kestrel9 ago

BelleDJour ago

Michelle "Michael" so obvious by her bone structure. "That's a man, baby"

srayzie ago

Nearly impossible to make a man look like a woman.

It worked for @Bopper @MolochHunter @ClamHurt_Legbeard @HeyGeorge and @QualityShitposter just fine.

QualityShitposter ago

Disguise failed. Couldn't stop playing with bewbs.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


srayzie ago

I think @HeyGeorge has his strap-in too tight. Either that, or he’s taking this to a whole other level with his PMS symptoms. He’s being a GROUCH.

heygeorge ago

Brb, adjusting strap-out

srayzie ago

Good. Come back with a better attitude!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

he can do that

trolling isnt a hobby

its a lifestyle

srayzie ago

@HeyGeorge loves me. He’s just jealous of me because I make a better looking woman than he does.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ive seen your twitter profile

srayzie ago

Am I better looking than @HeyGeorge? 🤔

clamhurt_legbeard ago

never seen heygeorge

but im pretty sure hes a guy

meanwhile im eagerly awaiting your makeout video with u/shizy

Shizy ago

its not as exciting as you think. It's just her slobbering all over the screen while we were trying to skype.


SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

Hahaha. That’s only because she had her webcam aimed in the wrong direction so I spent most of the time lusting after myself. 💄💋👄

We HAVE talked on the phone.

Shizy ago

Good reply bitch!!! You actually made me Laugh with that one 😂!

srayzie ago


See parent, grandparent, great grandparent, and great great grandparent.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh wow

this is getting hot

Shizy ago

Her monitor sure wasn't hot with all that fluid on it!

srayzie ago


heygeorge ago

I make a better looking woman than he does.

A bit of an underhanded compliment if you ask me!

srayzie ago

How’s that? 🤔

heygeorge ago

If there’s any difficulty at being better looking as a woman than I... You have problems.

srayzie ago

I said iiiii make a better looking woman

Not probably 🙄

heygeorge ago

Yes, but it’s the equivalent of saying a shit is better than diarrhea.

srayzie ago

Hahaha. True. Which means YOU look like a woman.

heygeorge ago

Or at the very least my looks are comparable to diarrhea.

MolochHunter ago

you wouldnt believe how uncomfortable these Strap-IN Vaginas are

srayzie ago

Strap IN haha

heygeorge ago

I was going to reply to @srayzie but it seems completely unnecessary now.

srayzie ago

Why unnecessary? 🤔

heygeorge ago

Why not?

srayzie ago

Are your balls too squished? Why are you being grouchy with me?

heygeorge ago

I must be on my fake period!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


you know how you get pregnant and dont have a period for almost an entire year

but then you get a whole other kind of insanity


heygeorge ago

I don’t personally know what that’s like, but I do know what the experience was like. And the insanity lasted far more than one year; it’s closer to 3!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh thats really good

srayzie ago

That’s what I just said! I knew it @Clamhurt_Legbeard. Stay away from that freak @HeyGeorge for a few days.

akilyoung ago

Case in point, Michael Lavaughn Robinson aka Michelle Obama

PatriotAnon123 ago

I was just sending that picture to somebody ob messenger!!!

noworldorder ago

Yes, tranny's have loose buttholes for sure.

pixelkitteh ago

WAIT... americans constantly put the knife down to change hands with the fork??? That's so weird man... doesn't it take you forever to eat???

PatriotAnon123 ago

It's a rule!!! It was invented by some nutcase who's dead now, centuries ago, and we get yelled at if we don't OBEY!!!

pixelkitteh ago

Interesting lol, you learn something new each day huh! Who knew the way we ate was different!

Jigsy17 ago

It’s probably easier that that with everyone staring at their phones. The only people looking are the spies!

Quinceberry ago

Fascinating! Can you imagine how much of this is going on?

Quinceberry ago

Wild. Every time you think you have a grasp on what is true you discover yet another way they flip it upside down. Thank you.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Appreciate your post, ja37. The point here to me is not about "trannys" at all, it is about we do not know what the future may hold. Yes, we do know that this is only scratching the surface and not wanna divulge too much tradecraft. My penny's worth-not like the goldmine in the mind of the speaker: It is not just the surface appearance, but even most important perhaps is the MINDSET. That is the intangible aspect to morph one's "way" beyond mannerisms. It must be exhausting to have to not only disguise externally, but to hold a PERSONA intact. Cuz in that memo of your meeting it is not just what you looked like, said, but also who you "were". And to be able to maintain that and live that persona for Lord knows how long? To have to keep that seamless and not let the real you bleed through? Eli Cohen, the Israeli spy, case in point, is an interesting story-especially how he was detected. For this or even just "passing through" it is not the "i am in disguise"-it is the key for invisibility, the mindset that "i BELONG here". "nothing to see here." haha! Just yappin'...

nubbyhubby ago

Watch "The Americans" series.. Believe it or not a lot of shows are based on Facts.. People or screenwriters are not creative enough to make shit up. If you can think of it, it has been done or thought of before. Nothing is new just recycled or improved.

fartyshorts ago

I could still instantly tell that their example was a woman.

RakerKey ago

Actually I think Men have an inate inbuilt natural born ability to recognise 'femaleness ' - its something that cant be easily faked to a real man

Saying that however, the number one aid to deception has been the advancement of Fake Tits - especially since so many actual females have gone that silicon route it has made it that much more difficult to tell if its a real woman faking or a male faking at cursory glance and it takes a bit more inspection of secondary characteristics

BelleDJour ago

Females can spot a faker right away. Husband is surprised when I say, "hello a tranny" I lived in gay central in Seattle because it was close to college. It becomes second nature.

moblodite ago

I watched this a few days ago.. pretty interesting! women easier to disguise.

ja37 ago

Im old, I have an MS ergo keyboard that is JUNK, and I easily double strike without knowing it, and I can't see very well since my strokes... I can look at something as short as this and read it 2 or 3 times and still miss something that clear... I can even miss the red underlined spelling errors. I have large yellow spots I see that black out words as I read, but the keyboard is the worse, I am from a time of teletype machines that weighed 70 to 100 lbs. and when you hit a key you know it, this new stuff you can't feel is for the birds...

PatriotAnon123 ago

You don't need to tell me about thaqt! I learned to type on a Remington typewriter [A what?], and it had recesses in the keys! Thisa laptop doesn't have enough recesdses in the keytws!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

I won't complain about a 'roid.

Blacksmith21 ago

Keys that sounded like skeletons fucking on a tin roof.

bopper ago

Damn, sorry to hear all that, guess I'll stop complaining about stuff. Count my blessings. Great post.


BurntBizkits ago

i still have one in the attic from my 80's mainframe days.

TippyHome ago

Oh I remember those teletype machines. Worked with people all over the world in early eighties. We would wonder if the info we needed to get to someone was worth the cost of the sending. We left it up to the older executives to discern! And boy, howdy, I think about now with Skype, blogs, Twitter Facebook, cell phones purchased for low cost inter country talk, satellite phones..we've come a long way, but I am sure we have traded a lot of privacy for all of this. We have seen teletype machines for sale in....get this...antique shops! To me, it seems like yesterday when I used these!

PatriotAnon123 ago

I miss dial phones!!! There were far fewer wrong numbers with them!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

The remote terminals with the suction cup modem and basically an IBM Selectric for a keyboard. Kaypro baby.

TippyHome ago

That's what I remember. The machine was kept in a shrine like room to keep the costs down. I worked for a non profit then, obsessed with keeping costs down. If we had costs in home office over 7%, they started laying off home office ppl. So you can imagine my consternation reading about CF! Oh, the Selectric! We have one at home because I couldn't watch somebody throw it away. I know with our family business for 10 years I sold thousands of ribbons for them! And correction tapes! We also have a manual typewriter (with extra ribbons) if Shtf. Also farm with concrete root cellar. And an old JD manual plow. I don't know how to do much, but I guess I will learn or starve if Shtf. Ppl laugh at Dan Bongino, but that guy has seen a lot.(He's big on being prepared if things get bad.) He's had many more different jobs than I have!!! So I pay attention to him. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that we talk about these things now, but I always knew the dems/DS would not give up power easily. Hopefully enough of us can keep this country alive and kicking.

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't forget the seed bank kept in your root cellar. Gotta be able to start new crops.

Shizy ago

Don't feel bad, or feel like you have to justify yourself! This is a good post!

DavidGydeon ago


Not "Loose"'d have to stick it in to find out if it's loose. Do not advise.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Well they made Big Mike Obama look like a woman for eight years, so it can’t be that impossible.

Fateswebb ago

They also disguised Barry for years and nobody caught on when they took the disguise off.

Quinceberry ago

Hehe Big Mike

ja37 ago

On the surface and from a distance, but structurally shoulders neck and thyroid you cant hide from up close observations...

BelleDJour ago

Also he needs lessons on tucking it in during dancing.

DavidGydeon ago

But it doesnt look like a woman. It looks like a man, on hormones, with makeup.

lord_nougat ago

It looks like a man

Brothre, you need glasses or something. It looks like a man about as much as Harambe looked like a man.

Blacksmith21 ago


isalod_2298 ago

But realistically, who was “she” fooling? Not me, that’s for sure 😂

PatriotAnon123 ago

You've gotta remember! They don't like gender-specific pronouns like he or she!!! We have to use "it" for them!!!