AusPatriot2018 ago

Really funny to see the band Muse listed further down that Bing list.

I am an avid listener of Muse and would have to say they are one of the most red-pilled and switched on bands I have ever heard. I am actually very surprised to hear some of the songs they sing about, given the media domination by the Cabal.

Funnily enough their latest album, aptly named "Simulation Theory" only dropped a couple of days ago.

I can dig up some of the lyric references if anyones interested.

Take care all, stop worrying about progress and ignore the shills, and TRUST THE PLAN.

Really_Cool_Dude ago

I really hope we can make remember the names of these journalist after q is revealed to be is legit.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Why would we not be suspicious of a writer called....


Lauraingalls ago

He has GOT to be related in some way. What nerve to be so cruel to Q. He should look at his CRAZY FAMILY. Got to be connected somehow.

babywayne ago

AFAIK, that Daily Dot article is the first one to link to this board in it's hit piece (didn't read the others so not sure). So, get ready for hit pieces on us. If they get wind of QRV and see the anti-semitism there, it's going to get rough.

wokie ago

Both this sub and QRV cleared up a lot since Qtards can, by now downvote and bury resident shills and sliders or are removed by moderators. Ex redditors here are trained survivors, LOL.

derram ago :

Jeff Sessions, the 2018 Midterms, and the Continued Grift of QAnon

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