San Franciso-Shanghai Sister City Committee
The San Francisco-Shanghai Sister City committee (SFSSCC), in its 30th anniversary, is a goodwill organization with more than 200 cultural, business and governmental exchanges between San Francisco and Shanghai.
In 1980, Senator Dianne Feinstein, then mayor of San Francisco, and Shanghai’s Mayors Wan Dao Han and Jiang Zemin started the sister city relationship. Both Feinstein and Jiang have ascended to national leadership in their respective countries, but their lasting ties continue to this day.
The SFSSCC is a 501c(3) non-profit charitable organization.
All contributions are tax-exempt. Its directors are volunteers. The committee receives no government funds or taxpayer funds.
Photos of Senator Dianne Frinstein with Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin
Former San Francisco Mayor, current US Senator Dianne Feinstein and former Shanghai Mayor and Former President of China Jiang Zemin photo
Former President of China Jiang Zemin, former Mayor Dianne Feinstein, the Honorable Dick Blum, and original committee Chairman Tom Hsieh photo
California-Asia Business Council (Cal-Asia) is one of California's leading private-sector, non-profit, international business-promotion associations. Our mission is to help California firms of all sizes develop or expand their commercial ties with the economies of Pacific Asia and India. Cal-Asia members range from some of the nation's largest multinational companies to small and medium-sized exporters, importers, manufacturers, and service companies. Industries represented range from infrastructure development to technology, and also export-import, resource development, global transportation, engineering and design, banking and finance.
pwdwp ago
Here is also a great article on Feinstein connection with China by Ben Weingarten, The Federalist, 8/8/18
Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars.
“I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”—Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Sections in the article:
The Details Right Now Are Few and Blurry
A Short History of Dianne Feinstein’s Love for China
It Turned Out to Be a Lucrative Relationship
Why, We Love Trading with China
Campaign Contributions from Foreign Sources
The Chinese Get Feinstein’s Lucrative Political Support
Feinstein’s Related Apologism for the Chinese Government
This Is About Much More than a Chinese Spy
capolitical review article Here
SeekNuShallFind ago
Hadn't seen that article, full of good info, thanks.