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Penetr8tor ago

For another time - please pay attention to this, thank you. "2. Posts need to have a description and “sauce”. In other words, links. Please explain your posts. Not just some quick description in the Title that doesn’t tell us much. Make quality posts. Give a description and add links. Please don’t just post opinions. You’re free to discuss all the opinions you want in the comment section. Even if you want to talk about Mossad backed Alex JonesJPEG or what a genius our POTUSGIF is. I had to. 😁 There are some exceptions to this. Most most posts should have links.

Instead of making a submission to ask a question, please ask it in the comment section. You can ping others by putting @ before their usernames, but without spaces. You can ping us mods. The list of mods is on the bottom right. Or, you can private message (PM) me."

qanon1776 ago

Very helpful! Thank you

walkingcontradiction ago

Are you designating yourself as voat wordsmith and keeper of laws?

Penetr8tor ago

I didn't make the rules. I simply share the purpose of the board owner about quality content and ease of use, that's all. Is there something you disagree with in those rules and the purpose of the board owner?

walkingcontradiction ago

while I appreciate your suggestion, you are not qualified to tell me how to post. if you had several hundred posts, you might have some standing. you don't. If the board owner or the moderator has a problem with any post, I am quite sure that they won't be shy about reaching out. thank you for your concern for the board owners.

Penetr8tor ago

Well, I was politely directing your attention to the rules, that's all. So there shouldn't be basis for interpreting it as me trying to boss you around. I don't seek conflict or ego-battles over petty things like this. We have bigger things to deal with.

About my concern - yes, the board owners - but first of all the quality of the board content. I share the purpose of that, and that's why I spoke up. (In the politest way I could think of. And not just giving "my opinion" but sharing from the rules - something we can unite on, I hope). Anyway, onward we go. Thank you for your contributions otherwise.

walkingcontradiction ago

Bigger issues, indeed! Most welcome, and I apologize for my tone. Your point is well taken Penetr8tor.