Trenchmouth ago

The dots at the end of President Trump's tweet referenced in Q Drop #2445 is "WINNING".

AUSAFVet ago


MolochHunter ago

anyone who says they'd never want a black President again is being uncharitable to the talent and character of patriots like Stacey Dash

if that makes me a niggerlover, then im lovin me some nigger

SnazzyD ago

You could at least mention John James....solid POTUS material down the road.

MolochHunter ago

yes but i havent wanted to nail John James since Clueless

MuckeyDuck ago

I don't generally use F words but i have to tell you the funniest thing I've heard. I ask my cousin, "You ever fuck a nigger?", he said, "I thought I had once till i seen a nigger fuck a nigger"

Shizy ago

Does Stacey Dash really count as black though??😂

@think- @srayzie

srayzie ago

I’ve always known you were a nigger lover. 👱🏿‍♀️

@think- @Shizy

think- ago


Yes, I suspect that @MolochHunter is into black ladies with blonde hair!!! :-P

srayzie ago

Oh blond ones seal the deal. He LOVES!

think- ago

..-.I knew it!!....


MolochHunter ago

oh man this ridiculous characterisation again. I'm known as the guy who shagged a thousand brunettes - do they call me the "thousand brunette man?" no. Yet just ONE TIME I shag Srayzie's Labrador and I'm called a blondeophile




that whole thing is a terrible lie

ive not slept with 1000 brunettes

think- ago

ive not slept with 1000 brunettes

You haven't? Now I'm disappointed!! ;-P


MolochHunter ago

now ur trying Xtra hard not to be jealous, its v.cute

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

Dont judge me!

or my racetraitor schlong

srayzie ago

I’ll try 🤥

MolochHunter ago

whaddareyou doing still shitposting here? git yer tush out and vote, we got the board covered

srayzie ago

I mailed mine in!

JackPosobiec1 ago

So was Huma arrested yesterday or was that disinformation to confuse the deep state. Q said 11.5. Maybe he meant 2019🤣🤣🤣. Oh wait, just got a Presidential alert: martial law is here!! Stay

Bunkson23 ago

Hey it's like baking a chicken this ones bigger takes longer to cook give it some time to get done.Then say it's not enough. PLEASE

srayzie ago

Where’s our shout out Fake Jack Posobiec?

JackPosobiec1 ago

Already did it: I asked why Q didn’t tell us the winners. I’m not going to promote voat and send my followers here to be brainwashed. You didn’t answer my questions: Was huma arrested or was it disinformation? Q is James Comey. #Basta

Shizy ago

Your "followers" 😂😂! What a pretentious fag wannabe you are!

And you're a total fake! The real jack is a fugly douche, but you're 100 times worse because you're pretending to be a fugly douche!


srayzie ago

No. You have to go say something right after you tell me you’re going to, and it has to be something out of the ordinary that we agree upon. Go say something about Jerome Corsi. You have 10 minutes or I’ll know you’re a fake.

bopper ago

Remember that "pizzagate is retarded guy" that used to post in pizzagate all the time and he would immediately come back with a changed alt and people said he was the pedo Robert? This Prosobiec alt sounds a lot like him and posts a lot like him.

Vindicator ago

Well, all we have to do is start calling him Rob Robertson the frustrated pedo, then 😁 @srayzie

srayzie ago

Oh wow! What a FREAK! Thank you! Keep watching!

You guys, see parent...

Bopper is always spot on when it comes to pointing out alts. He usually notices before I do. See what he says in parent.

This dickhead Jack Posobiec wannabe is irritating and I thought you guys should keep an eye on him in case he’s that fricken perv.

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

If he really didn't want promote voat or have his "followers" here, he wouldn't have used his name as his screen name!

He's just a liar who is hiding behind someone else's name.

srayzie ago


MolochHunter ago

I certainly had noticed that JackPosobiec is not here to participate in Good Faith

srayzie ago

Oh I agree

derram ago :

Stacey Dash on Twitter: "Bless.… " :

Justice Department on Twitter: "To Report Voting Rights Violations: Alert election officials at polls. Contact the Civil Rights Division at 800-253-3931 or

To Report Election Crimes: Alert election officials at polls. Contact the @FBI, U.S. Attorney’s Office…"

This has been an automated message.

Bunkson23 ago

Where are the other posts? Just not updated yet Q posted early am about 4 or 5 interesting talking about declas.Papadopoulos tweet good stuff.