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MolochHunter ago

A comment about "inconsistency" of deleting posts

Most times if i see a post with no accompanying links it will be deleted. Not always, but usually, as they tend to be just questions or opinions. I will leave a post with no links if it a) alerts people to a new /breaking development in politics and no-one else has yet provided one with accompanying links in evidence, or b) provides some detail and information that is not common knowledge. This can result in a grey area

if you dont want to fall afoul of that grey area, I recommend you find a link from some internet media or resource that illustrates your point

it really doesnt take much by way of a level of substance to have a post stick here (try hanging out in Pizzagate and posting there to see how much more lax we are over here)

Another thing. If we do delete your post for insufficient relevance or substance, there's no need to get pissy. It's easier and less work on your behalf, I'm telling you, to simply find some resource to link, and post it again, rather than try and engage an embittered back and forth with your mods

post on anon anonanons

srayzie ago

I agree!!

MolochHunter ago

Oh. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll put in a good word for you with the sub owner 😉