Comet Pizza owner James a Rothschild? (GreatAwakening)
submitted 6.2 years ago by Rocky_Bindhamer
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Several Pizzagate Links Follow:
The owner of Comet Pizzaria and Ping Pong A.K.A. Comet Ping Pong And Pizza of Podesta infamy, is given as "Jimmy Comet", yet that isn't his only alias.
He also goes by "James Alenfantis", a French anagram for "J'aime les Enfant" in English "I Love Children".
Apparently his REAL name is Lord James Achilles Rothschild. And he appeared in a Rothschild family reunion photo. Some suggest Q has hinted they are one in the same.
He was same sex married to David Brock a Bitcoin Director and Founder of Soros' Media Matters for a while.
There have been several Clinton and DNC events at that location.
The number of connections in the next disturbing link is startling:
Qdog 6.2 years ago
Rothschilds need to be in GITMO. ALL of them. Along with the 13 bloodlines. If not our children are at risk
SearchVoatBot 6.2 years ago
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derram 6.2 years ago :
Media Matters founder David Brock accuses gay ex-lover of blackmailing him for $850K | Daily Mail Online
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Qdog ago
Rothschilds need to be in GITMO. ALL of them. Along with the 13 bloodlines. If not our children are at risk
SearchVoatBot ago
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derram ago :
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