around it's been answered plenty of times. Can't imagine what question you could possibly have that hasn't already been addressed numerous times. You're not that deep a thinker.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Is America still America if it's not white?

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Like I said, the question's been answered numerous times. You are not a deep thinker. Find a door out and don't let it hit ya! What a stupid question.

Trousersnake1488 ago

.... lol

Cuckservative faggot. Whites created america for whites only. But in sure I'm just a racist lol. Retard

I will say, you're npc response of "I refuse to answer your question while i highlight how you dont have a question" is some pretty leftist faggot tactics ya got.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Really? And how did you create the montains and the valleys? How did you create the five Great Lakes and the Louisiana Bijou? How did you make the grass grow on the plains and the snow to fall on the mountains? How did you set the foundations of the land and draw the path of the Mighty Mississippi? You are not powerful enough to create a clean thought, how can you possibly have created an entire country? And as a matter of record...the white man was not the first to make a home in these lands. You created nothing. God created this land and God is wanting to form this nation. Good vs. evil. Your hubris will bring you down.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Oh.. you're not white... stop appropriating my culture then, shitskin savage. You're grasp on English is so weak that you think I was literally talking about America.. go back to building mud huts retard

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Wrong again.

Trousersnake1488 ago

So you're a white who thinks America shouldn't be white.

Also, you're annoying

Anonymouse_cheese ago

And you're an idiot who thinks everyone should be an idiot. You are beyond annoying.

Trousersnake1488 ago

All you've done is describe geography, tell me to leave, and say I'm dumb. Is that correct?

sfscubarob ago

Wow. It’s almost like Mr Trouser Snake is trying to put the biggest troll/shill red flag on his profile possible.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Evidence for your statement, or are you just being a faggot.

Are you trying to tell me evolution isnt real, natural selection doesnt happen, genetics arent real, and that all are equal? What's your level of education on biology or anatomy?


Wtf are you talking about mate?

No one brought up evolution and shit except you.

Either you're not making any sense or you're a bot. Just had to throw that out there.

Trousersnake1488 ago

You think niggers are equal.. evolution says they're not


I think all men are CREATED equal. And clearly, I don't buy into the THEORY of evolution.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Then you are ignorant or retarded. Evolution plays right into Gods plan. The more deeply I understand natural selection the more deeply I believe on His Truth.

You misquote that line and its meaning. Do you do this on purpose or do you not understand the document. All men are created equal is in contrast to the idea of monarchs having divine rule over other. Obviously all men are not created equal, some are tall some are short, some are white, some are black...

If you want to add divinity too the underlying message, then sure, all men are created equal (in the eyes of God) but that is a religious interpretation and therefore the kingdom of heaven is within those individuals. It is not a declaration of people are equal to people.. what are you, a communist?

NotTheMeanest ago

Fuck off moron. You are a conditioned slave. Evolution is a pile of steaming dogshit, get a brain cell.


Evolution is a theory. It is not fact. If you honestly believe we came from monkeys, then you're walking in faith in a bunch of "experts" and their THEORIES. Why doesn't the bible mention evolution if it's a part of God's plan?

I believe that all men are equal insofar as we are all children of God, and made in His Image. God loves all of us and wishes that none of us would perish...but He gives us the choice.

The reality is that man was never made to live for himself, he was made for God's Glory and divine nature and unrelenting Love.

Jesus said to love your enemies. I think that means you're supposed to love everyone. If I'm supposed to love like Jesus loved us, then that doesn't leave much room for bigotry or prejudice.

Trousersnake1488 ago

That's because you lack understanding of the mechanisms within natural selection.

Do you know what positive christianity is?


Um...a mix of Nazi racial purity ideals & some elements of Christianity. Sorry but the Nazis were most definitely satanic and demonic.

Have fun with all that, but I follow the teachings of Jesus, not Nazis.

Hard pass...

Mittermeyer ago

Don't you know you have to trust (((others))) to fix the problem for you instead of going out to fix it yourself?

Jigsy17 ago

DECLAS-L is 44-12=32 which is the same as 322=32. Skull&Bones?

srayzie ago

Where did you get 44?

Jigsy17 ago

4+5+3+12+1+19 (D+E+C+L+A+S)

srayzie ago


What am I missing? Where are those numbers? 🤔

singlebrain1 ago

I was wondering just that. Could be December.

JGamble ago

Why do you think December? :)

sunsettruthseeker17 ago

[L]=12 12th Month December

Fighting26 ago

I just posted that same thought on another board. I am hoping we are correct!!!

srayzie ago

Me too!

Qdini ago

Yep. But I bet indictments begin to be unsealed today.........Anyone seen or heard from Skippy Podesta today? I bet he'll be near the top of the list.

hangry ago

Nice, now it's not the 11th, it might be the 12th, or maybe the 13th, or ...... kek

auralsects ago

Does a unicorn fart gold dust? YES you silly cunt!

Lauraingalls ago

How would anyone know? We aren't Q. Guessing is what causes doubt then people become impatient.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Have to agree with srayzie on this one.

Lauraingalls ago

I don't guess, so go for it.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

You don't try to figure out what Q means? Even the best decodes are guesses until future proves past. Well, except maybe for SB2. :) I guess but I don't hold to my guesses too seriously. If I don't try I'll never catch onto Q comms.

Lauraingalls ago

I read what people's theories are, of course, but the BOTTOM LINE is they don't know any more than me, so I take it with a grain of salt. Things will happen when they happen, and the articles Q gives us to read, and what President Trump says, prove things are happening, but I have patience, and I see things are happening,, I've seen people's theories fall apart.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

This is true and I agree. I take theories with a grain of salt. But does that mean we shouldn't talk about it? We shouldn't theorize because someone might cling too tightly and be disappointed? Freedom of speech is often very messy but we have to practice it none-the-less or we will lose it. Being intimidated from speaking is how we got into this mess in the first place. We allowed ourselves to be cowed by "political correctness." We gave up our right to speak out of fear we might hurt someone's feelings while simultaneously letting them insult and offend us. If we don't practice discourse and learn how to walk away if necesary then we lose again. It doesn't matter how we look to those outside the movement who have no desire to understand it. We be kind to newbies and we call out the shills, clowns, and detractors. But if we stop our discourse and sit quietly on the sidelines we will lose. So I encourage you to speak up about what you think even if you continue to think we shouldn't speculate. :) Use your voice even if others don't agree. We can agree sometimes and disagree sometimes but still remain allies and fellow patriots. :) Speak on, Patriot!

Lauraingalls ago

I do USE MY VOICE. believe me, and I'm not politically correct, I say what needs to be said. I guess you didn't see the post when Q was silent, where someone said Q wasn't coming back because he used some kind of secret code that meant CHANDEAD and I pretty much told that person off, because it was a bunch of nonsense. I speak when I need to, but I don't like STUPID theories. I read Q and President Trump, and I have my own thoughts and theories, and read everything else and make up my own mind,

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Ok, sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just saying the messy and stupid is all part of it and to encourage to keep on talking. Sorry. :(

Lauraingalls ago

I wasn't upset. Thanks for caring. Didn't mean to sound upset. Messy and stupid is right though.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Oh good. I do like conversing with you. We share many perspectives. Glad we're good. :)

Lauraingalls ago

Yes. Thanks.

AnonC ago

Imagine the DS discussion board on Q, they're trying to decode as well. Imagine the mind fuckery over on that side. DS & Cabal playbook is easy, be evil, lie and project and lie so more.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Lol! That's true!

Lauraingalls ago

I know, they are EVIL. Lies come from the Father of Lies, SATAN. They KNOW SATAN.

JGamble ago

That would make a glorious screen play. I'm thinking along the lines of South Park Team America, but using the DS internet board and show them freaking out, after every q post. :)

srayzie ago

No. But we are allowed to discuss our thoughts. It’s a discussion board!

patrat102 ago


Scablifter ago

This is the nature of important disussions, people get upset, it can't be helped.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Agreed. Welcome back to free speech where you are required to learn and think and grow! Also where you have an open mind but also practice discernment for what you let into that open mind. It's called growing up and becoming wiser. It can only happen through practice and like all things where the young are involved, it can sometimes get messy.

Lauraingalls ago

That's TRUE but then people speculate and get it wrong, then get mad.

srayzie ago

That’s on them tho.

Psalm144-1 ago

Yes, people DO get mad. Because it has been 2 years and we still not seen any perp walk. People are mad for GOOD REASON. WHERE.IS.THE.JUSTICE?

Lauraingalls ago

That's why it's NOT good to guess. Things take time.

JGamble ago

also true...lol (the duality of life, no getting around that) I read your comment then thought about being a parent and giggled out loud.

Lauraingalls ago

Great! LOL.

patrat102 ago

Q posts so we can decode---sometimes that means throwing ideas out and brain storming, Nothing wrong with that.

Lauraingalls ago

No, ONLY it gives the SHILLS and TROLLS AMMO, and boy do they use it. Don't miss a TRICK.

JackPosobiec1 ago

I bet the hrc video and Obama Ak47 pic will come out tommorrow. At that point, martial law will be declared and mass arrests will occur followed by the military parade Q promised. Q is for suckers

DawnPendraig ago

Username fits. Having a fun LARP? Gonna be Dr. Gorka next?

Anonymouse_cheese ago

You are a sucker...and everyone here knows just what kind of sucker you are so I don't even have to say it.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Q said martial law🤣🤣🤣

Anonymouse_cheese ago

You really are an ass. Evertime you make a sound the are gets stinkier. You might want to head for the loo. And don't let the door hit you either!

Lauraingalls ago

Tomorrow is a FEDERAL HOLIDAY.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Well I guess the declass won’t be happening then.

Look at this thread: L is missing. L = 12? Therefore the declass is happening on 11/12. Do you see how rediculous you sound??? I’m sure the deep state is totally confused but 8chan is in top of it🤣

Lauraingalls ago


RobWilJas ago

Much more likely Loretta Lynch could be in for a bad day.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

That was my first thought too.

HJ-Oih96_uxmK9 ago

I was thinking Lynn de Rothshild maybe. See drop 150

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing. Q

link to 150: https://qmap.pub/read/150

Anonymouse_cheese ago

That would be even better but I think they're working their way up, taking out the lower supports so they can see the pain coming and not bd able to stop it. Time will tell.

MrMysterious ago

Don't think there is enough there to go with LdR even tho the even with the helicopter/plane crash is basically the most overwhelming Q proof.