Awakened-1 ago


Ohhhhmega ago

Someone send this to the President and/or Kavanaugh!!

WeatherEye ago


badsrman ago


BulletMagnet879 ago


bulrush ago

That's one great piece of music. Great drums, guitar, everything.

Cloudrdr ago

Wicked Good! THANKS

fullthrottle1949 ago


sn00tyfr00T ago

That's out fucking standing. Is there a way to rip from FB?

AngelofDeath ago

I'm not on Facebook, so I don't know. There is a version on YouTube, but it sounds like a recording of a 1930's radio with a bad signal.

goldman1959 ago

I love it!

70times7 ago

Kavanaugh is not on your side dummies.

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

AngelofDeath ago

Jesuit trained … Trump can just rub a little ash on his forehead when he talks to Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh will do whatever he asks. When the Vatican goes boom, he'll look on Trump as his daddy.

70times7 ago

Glad some get it.

Vanguard123 ago

Up jumpin up and down.. Loved the lyrics.

AngelofDeath ago

All my strings broke on my air guitar.

DrunkViking ago

Why link to Fecesbook?, stupid asshole.

AngelofDeath ago

The version on YouTube sounds like crap. That's why. Make yourself useful and find a better one … WHOLE ASS

DrunkViking ago


Type-o-Negative ago

Then quit crying then, you sound like the obstructionst, lying, delaying socialist left we have to deal with now on a daily basis.

DrunkViking ago

Thank you, mr 28 days member. So you had to deal with me for 28 days, buhu. So go back to Reddit, where your safe space is, and where your socialist hugging friends are welcoming you back, so then can proctect you from others opionion. If you only can call people names, and you cant argue, then Voat is full, so fuck off.

VOAT IS FULL, you have to go back.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Shizy.

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Type-o-Negative ago

Hey niggerfaggot, I am a mod too, I could just erase your posts, but instead allowing you to run your mouth. Take note of it before looking stupid.

DrunkViking ago

I dont give a flying fuck why YOU, a stupid MANstruating shithead on his period, would try to intimidate me with your "power" as a MOD. MUHAHAHA. FUCK YOU and the the nigger you rode in on, and I am glad that you can read this before you go freebleeding and delete my posts. I dont give a fuck. You will get yours in time. Now go back to choking on a bag og JEWNIGGERCOCKS until you die. You dont scare me, stupid nitwit. Go back to REDDIT, where you belong.

Type-o-Negative ago

Must have been a drinking day for you. I forgive you.

DrunkViking ago

I dont accept your forgiveness. You caved. Just accept it.

Type-o-Negative ago

You are still a niggerfaggot, nothing will ever change that.

DrunkViking ago

Thank you very much for the compliment. But alas you will never be one.

Type-o-Negative ago

Why would you put your daughter in a South African school if you hate niggers? Not a lot of foresight there huh? Are you competent in anything you do? Morever, I am scared for your child(ren).

DrunkViking ago

All the real racist live in SA.. Didnt you know? BTW why are you in love with me? Not that it is wrong being gay, but eeh well it is actually wrong being gay. Dont be that. At least not against heteros. That is sooo wrong.

Type-o-Negative ago

Why the need for projection all of a sudden? The real question is why would you put your daughter in a school that is mostly black and “hunts your daughter daily just to rape her” starting to wonder if you are a pedo, as you sounded proud enough to say it on an anonymous board. You got some serious issues, bruh.

DrunkViking ago

You think I am a pedofile, well that is you projecting again.


Type-o-Negative ago

Putting your daughter in danger and brag about it how they all wanted to rape her is pretty fucking sick.

DrunkViking ago

Well, yor imagination has no limits, so imagine the worst that can happen to you, and double it, and then imagine I pay someone to do this to you. BTW I have several daughters, which one are you referring to?

Type-o-Negative ago

The one you wrote about...

Type-o-Negative ago

Too much of a pussy to face me, or you one of those punk bitches that pay others to do it on your behalf.

I bet you raped your own daughter you sick fuck.

DrunkViking ago

We have moved to Dallas, Texas, in the USA.

Fuck off, you stalker. I had to leave, because there suddenly was several niggers missing from her school.

Imagine my surprise.

Type-o-Negative ago

Did you pay to have them killed you sick fuck?

DrunkViking ago

If you are complaining about dead niggers, then why the hell are you here. Go back to Reddit, fucking NPC.

Found the Jew/Nigger!!!

GranimalSnake ago


AngelofDeath ago

Break out the air guitar!

RogerMoore0017 ago


CrustyBeaver52 ago

Top work.