JBtruthteller ago

I have seen the video a few times of the shooting and there are only shots and it's missing screams and people. You see flashes and you hear shots but I don't see any movement of people or hear any screaming. Is that plausible?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Amazing how the dems always seems to find misplaced or lost votes..

CalAnon805 ago

The hills around Thousand Oaks are on fire right now. 4 airplane and at least two firefighter helicopters have been battling for about 2 hours. Freeway exits are still shut down from shooting. Emergency alerts have gone off.

srayzie ago

Omg. Are they needing money? Remember Q said why the past California fire started?

CalAnon805 ago

Filling COFFERS for sanctuary by burning conservative areas would be a hang 'em high offense in my book!

srayzie ago


RockmanRaiden ago

Good find!

MuckeyDuck ago

Imagine how many would have been killed in the bar if they were allowed to conceal carry (sarc)

Odius1 ago

Q watch California.

TNLunatick ago

Any way to find out which ER these people were taken to?

HuFlungDung ago

Always a Blue Snowflake state

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

IT'S HAPPENING RED ALERT WARNING: Major happenings are being planned and organized now. Over the next few months, these locations need to be vigilantly monitored for suspicious activity. All incidents, however minor they may seem, are important. They may be the leads up to The Final Happening


Rochester Hills Clarkston Lake Orion Oxford Brighton Independence Township East Lansing Howell Lansing Mason Okemos Haslett

Virginian Cities:

Richmond Charlottesville Manassas Fredericksburg Virginian Counties: Orange Culpeper Goochland Louisa Nottoway Amelia Powhatan

We are at critical mass. The coup against the country is set and is almost ready to be launched. Don't get apathetic; it's more important than ever we stay on point with all eyes open.

HereComesTheSunny ago

Did you see the footage of the female neighbor who got a phone call from her daughter about daughter's friend trapped in restroom there? Definitely seemed very scripted! Towards the end, she kept putting her finger up to an earpiece or something. Of course, she probably would wear one for the interview, but it sounded to me as if she were being told in real time what to say and was haltingly repeating it.

srayzie ago

No. I didn’t see that one. It seems like False flags always have tons of videos made.

MissleCopterStoped ago

So 13 people died and it happened at Borderline Bar and Grill.

Nothing to see here folks!

Holcosu ago

This just does not feel right. For someone that has survived multiple shooting events he is calm and well spoken. Why was he wearing gloves?

heroinwinsagain ago

i told you fucks, in a friendly way, these are fucking hoaxes. its apollo level fake ass not a chance in hell,

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

So this bar and grill shooting in Thousand Oaks California might be because of the Las Vegas shooting survivors having a family reunion? I'm sure these people, these survivors, these witnesses, or some of these people, these survivors, these witnesses saw multiple shooters in Las Vegas. The survivors of Las Vegas are being hunted by the police of the world and have no where to go to obviously snitch and rat and i wish there really was a safe place for them to go and rat and snitch and be heard.

SweetChicken ago

Underrated comment

Buzzsaw ago

No emotion when they said not all of their friends have been accounted for. Just a matter of fact statement. These people are so damn stupid. Then, my instincts kicked in...really...like running the hell out of the building? No, playing hero and saving everyone I can. We always need a hero story because the public loves that. They fall for it very me. We hid under a pool table where we can be seen from all sides. than the shooting stop. he ran out of bullets in his clip. Like someone is taking all this in when you're in survival mode? I am sure a shooter can change a clip faster than an actor can leave from under a table get up grab a stool and throw it through a window and help others through the window to escape. While the wole time the shooter just pauses and watches all this take place? What a f'd up story.

DawnPendraig ago

No one has the adrenaline shakes or seems in shock

nullifyNWO ago

I watched 30 sec - muted - of that Sheriff's press conference (fireworker in full gear and polished helmet in the background). Fishy, FF, muslim/antifa idiot patsy IMHO.

JopharVorin ago

wait....is this a jewish family?

BladesOfSteel2020 ago

I like the way you think fellow patriot! 😉

Blacksmith21 ago

Shooter possibly a Muslim convert: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrfywFrU8AAbunc.jpg:large

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Got to wonder if this shooting was a distraction from the LA city council FBI raid.

jezzabella ago

The whole thing stinks to the high heavens.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Aren't country western bars usually white, conservative people and Christian? Just sayin'. Noticed a man with a sweatshirt with the graphic 'Black Rifle Coffee Co.' on the backside.

It's a Hipster Coffee Co. based out of LAS VEGAS that has veteran affiliations. The company logo has occult undertones. The company plays up the gun angle, pretty heavily.

https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/ The owner Ed Hafer is a veteran- Green Beret/Special Forces. He tries to hire mostly veterans. It's possible that the person wearing the shirt is a veteran. Maybe he knew something. Or he could just like the coffee. Las Vegas massacre survivors were at California bar shooting

'Some of the people who were inside the California bar where a gunman went on a deadly rampage also survived last year’s mass shooting in Las Vegas, according to a report. '

'In the Las Vegas shooting on Oct. 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock sprayed gunfire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel into a crowd of 22,000 people at the music festival, killing 58 in the deadliest mass shooting in US history. '

'Meanwhile, 27-year-old Josh Coaly, 27, stood on the sidewalk waiting to hear from a friend — also a survivor of the Vegas shooting — inside Borderline who had texted him about the massacre. '

'And Carl Edgar, 24, who lives in LA’s Tarzana neighborhood, said he had about 20 friends inside the bar, where he’s also a regular, though he wasn’t there on the fateful night. '

'Gunn said he hasn’t been able to contact his friend again, but knows she’s safe. '

Deputy that was killed was 29 yr veteran. Didn’t Q tell us right before the election that 29 districts were being monitored for illegal voting activities? 11 days after 11 killed at synagogue...


How do we get the ^^^ article out there? I think the country stars who came out for gun control need to be red pilled.

This is also interesting -- WATCH THE Therapists... psych drugs every shooter since columbine http://www.selfreliancecentral.com/2017/10/05/psych-drugs-every-shooter-since-columbine-including-paddock

How can we compile the names of the therapists of every single shooter? Is that possible? I know there's a HIPPAA (or whatever it's called) Act... but still, there has to be a way to do that. The key would be to tie every therapist into the MKU group... or Stanford...

I wonder if this will some how connect to San Bernardino, Pulse Orlando, Sandy Hook, Aurora, etc. Answer: Yes.

srayzie ago

Yes. A lot of country western type people are also conservative, God fearing patriots and are for the 2nd amendment. Plus, yes I would say the majority would be white. Think of country music. You don’t hear all the Illuminati symbolism and shit that you so in other music. That’s something I respect about it.

DawnPendraig ago

They are turning it to pop though and it's nothing like what I grew up with and learned to sing to... The big music industry took over Nashville in the 90s.

I think there are still great artists in country music but most the top names are as controlled as pop and rock are these days. They will do what their CAA etc type agents tell them to do.

fullthrottle1949 ago

Are these the same crisis actors from Sandy Hook?

srayzie ago

I doubt the same. Butt David Hogg was in more than 1.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I saw a comment:

“And there was David Hogg, in the middle of a line dance.”

srayzie ago


If everyone gets mad at me I’m saying you put the thought in my head! 😂

srayzie ago

Omg now you got me wanting to make a meme or gif

srayzie ago

Omg! 😂 That needs to be a meme. I saw one where he was one of the migrant children. Being turned away from Trump 🤣

MissleCopterStoped ago

I thought he played Adam Lanza too.

srayzie ago

I think you’re playing with me

MissleCopterStoped ago

Serious as all can be, it looks like a younger version of Hogg.

Laserchalk ago

So I guess they are creating false flags targeting people that would generally be considered conservative since conservatives are the ones that support the second ammendment.

srayzie ago

Remember all the lame time spent on pushing gun control after the Parkland School shooting? The sad part, is that for the people who are not yet awake, seeing all this causes them to get emotional and fall the MSM tricks. It brainwashes them to think we need more gun control.

nevergiveup2them ago

100% correct

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=23&v=w3ZVeJmmDVk PAY ATTENTION TO HOT BLONDE CRISES ACTOR:

She says some strange shit in multiple interviews, changes it, talks about perfect form, reloading and shooting for only "30 seconds". Get a compliation of her and upload it.

Taking from youtube comment.

That blond at the end, she has changed her story now 5 times….one example, she didn't see the gunman , she heard a shot and turned and seen him, next interview she was dancing and seen him walk in and shoot the door man and two other people…Another ex; she heard the shot waited /stunned for a sec than started running for the exit…next interview she heard the shot dropped to the floor stayed there until the shooting stopped then got up and ran……no wonder the officers have a hard time explaining what was happening to the press…

BTW remember Nazer Hamza from Broward? The terrorist cop? Now he had ties to CAIR terrorist group and terrorist backer. Now this is unrelated but Jim Murren the CEO of MGM in June - August of last year had gotten MGM into bed with some Islamic business or something that ha sties to terrorism which a lot of Islamic terrorism is funded by Saudi Arabia.

MissleCopterStoped ago

They deleted the video already, when it pulls up, just shows black screen, tried another browser, same deal.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Think about what the blonde girl was saying. Think about what we're suggesting and saying and how we're saying it and the 5 lies, burgers, and fries the blonde girl just spewed and said and think about how the lame stream media is trying to cover for her lies and for their narrative and story about the story the news media propaganda fake news is trying to create and craft think about that for a moment.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I wish I could have been home to download that video.

Dammit Janet! (From Rocky Horror Picture Show movie)

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Cowards are trying to hide the truth see now this should generate the Streisand effect.

srayzie ago

Geez. I’ll go look!

Slimpickens1 ago

What purpose do these character actors serve?

MissleCopterStoped ago

What they are doing is they want to ban one thing at a time, so by the time we notice what is going on, it will be too late.

DawnPendraig ago

Boil the frog

srayzie ago

It’s more than likely to toughen up gun laws and enough ofmem could lead to them making all guns illegal. They have done this for years. Same thing as Parkland School.

nevergiveup2them ago

On Fox news during the Five, Thursday night they are already talking about labeling these vets as dangerous. So as to remove their gun rights!!

srayzie ago

This stuff makes me so mad

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Obama use school shooting to disarm America? posted August 2010, In approximate 2 years from today there will be mass school shooting in Connecticut. A lone gunman will kill many children. That’s a trick of propaganda. Step by step, they make it a totalitarian country. They have a false flag attack on December 2012 to justify their war on 2nd Amendment. The responsible gunowner is wronged as terrorist. The real mastermind of the shootings grins at the soap opera they directed. They treat you like fools. Do not have a logic confuse. [source 'google cached copy of' UNFORUMZED]

What was the state of Sandy Hook? Connecticut. What was the date of Sandy Hook? December 14th 2012. EXACTLY AS PREDICTED by user kathaksung (banned). 3.bp.blogspot.com/-D-mY_foP7XM/UNnU_51s27I/AAAAAAAAC1U/ODRz3LcBTqo/s1600/sandy_hook_map_batman_tdkr_zoom.jpg Sandy Hook predicted in Dark Knight Rises. https://i0.wp.com/illuminatiwatcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Batman-Sandy-Hook.jpg?fit=826%2C441&ssl=1 Even more strange in the movie Gotham City is located in Connecticut. Aurora and Sandy Hook predicted in Dark Knight trilogy somewhere somehow?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Dont forget the email from Obama’s butt buddy in Shitcago in regards to attacking 2A!

Blacksmith21 ago

50-60pp from one family?

HuFlungDung ago

Ya there Nigs

jezzabella ago

I think in the news interview the guy meant the survivors of the Las Vegas shooting were like a "family." I don't know if they were having a reunion in that Borderline place or not. Very, very strange.

jezzabella ago

If the reunion was targeted that's even more sickening.

srayzie ago

That’s what it looks like. But there are other stories on Twitter as well.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @letsdothis2.

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letsdothis2 ago

What's with the blue glove re crisis actor?

srayzie ago

I didn’t notice it until you said that. Weird.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/01sTj :

❌🚨Josh Cornett🚨❌ on Twitter: ""I was at the Las Vegas Route 91 mass shooting": Man inside Southern California bar when a gunman opened fire was with "probably 50 or 60 others" who were also at the Las Vegas massacre last year.

“This family got hit twice.”


https://archive.fo/Qh7H1 :

Some California Bar Shooting Survivors Also Survived Las Vegas Massacre, Witness Says

This has been an automated message.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Check out the mellow yellow chill guys and the one on the right with the earpiece. Hopefully hoggwash’s former earpiece was sterilized.


Also check out the comments, people are starting to wake up.

amarQ144 ago

both have ear piece

werone9975 ago

Currently there is only one comment. Pro-agenda at that.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Strange, I have all the comments and there is a lot.

werone9975 ago

Weird, this is the only one I see - same as 3.5hrs ago

Nobland 5 hour(s) ago Sorry kids, this is the world you inherit from us.... armed to the teeth and angry. It is not your fault, it is ours.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah, I got all the comments and for the most part, they are awake, even explained to others about the Smudt Act and what the law is about which is feeding the population fake propaganda.

srayzie ago

No tears. Why don’t they at least hire better actors?

MissleCopterStoped ago

They should hire Hanoi Jane for next one, such a great actress she is and an oustanding citizen too!

srayzie ago

My gosh. Ear piece. They know we are going to watch for that stuff. But it’s like they don’t care because we can’t prove it.

Sons_of_Patriarchy ago

I call bs.

PixieJean ago

When does this propaganda stop. These traitors make my head hurt.

nubbyhubby ago

Makes you think! I am still surprised the Media pushes so hard for gun control for 1 off events yet they gloss over Chicago and the like.

concentric0s ago

Because agenda pushers recognize there would be a different reaction and milage gained between a random unmotivated terror event and people willfully participating in organized gang and drug related violence. Sadly the innocent bystanders in Chicago community are at risk through no fault of their own.

But point taken, continued gun violence in 'gun free' Chicago does make a case against the efficacy of gun control.

nubbyhubby ago

I only know they need to stop Attacking the 2nd amendment. Rinse and Repeat and the bad part is they seem to be gaining traction, our only Defense now is our Great President.

concentric0s ago


It's amazing the uninformed things people say about guns. I'm pretty outspoken about gun rights and it surprises most people who know me. Best thing we can all do is continue to inform those around us about responsible ownership and use and self protection as fundamental human right.

There is a lot of school indoctrination and msm propaganda to overcome.

Demonsweat2 ago

Indeed, more than coincidence.

Anaximandel ago

Archive everything.

StormRider9090 ago

Don't forget to post more memes too

HenryCabotLodge ago

C_A at work. Great planning by Brennan.

kestrel9 ago

Trigger finger Brennan (King of the Dronestrike Kill List)