GranimalSnake ago

Great question, it's connected somehow.

kestrel9 ago

He goes way back, Afghanistan, Iran Contra...
and 911

Plus he worked for WAPO and had reportedly ties to MB.

Went to high school with OBL? Wonder what that yearbook would look like.

“We were hoping to establish an Islamic state anywhere,” Khashoggi reminisced about their time together in the Muslim Brotherhood. “We believed that the first one would lead to another, and that would have a domino effect which could reverse the history of mankind.”

I imagine with that sentiment he wouldn't have approved his cousin Dodi Al-Fayed more moderate practice Islam? What if it was Dodi Al-Fayed that was more of a target then Princess Di and the 'oh she might marry a muslim narrative'. Does the Queen of England give a rat's ass about the UK becoming a Muslim country (in retrospect?). The narrative we were fed at the time, and given how the media is a tool of the globalists, used to deflect attention away from their real agenda, it's not a stretch to consider it.