SearchVoatBot ago

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Funny, I've lived my entire life without ever reading, or hearing about a single news story involving the country of Malaysia. Yet in just the last 3 years, I've read about a "missing" Malaysian air liner, another Malaysian airliner being shot down over Ukraine, and now, a multi-billion dollar international crime gang, connected to the mid-east, and the USA. Something about all this just has that unmistakable democRat party, [0bama] muzzie stench surrounding it.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Jho Low ties to Prince MbZ through his Jynwel Foundation.

The Global Alliance Panthera has partnered with the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, Jynwel Charitable Foundation Limited (Jynwel Foundation) and the Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT) to form a Global Alliance to save the world’s 38 wild cat species, with a core focus on protecting tigers, lions, jaguars, snow leopards, cheetahs, clouded leopards, cougars and leopards around the globe.


SeekNuShallFind ago


The United Nations' connections not only to bribers like imprisoned Ng Lap Seng and Patrick Ho of CEFC but fugitive financiers like Jho Low, who like UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is trying to censor negative coverage, are extensive. Jho Low is sending lawyers' letters to those covering his role in the 1MBD scandal. It's been reported that Jho Low, like Ng, "donated millions of dollars to the United Nations" and that "A junior partner in the U.N. Foundation media training and subsidy effort is a not-for-profit organization known as the Jynwel Charitable Foundation Limited, whose co-director is a flamboyant Malaysian financial named Jho Low." What does it say about the UN and UN Foundation they took money from this Jho Low, profiled in today's Wall Street Journal in a decadent bacchanal in Las Vegas with other UN-world insiders like Leonardo DiCaprio, an UNCA-like "bright red Lamborghini" and unnamed partners of Goldman Sachs, ostensibly interested in green energy, emphasis on the green. A new building was constructed for the Vegas party.


And also this now 404 page from UN on event featuring Jho Low's "charity" Jynwel Foundation.

Through the partnership, media organizations around the world will be offered capacity grants to increase reporting on major 2015 moments and the global goals. The grants will not seek editorial control, but only to increase awareness and reporting on global development issues that matter to readers.

The launch event took place on the margins of events taking place in conjunction with the White House Correspondents Dinner. In attendance was Elizabeth Cousens, Deputy CEO of the United Nations Foundation, Jho Low from Jynwel Foundation, and Nicolas Bellet from the Thomson Reuters Foundation.


SeekNuShallFind ago

1MDB Global Involvement Map

JackBeowulf ago

they will get off, no problem.. nolo fault, fine.. wash, rinse, repeat. No One will hold them accountable.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Research links from previous post I made elsewhere:

Money Laundering, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Abu Dabi, Malaysia and

Rothchild caught by Swiss money laundering

90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de Rothschild Bank

Hollywood businessman on the run. Hilton sisters, DeCaprio, Kerr lavish gifts seized. and

Red Granite Pictures Inc. illumanti symbolism , Joey McFarland (odd instagram photos) and

Hillary, Russia, China, Uk, Mayo Clinic, Red Cross, Obaid PetroSaudi and Malaysia 1MDB and more.

Ties to SA takedown and and

SeekNuShallFind ago or

1MDB-linked Prince Turki among those nabbed for corruption in Saudi Arabia

Prince Turki bin Abdullah, co-founder of Petrosaudi, the company that is embroiled in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd scandal, was among the 11 princes arrested in anti-corruption raids in Saudi Arabia on Saturday.

Reuters had named Prince Turki bin Abdullah, the former governor of Riyadh province, as among those arrested.

"A Saudi official said former Riyadh Governor Prince Turki bin Abdullah was detained on accusations of corruption in the Riyadh Metro project and taking advantage of his influence to award contracts to his own companies," Reuters reported.

Prince Turki bin Abdullah, the seventh son of Saudi Arabia's late King Abdullah was appointed governor of Riyadh Province on May 14, 2014. He was removed as governor following the death of King Abdullah on Jan 23, 2015.

According to, PetroSaudi was founded in 2005 as a private oil company by Prince Turki bin Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz and his business partner Tarek Obaid, a former banker. The company grew from drilling and oilfield management into trading, opening offices in London’s Mayfair district that have pictures of Saudi royalty and are decked with national flags.

"At the heart of the 1MDB-PetroSaudi relationship is a 2009 agreement for the Malaysian fund to invest US$1bn in a joint venture in exchange for the Saudi company bringing in mineral extraction concessions in Turkmenistan and Argentina allegedly valued at US$2.7bn, according to the US complaint.

"Some 1MDB officials and others then allegedly arranged for the fund’s share of the money to be fraudulently transferred to a Swiss bank account controlled by a young Malaysian businessman and impresario named Jho Low. The DoJ court filing claims Mr Low laundered more than US$400m into the US, using at least US$106.7m to acquire a stake in EMI Music Publishing Group North America Holdings Inc, the world’s third-largest music publishing company," the Financial Times website reported.

SeekNuShallFind ago or

The Centre for War and Peace Studies was established in Rome last May “to support experts, academics, researchers, diplomats, governments, and civil society activists in their attempts to help countries in conflict, crisis and transition around the world”.

It sounded like a worthy if over-ambitious project but what made it truly remarkable was the man chosen to be its first director — Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious “professor” who has since emerged as a central figure in the Trump-Russia affair.

Mifsud, who vanished as soon as his role in Trump-Russia was revealed, is widely thought to be some kind of Russian agent. True or not, he had certainly been a frequent visitor to Moscow and claimed to have high-level contacts there.

In the run-up to the 2016 presidential election in the United States, Mifsud was in contact with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. According to a document released by the US Justice Department, Mifsud acted as go-between in trying to set up a meeting between candidate Trump and the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. Mifsud also informed Papadopoulos (and through him, the Trump campaign) that Russia had acquired “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails”.

Arrival of the Saudi benefactors

The Centre for War and Peace Studies was a joint creation by two seemingly unlikely partners: Link Campus University in Rome and a charitable foundation run by a wealthy Saudi family.

Link Campus is a private (for-profit) university with accreditation from Italy’s education ministry. There are six Italian politicians on its governing body — two of them former foreign ministers — and it is also reputed to have links with Italian intelligence services. One of the university’s courses is an MA degree in Intelligence and Security.

As for the Saudi charity, the Essam & Dalal Obaid Foundation (EDOF), its chief executive is known as a security and intelligence consultant with long-standing connections to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the kingdom’s former head of intelligence.

In addition to its partnership deal with the relatively obscure Link Campus, EDOF has formal ties with several well-known organisations. Based in Geneva, it works with the International Committee of the Red Cross to help victims of the conflict in Syria, it supports reconstructive surgery at the famous Mayo Clinic in the United States, it campaigns against human trafficking in partnership with the American media giant CNN and it provides funding to the National Council on US-Arab Relations (NCUSAR) in Washington.

EDOF is run by four members of the Obaid family — Dalal, Nawaf, Tarek and Karim. Nawaf is chief executive and his brother, Tarek, holds the title of “founder”.

Tarek Obaid: entrepreneur who wooed Tony Blair In 2005, in partnership with a son of the Saudi king, Tarek Obaid formed a private company called PetroSaudi. This not only succeeded in attracting some high-profile business figures as advisers but also managed to recruit former British prime minister Tony Blair whose consultancy firm did “a few months of advisory work for PetroSaudi” around 2010. Blair’s role seems to have mainly aimed at developing relations between PetroSaudi and China.

No less controversially, PetroSaudi entered into a joint venture with 1MDB, Malaysia’s state development fund which has long been the subject of corruption allegations. These centre around a Malaysian financier who is said to have siphoned off vast sums of money. There are ongoing investigations and legal actions in various countries. Last month, for example, a $250m luxury yacht was seized in Indonesia.

Nawaf Obaid: intelligence among the think tanks Tarek’s brother, Nawaf Obaid, is Visiting Fellow for Intelligence and Defense Projects at Harvard University’s Belfer Center. Educated in the US, he previously worked for two prominent American think tanks — the Washington Institute (WINEP) and the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).

In 2015 he delivered a presentation entitled “Saudi Arabia Ascendant” at the National Council on US-Arab Relations (NCUSAR) in Washington. A few days later NCUSAR announced that it was honouring him with the title of “Distinguished International Affairs Fellow” and giving him a seat on NCUSAR’s advisory committee. As mentioned earlier, NCUSAR is one of the organisations funded by the Obaid family through EDOF.

Outside the US, Nawaf Obaid also acquired the titles of “visiting fellow” at the London Academy of Diplomacy (at a time when Joseph Mifsud was its director) and “senior fellow” at the King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh, which is headed by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

Prince Turki ran the kingdom’s foreign intelligence service for almost a quarter of a century, from 1977 until 2001. In 2002, the prince became Saudi ambassador in London and, three years later, ambassador in Washington.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that the courts remain owned by jews.

TiffanyBlu4 ago


Keneo77 ago

Can they link it to Trudeau by any chance?

playdoh ago

Oh man, I hope so. I hope this leads back to Jamilah Taib Murray and the upper echelons of Ottawa society, including the Trudeaus and the government officials who always declined to investigate her. Hopefully half of the Rideau Club, too.

Keneo77 ago

We need help to take that Pos down. I doubt we have anyone in Canada investigating his crimes.

peoplecleaner ago

Remember "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected" Q posted Look at 2:31 I was wondering with Goldman Sucks was gonna be in the news. Promises Made...

corrbrick ago

Good catch!

AncientFrogGod ago

I stopped at Low Tech Ho.

SeekNuShallFind ago

It links to a Dossier player too. Joseph Mifsud.

PetroSaudi/1MDB - Tarek Obaid is PetroSaudi Director. His brother is Nawef Obaid. They are among three sons of a former businessman and arms dealer, Essam Obaid.

Misfud/Link Universkty - Obaid Family Foundation (EDOF) and Link University

Misfud/Obaid/Turki - Nawaf Obaid acquired the titles of "visiting fellow" at the London Academy of Diplomacy (at a time when Joseph Mifsud was its director) and "senior fellow" at the King Faisal CSIS in Riyadh, which was headed by Turki al-Faisal.

source one, source two

poshpepe ago

Great work, Anon!

Ishahn ago

Nice lets get this party started. Lots of shit to clean.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Pictured left to right : Tarek Obaid, Prince Turki and Najib Razak - the three named Shareholders of the 1MDB PetroSaudi Joint Venture meeting a month before the deal on the yacht Tatoosh.

asmo88 ago

Q said it post 34 mr podesta arrest 11.3 maybe we will see

Sk8rminion ago

RCMike_CHS ago

Lots of tentacles in this scheme. No doubt spurred other investigations and indictments!

fuckmyreddit ago

It's always interesting how they call thieves "financiers."

thatguyiam ago

No problem here, MOVE ALONG GOATS.

Embrace dereguglation and globalization faggoats. Quit your whining!

late2thegame ago

How do you know "a major New York-headquartered financial institution (Financial Institution)" was Goldman Sachs? They were not specifically listed in the article.

SeekNuShallFind ago


vivalad ago

late2thegame ago

Thank you. Guess I could have dug that up myself....

thatguyiam ago

They ALL have to be neurered. Every fucking singe one of them

57005-177 ago

Ng? Interesting name. There is a serial killer in San Quentin named Charles Ng. That was the last I heard this last name since your research.

His partner Leonard in crime committed suicide in interogation after he swallowed a cyanide pill hidden in his collar.

SeekNuShallFind ago

To get up to speed on this web the sarawak report has had the scoop from the beginning.

Sam63 ago

Great news. These rats will turn on each other big time. These evil bastards thought they were untouchable. The deep state is no longer running things and cant protect these low lives. Patriots that love America and it citizens are running things now.


grace8 ago

Does anyone understand who paid int these bonds. Was it money publicly raised? Did other countries send the money? Was it the Malasian gov itself through taxes? whoever writes up white collar crime does a terrible job of showing who the victim's are. Obviously, money was supposed to go to better Malasia but who gave the money.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Is the missing Low Taek Jho, also known as Jho Low's life in danger?

According to former Petrosaudi senior executive Xavier Justo, the fugitive Malaysian businessman could be a target by those who want him “silenced” to prevent him from being caught and testifying in the investigation into the 1MDB scandal in Malaysia and other countries, The Star reported.

“He is the one who knows every­thing from PetroSaudi to Goldman­Sachs, IPIC and other 1MDB scams.

“For a lot of people, the best solution would be for him to disappear forever,” Justo was quoted as saying.

Justo added that his life too was threatened when he was in jail in Thailand, and feared that his extradition to Malaysia could have ended in his death.

“I would not be surprised if Jho Low is not seen anymore or is found dead.


Kirbyrambo ago

Big deal! Just a few pan faces taking the heat to deflect attention from the Joos.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Goldman Sachs, Tarek Obaid, Prince Turki, Hong Kong, China, Venezuela, New Zealand, Australia and so much more.

Raof ago

Disappointed not to see the names Hillary, Bill or plastic face Chelsea anywhere in the article

Blacksmith21 ago

This is directly tied to the downing of the Indonesian airliner 2 weeks ago.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

saw a headline on bing that a diver on the wreckage died.

Blacksmith21 ago

Anything is possible. Diving is dangerous.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

I know. I really just mentioned it as an interesting aside.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hey, ya never know....Loretta Fuddy drowned "diving". Look close. You can see a swimmer pull her under.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Yeah, I remember seeing that video and reading posts and stuff about that awhile ago. Another good reason to mention things that might seem insignificant or unconnected, because you never do know.....

Blacksmith21 ago

I like your handle. Tuesday is going to be spectacular. I hope. I have faith. Say a prayer or three.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Thanks, I know it probably dates me, but I don't care. I can't wait to vote Tuesday, I always do it on the day, in person. My faith in some things may occasionally falter, but faith in God is constant. I don't think I've stopped praying since Don rode down the escalator!

Blacksmith21 ago

We're cut form the same bolt.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Old School Rocks! 😊

swordfish69 ago

Ding ding ding.

Blacksmith21 ago

On another note - Did you watch the most recent episode of AHS? It pretty much confirms our last 2 years of SRA and Cabal research.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

of course not, why would we be watching tv?

Blacksmith21 ago

Because it often holds the keys to the secrets we are working to unlock.

Blacksmith21 ago

Specifically the remake of Red Dawn, where the NORKs invade the US.

HelloDolly ago

The tangled web will be hard to follow but once they start pulling the thread that sweater will unravel. Can't happen too soon.

GranimalSnake ago

God is that a lot of money. I can't even picture such a thing.

pckpat ago

Poor Mr. Low- I bet he's really going to miss that $35+ M condo in NYC. Good apts. are hard to find.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Yes, Red Granite Pictures. Did some research into them, evil looking.

Blacksmith21 ago

See the remake of Red Dawn. Money hole.

GranimalSnake ago

They love doing shit like that. We are all the butt of many laughs... well, were.

Now whose laughing?

babywayne ago

Good. Way past time to break the stranglehold of Goldman Sucks.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Government Sachs

Yuke ago

Goldman Sucks + Government Sachs = ...

boxofcrackers ago

Goldman Sucks + Government Sachs = Govman Sux

fartyshorts ago

Gold man sucks government sacks?

2fast4u92 ago

(((Goldman sachs))) oh look another "coincidence"