DietCokehead1 ago

We didn't meme as hard as we could have. Bet then again google/facebook/twitter/etc. have been completely censoring/banning/silencing everything remotely conservative.

Aaronkin ago

Nice of you to double down on stupid. I will repeat myself for the sake of those here who did not see it in Politics.

"You got a way of saying exactly what Q said a long time ago. But I bet you did not not know that did you. If your going to bash Q at lest do the research before you expose the world to your ignorance. You stupid shit, Q has only been active for ONE YEAR! Way to go shill!"

None of us have to be here. We are here because we want to be. Just so you know my efforts resulted in several new people supporting us at the polls. When did you organize groups to vote or to implement voter ID? How many did you offer a ride to the polls? How many did you offer to help register to vote? How many hours a week do you put into red pilling people? Under 20, you got no right to complain. Your a just another shill in my eyes. Step up to the plate or take your ball and go home.

Q_Incidents ago

Yep. Trust the plan. FISA brings the HOUSE DOWN

OsoCovfefe ago

What makes you think Q supporters don't do more than research? Pound for pound I'd wager we do more than most any other group, in the information gathering mode and in the hit the streets mode.

I betcha Q supporters got more red to the polls than your preferred group did...

Talk about what you ask...Good versus Evil mostly.


Fenrir-1488 ago

I’ve seen a discord group with 150 people do more actual research than I’ve seen all of QRV do since it was created.

Pavlova22 ago

Q is work. Start at post 1 October 2017 and work your way through.Cross referencing and doing your own research required. Once you've done that we can talk.