HeatPatriot1 ago

I hope that conversation was recorded

Shiftworker1976 ago

She accepted the bribe from Frankenstein. Q knows all! Gitmo Camp Delta renovations will be complete soon. She may have just got in line for a VIP ticket. Vote Vote Vote

indeknow ago

Sarah has a pair of nutz!

'I can see 2022 from my house': Sarah Palin taunts Murkowski ahead of Kavanaugh vote

adogrocket ago

She is done..she jumped the shark

JoRoy ago

She was talking out of both sides of her mouth. “He’s a good man... I don’t like his demeanor.”

indeknow ago

They showed her the red scarf and doorknob.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

She's doing this while knowing the confirmation is guaranteed also. Does she really think Dems will vote for her?

tossitrightinthere ago

Yes, she does. The NEA and Native Corporations love her.

LiL_Bit ago

Frankenwrinkle got to her.

Such rambling both my state senators voted No they both need to go...... jump in a really deep deep lake. Spend 30 minutes to state why you vote NO. VOTE WITH YOUR PARTY. SPINELESS REPUBS

AUSAFVet ago

OMG!! she makes me want to puke! Yeah Thanx Alaska... I lived there for a number of years and used to talk about "What a great place it was and how welcoming the people were....WELLLLL FUCK YOU ALL! Let's see what this pussy ass wimp of a woman will do for you when you are freezing this winter! Come crawling to POTUS for help of course. She has no balls against frankenstein. frankenstein shook her to the bones..You can hear it in her voice! I will be looking into her for sure

tossitrightinthere ago

Honestly, my hope is her name is on one of the 96 sealed indictments in the State of Alaska.

AUSAFVet ago

I am right there with you..total shame to the state..BUT THEY elected her..or maybe they didn't..