Walkawaylib ago

Uh... No. 175?

ANC3 ago

So many whiners...

We don't know how many votes were changed by our actions, and none of us ever will. How many fence sitters saw that FISA-GATE meme for the umpteenth time and decided to check it out? Those things aren't going to red-pill a flaming libtard, but unsure normies vote too. Those are seeds and too many here are expecting to see the tree blooming in full fruit overnight.

Just our numbers and presence is letting them know that this is not just some right-wing-fake-news. We are a presence to be reckoned with and they know we are watching. That is our mission as a digital army. We are the support regiments.

Those names in the list are all players. It took time and effort to neutralize them (and likely their staffs and supporters). But people here just shug and say meh..."I want a perp-walk". Fuck you. You dickwads would have been arm-chairing the Normandy landings, bitching about all the covert preliminary actions and screaming "stop all this bs and send the troops in". Fuckin' idiots.

If it weren't for Q, you likely wouldn't even notice half these people were neutralized. Shit isn't gonna happen overnight. If thats what you expect, its better to just back off and maybe check in weekly or something. Timing is everything in a military operation and this ones timetable has ZERO to do with your patience.

Any veteran knows hurry-up-and-wait as a way of life.

That's what we are doing now., playing cards between battles. Just kicked back, shitposting on twitter, taking handfuls of red-pills to distribute on YouTube and FB. Publicly supporting other Patriots and truth-tellers. Filling the gapping information void left by the MSM.

Now and again we get a target or question from Q. We all put down the cards, gear up and head off to battle. Anons dig, anons share names and places, anons analyze, anons make connections and some even come to conclusions. Some anons meme-attack to let new targets know we are watching. All anons work to share the new information.

Then we go back, pick up the cards and take up the game where we left off. Hurry-up-and-wait.

If you don't like the way things are going, you don't NEED to be here. I'm not suggesting you leave, that's up to you. Just saying that you didn't sign a contract. And if a status update gets you mad, thinking its not enough...well, I don't know what to tell you.

Michael3500BC ago

My thinking is when things start happening they they will need to move fast, otherwise the shit could hit the fan.

Super_Elite ago

Us concernfags are not just about arrests. That is such a tired argument. And a good number of us are losing faith or Q wouldn't have addressed it. Perhaps his back to back "but Anons knew" smoke-up-the-ass wasn't quieting everyone this go round.

My problem is the predictions and especially the ginning up. This far in, disinfo doesn't cover. "53-47". "Arrests Woo Hoo!" "The world will know the truth in July!" "Ready for PAIN!?" Things like this. That is clickbait.That is a prick tease. That is problematic. Notice, I didn't complain about arrests. Some disinfo is necessary, sure. But Q was wrong about the Kav vote. Wasn't disinfo, straight up wrong. That doesn't help Q or us. That shit needs to stop.

It's also about credibility and Q is losing his with a number of us because we lose ours out there trying to red pill. We are not all shills and joooooooos. We are real patriots just like you. Q asked us to meme and red pill and recruit did he not? Well no one listens to anything Q anymore because it's been a year of hot farts from him. They (not us), THEY don't see anything supporting or corroborating the red pills. This post is neat and all those names are cute but that doesn't change a single midterm vote from D to R now does it. I thought midterms were important but I guess we are here just to leave the sleeping in their slumber.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Notimportant36 ago

Hopefully this will shut up a bit of the concernfagging and timeframes fagging.

Really, should be impressed that as much has been accomplished as it has...

Dont expect more than a hand full of arrests before the midterms, enough to remove Mueller and guarantee that any blue wave will be a trickle.

All that requires, for the most part, is that any moderates, particularly on the left, will simply accept that Trump is not evil.

CB4891 ago

I hope it does. Also, a lot of people keep screaming for arrests before the midterms, but I don't think that they've really bothered to think that through. What would it look like if the DOJ started rounding up Trump's political opposition less than a month before the elections? We would be demonized by the MSM. They would howl that this was Gestapo tactics, and they wouldn't be wrong. We have political momentum right now because of the Kavanaugh circus, but if that happened, even a lot of his base might turn against him. There would be zero time to release to the public any crimes committed in a manner that would be believable. I know people want action now, but the timing is counterintuitive to our cause.

Notimportant36 ago

Ya, I dont think Q was completely honey dicking everyone when bringing up arrests, I just dont think the pre-election arrests will be more than a handful, just enough to prove Trump as not guilty.

At least then it will allow 2 years to really keep things moving.

MrCooper12 ago

Trust the plan people. Stay the course and be patient. The timeline has already been given to us, think logically and rationally.

aekotra ago

OK, let's take Q at his word then.

How long before this drop becomes clickbait?


Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?


Do people say "are you ready?" for something happening months from now?

ANC3 ago

Or a change of circumstance alters the timetable. Maybe like J.Baker's information?

There is an army of IG Inspectors out roaming the halls of civil service. People are talking and I'm sure new stuff comes in every day. How many low/mid-level managers, maybe just ankle deep in the swamp, decide to save their careers/retirement and call the IG hotline, opening new lines of investigation?

SearchVoatBot ago

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cim70 ago


Jimerican ago

It's pretty close to the midterms for much to happen now.

As much as I want it to, it6 would be too disruptive and create chaos.

Next available date is 11/11?

Valkirin ago

Then that declas needs to be revealed immediately unredacted fully

kestrel9 ago

[Batter’s Box]

Michael Steinbach

John Glacalone

Randy Coleman

Trisha Anderson

Kevin Clinesmith

Tashina Gauhar

Sally Moyer — Previously Unidentified Anti-Trump FBI Agent — Shown for First Time

Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the Freedom Caucus, revealed the identity of two previously anonymous pro-Hillary FBI investigators referenced by Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the Clinton email investigation... "Sally was on the “filter team” for the Clinton investigation, which determined whether information gathered by the FBI was “privileged” or could be utilized in the probe."

“Moyer, in an Oct. 28, 2016, instant message, said she was ‘sick’ of Trump and later called his supporters ‘retarded.’ On Election Day, she said Clinton had ‘better win … otherwise I’m gonna be walking around with both my guns … and like quitting on the spot,’ adding, ‘Screw you, Trump.’”

adogrocket ago

that was a lot to digest.....

derram ago

https://archive.fo/W6qMQ :

Trisha Anderson, Charles Newman - Weddings - The New York Times

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