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MolochHunter ago

@WhiteRonin deleting post - we dont accept simple questions as posts

WhiteRonin ago

Rules for Submitting Posts 1. Posts have to be Q Related. (Explained Below) 2. If you post, explain yourself in the body of the post. (Not just the title) 3. Posts about other users are not allowed.

Since you brought up the rules. Are you saying I didn’t fulfill number / in a vague way? How is Hillary getting her clearance revoked q related but not my topic?

I’m gonna submit a request for a rule addition: 4. Before posting check the front page for duplicate material

Thanks and have a nice day :)

MolochHunter ago

You're doing a great job of making me want to prejudice your future posts

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t care. Think what you want.

But your comment is proving you don’t believe in the cause. Q believers come in many colors and fashions.

Remember, the word is “unity”.

MolochHunter ago

If the word is unity then get with the program, make posts of substance, and don't get all pissy when we delete shit that doesn't make the grade

WhiteRonin ago

I made valid points and you went with your own narrative and didn’t address even 1 point. Instead you act all big because what you have mod status.

No, you are the one who is getting “pissy” and “power hungry”.

What does “unity” mean in the context of Q.

And no, I am not gonna be what you consider a good Q follower is. I have been red pilled for way too long and bring up points like this way before Obungo was President.

And you are proving what I had thought when you first deleted my post. Are you the next oh_will_i_am or maybe you are his alt!

So, are you gonna say you are gonna ban me next because I ain’t your bitch?

MolochHunter ago

yea. i'm putting you on a watch list

if you spam the board with more posts that are simple Questions I will recommend to the sub owner that you be banned. If she asks me how you respond when shitty posts are deleted, and whether you should be given clemency, I will say that you respond with a pissy sense of arrogant entitlement to post whatever the fuck you want

@Srayie posted this EXPLICITLY for posts just like the one of yours I deleted just a few days ago, flaired 'Please Read' - she posted a similar one just a week prior to that on the same topic

tell me in what capacity your post did not fall afoul the warning spelled out in that post?

there are other Q subs on voat with different styles and rules. If you find one that has no problem with you spamming the board with Question posts, make that your home. Its one of the benefits of having multiple Q subs

if you dont find any that accept what you want to post - create your own Q sub.

are we Clear ?

WhiteRonin ago

“Are we clear?” Now, you are being a power hungry mod. Be careful dude GA is already being targeted for what you are doing now. I have a screen shot.

Just for your information. I am the one who posts in QRV to come here.


What is up with this dude?

I clearly asked him which rule I broke and now he wants to target me because I post controversial posts. I have kept my promise to not shit post here. I even posted the rules and made suggestions.

srayzie ago


Sorry. @MolochHunter isn’t being power hungry. We’ve had a lot of posts lately that have gone against rules. I ended up making this post and it’s the 2nd sticky...

There are so many people here and so many opinions. I’ve asked people to keep questions and opinion posts in the comment section.

In order for quality posts to not be buried, I’ve asked for a clear title, description and link. There are exceptions but not many.

Please read my post. It’s not to control anyone. It’s just to set a standard here. Comments are open. It’s the submission posts that are the most important.

WhiteRonin ago

Well, then you should be warning and deleting more posts according to your standards.

No questions and opinion posts occur here daily and on top of that multiple posts of the same topic.

Hillary lost her clearance! How is that Q related?

And what did you moderate?

As far as I can see you are targeting me because I spoke up.

srayzie ago

@MolochHunter isn’t targeting you. I just got a new mod today. We’ve needed one. If posts against the rules have stayed up and other posts have not, it’s only because they weren’t caught.

WhiteRonin ago

Sorry for the drama and will refrain from here on out. but I’m still gonna clear my point about him being power hungry.

  1. You're doing a great job of making me want to prejudice your future posts

  2. yea. i'm putting you on a watch list

Thanks for your time. No reply is necessary since I know you are busy and have bigger drama issues to deal with.

Vindicator ago

Hi WhiteRonin,

Speaking as a mod whose had to deal with this situation for two years in v/pizzagate, can I point out that you can help make sure mods administer the rules consistently simply by messaging modmail when a rule-breaking post is left up? It really is difficult catching everything, especially when tired or when you've been focusing on one thing and something else pops up.

Neither @MolochHunter nor @srayzie are powermongers and both highly value Voat's commitment to free speech.

WhiteRonin ago

Srayzie has my respect.

Others have to earn that with actions. You don’t earn respect with threats. That is why I said what I did. Look at how I responded to both. Make your judgement on how I responded.

Vindicator ago

You're saying the ban warning was a threat?

WhiteRonin ago

Huh? I asked him if was gonna ban me. He didn’t say that.

Why are you getting testy?

Vindicator ago

Sorry. Didn't mean to give that impression :-) I was trying to ask a clarifying question. @Srayzie @MolochHunter and the rest of the mods here are pretty new at their jobs, and the sub ballooned from a small personal sub to a massive one in just a couple of weeks. I try to help with suggestions here and there, when I can. I know old goats get testy about rule abuse and sometimes rules themselves. I've found good communication benefits all. That's all. :-)

WhiteRonin ago

We’re good. Srayzie saves the day! She did.

And I did mean I when I said “sorry”. If you can’t use a word like that when necessary humanity is lost.

TBH. I do post in qrv to push those shits to come over here. I really do want to see unity in Q movement. I just have my own (weird) way of doing things.

srayzie ago

@WhiteRonin thank you for saying I’ve earned your respect. @Vindicator, thank you for the tip. I’ve never even thought of that.

WhiteRonin, Vindicator mods with me on pizzagate. He actually has helped me learn how to run this subverse. He’s just being helpful.

Lets all just hug and make up. 😁 Just kidding.

But, Vin and @MolochHunter, it is true. He is from SBBH. He’s my fellow shit poster. He’s been respectful and hasn’t shit posted here that I know of.

You guys would normally get along. This was all just a misunderstanding.

WWG1WGA faggots.

MolochHunter ago

I think it was

@WhiteRonin i can see where we sent mixed signals. Despite the sticky note 'Please Read' rules post, the rules are also listed TWICE on the right hand side bar. The first of those does omit the 'no questions / Opinion post ' rule, its only mentioned in the second. We will fix this

so in that capacity Im prepared to concede i was prematurely terse with you.

But I'll also add that the extent and limit of my 'threat' was to advocate your banning from this thread to Srayzie if you continued to breach the rules, which to my mind would only be expected. So in an offer of mutual concessions, you might agree that that was a little hyperbolic on your behalf to make that allegation / characterisation

WhiteRonin ago

Read up 3 minutes before your post.

Ah, hold on. You were typing this while I answered.

Also note, I clearly told vindicator you didn’t threaten to ban me. Which should be 2 above srayzie’s reply.

WhiteRonin ago

Let’s chalk it up as a misunderstanding!

So, my bad.

Cheers folks.

srayzie ago

Yay! 👍🏻

MolochHunter ago

I already recommended you take a look in the deleted posts folder so that you can appraise for yourself that your post is one of dozens of similarly deleted posts by both myself and the other mods here

I regard any further correspondence on the matter with myself to be only in the interests of deliberate antagonism. Take it up with @Srayzie if you have further concerns

WhiteRonin ago

When did you recommend that?

MolochHunter ago

3 posts up

WhiteRonin ago

Nope, all you said was that other posts like mine were deleted.