PaidIt10 ago

So, for years I have remembered very vividly Diana telling reporters while she was in the water right before she died, "Wait until you see what I do next". Maybe I dreamed this, but I have such a vivid memory. Next thing you know, she's dead. I don't kniw. That was a long time ago.

indeknow ago

Germany's leading right-of-center daily Die Welt this morning reveals that Jamal Khashoggi was not a journalist, but a high-level operative for the Saudi intelligence service, an intimate of Osama bin Laden, and the nephew of the shadiest of all Arab arms dealers, the infamous Adnan Khashoggi. John Bradley reported last week in the Spectator that Khashoggi, who allegedly met a grisly end in a Saudi consulate in Istanbul, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist organization that among other things wants to replace the Saudi monarchy with a modern Islamist totalitarian state.

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

I'm sorry, what was the Jamal Khashoggi connection. From his pieces he is obviously a public relations mouthpiece for Hamas, Hezbollah, the Arab Spring, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, against the peacefull side of the Saud Royal Family to include Pranca Salman ane supportive of the evil globalist side of Prince Alwaleed and the terrorism supporters, but I don't see the link to the UK Royals or MI6 in that drop. Please clarify.

DanijelStark ago

The blood connection of him to Dodi Fayed is undeniable - and Dodi Fayed's connection to Diana and Royals ( Dodi had romantic relationship with Diana - Diana was close to Royals for some time , and some of these secrets would spill to others , like Fayed ) . MI6 connection was not to Diana or Fayed , but in context of MI6 agent being killed - which implied that Clintons had a hands in the killing of at least one agent ( Gareth Williams ) , but Q implied there were "agents" .

There is no doubt that Queen works with the Cabal - is Cabal itself . From my own opinion , vast majority of countries worldwide have been infiltrated and overtaken by Cabal at one point in history , creating a Deep Cabal web everywhere .

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

Thanks for the quick response. I knew Khashoggi's uncle was the doctor for the Saudi King and so he had access to the Saud Royal house. But not of the Diane-Fayed connection.

DanijelStark ago

The intimate relationship is a pretty strong connection ... and many people would share a LOT from what they knew in such situations . Im very interested what TRULY happened to Khashoggi , but much more about Diana and also JFK Jr. It all smells to me like a positive forces operation , to put things into motion on ME and root out the Cabal elements .

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the post, I've been working on Q100 Looking for more info for the QRSP site (it's meant as a place for QMap pub to have a place to find info to plug into their reading pages.)

Scroll to Princess Diana, I've put in a lot of pics. She met with HRC in June 2017 for a Red Cross event, she was in Pakistan in May 2017, that is likely when her relationship with Hasnet Khan ended? In August she was in Bosnia. this article leaves out her visit with HRC for the Red Cross.

AbsolutelyZak ago

Diana met Hillary in 2017 ???

kestrel9 ago

Diana and Hillary were part of a Red Cross function in June 2017. I imagine they knew each other prior to that. Princess Di visited with her then however.

bwarren2010 ago

Anyone who wants to understand Saudi Arabia recent killing just go to George Webb on You Tube and listen to his most recent tapes.....he explains everything in a way that makes perfect sense and is NOT what we are being told in media...

kestrel9 ago

Will check it out thanks.

DanijelStark ago

Thank you . Overall , we need to dig deeper for any connections not yet maybe obvious at first .

Considering the timing of this posting a year ago , and this returning back to focus of many researchers recently - we could be onto something much more here . Well see ... but lets keep digging for small details in between , that is our task .

TNLunatick ago

Plus, I read recently that Diana may have had Indian ancestry.

So, uh... does this mean that the royals are pretenders to the throne? ;)

DanijelStark ago

The British Royal family is - German , lol .

TNLunatick ago

Oh yeah, I’ve heard that before. So, if they made a poor bloodline alliance based on the assumption of “A Very British Girl”, then are we looking at Shades of Grey?

TNLunatick ago

Sorry for replying to my own question, but it just occurred to me that William married a commoner named KATE and Harry’s paternity has long been questioned. Brush off your genealogy here folks. We may be looking at a King Ralph situation. What a royal clusterf$ck.