dekutree64 ago

Careful with the NPC stuff. It is a form of solipsism (the belief that your own mind is the only thing that's certain to be real). It's one of the most common results of the unbalanced mental conditions that Satanists try to push us into. See Mark Passio's seminar on Natural Law for details. I have a feeling this meme's sudden popularity is coming from them, not us. And the Twitter banning is an attempt to utilize the Streisand effect.

MotoshiBoy ago

The world had gone full retard and we get to watch it all happen in HD and in real time!

Fucking love as we have it all, we have a plan, and wet win.

Enjoy the show!

Optional_Reading ago

But muh Russia bots

011235813 ago

and now... we zerg

On_Fire ago

I had to look it up...INDEED!

CokeOrPepe ago

Ok, what are NPC ‘themed’ accounts? Those bots that automatically call people nazi’s?