AbsolutelyZak ago

I live 20000 miles away from you guys and from here I can smell something very bad gonna go down this weekend. "Is that your perfume Hillary darling?"

altro87 ago

SkelSoc ago

That was the best thing I think I've ever seen....! hahahaha.......

altro87 ago

Alright!! i did good goat, i did good!!!

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

They'd be miles ahead if they completely shut down Soros' machine first. It would be a lot less ugly that way.

RuciodeSancho ago


TalkingDixon ago

Damn straight! o7

sn00tyfr00T ago

Bring the fuQn pain Q!

Plastic_Penguin ago

I'm lurking on Voat since alpha... never speak for myself

I've seen Brexit and Trump election live because I couldn't sleep

I feel it in my bones someting huge is about to happen

all hands aboard... I'm all in

wrathfulmomes ago

Just fuckign do it already.
No arrests. No swamp draining. No big declas. No big secrets revealed.
Nothing but promises and promises, change to believe in, memes ahoy and VOTE.
Keep stringing us all long until after the VOTE because that's what they really want.

tamrix ago

Hell yeah!!

ValiMAGA ago

Sure hope things are about to get a whole new level of interesting

Enaashby ago

We are ready to do what is needed and help in any way we can! We want to be part of the fight for good to overcome such overwhelming evil.

Elfchiro ago

Um, I don’t know. Wait, can I have a little more time to think about it? God bless POTUS and Q team. WWG1WGA!

Cleanhobo ago

pfft... Bugged out prepper living on my own land drinking apple moonshine an generating my own power and raising/growing my own food. 300 sq foot cabin and a pile of guns. Fuck the world...

Bonefish5 ago

Damn! You single?

Cleanhobo ago

You think a guy with all that would be single???? Pffft... I gotta walk around with a stick to beat women away from me everywhere I go...

AbsolutelyZak ago

Homemade internet antenna too. Love ing it !!! I always wanna raise hogs and make salami and smoked ham

TalkingDixon ago

I see you prepared before September, kek. Got my shit together long ago, too. Let's do this.

Qsentmehere ago

Are you too stupid to understand a metaphor?

TexasClass ago

When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred. – Thomas Jefferson When dealing with traitors ask Q to bring the pain!! - Anon

Stonenchizel ago

Hell to the YES Lets get this party started.... Popcorn anyone ?


SerialChiller ago

Absolutely - but the gloating and plans of humiliating the enemy by some of the posters here is a little concerning to me. It is giving me flashbacks of the cockiness of the left back in October 2016.

As of this minute, we still do not have a firm Yes from Flaky or Murkowski. That worries me quite a bit - the fact that Flaky isn't on board yet is very suspicious. He is not standing for re-election -- at this point, he has his eye on his post-senate career, and can really make an underhanded deal with the Dems.

I am as eager as any goat to see BK confirmed, to see FISA docs unleashed and to see Finestain and Pelosi and the Podestas and Holder and old Urine-and-Cabbage-Fart herself going to Gitmo... but I would prefer that we celebrate after the victory. Don't want to end up like the democrats on 11/08/2016.

HomerDog7878 ago

My BDU's are ready to go.


Let Kavenaugh be the Bugler. His confirmation will be our Battle Cry and our CHARGE soundings!

MidnightDStroyer ago

Here's what I'm thinking, according to the indications I've seen: Senate vote to confirm Kavanaugh is scheduled for Saturday & he'll be ready to take his place with SCOTUS by Monday. I'll have my biggest cup ready to catch as much of the Liberal Tears as I can...The sweetest drink ever. The Democrat Jesters who tried to pull off that circus are beginning to come under FBI investigation already & that will probably expand as we lead up to the Midterm elections. That's when the Dems find out that they went waaaaaay too far & they'll lose big time, maybe fracturing the whole Democrat Party into irrecoverable splinters. This is probably going to be the most significant election in American history & there's a LOT that can happen...Not all of it good.

I figure the most dangerous time will be after the election, but likely before the newly-elected officials will be able to take their places in January...That will be their last-gasp chance to prevent a Repub super-majority to start its first official assembly. But if POTUS has to make the actual Military take to the streets, we should not panic or take any rash action...Remain in defensive position until they can clean up the worst of the mess. I hope people are prepared to stay strongholded in their homes for a few days or up to a week if neccessary, because we may lose power & water, plus will be under military orders to stay home except for medical emergencies...Don't try to go anywhere to get food, you should already have enough food & water stored by now. If you need perscription meds, try to get some extra built up if you can...Ask your health care provider & doctors about it. You may lose internet, TV, radio & phone service for some time because they may likely need to cut off communications to prevent the enemy combatants from communicating & organizing themselves. Don't panic & just keep checking for your services because they will restore them as quickly as they can, without compromising their operations.

Check out YouTube ( /watch?v=qHWUENgeQqM ) for a better idea of what to expect than what I could say here. Primary ideal would be to keep in a defensive posture & don't go out & try to be a hero...Heroes (military) will already be on the job & won't tolerate anyone getting in the way, even if it's by accident or mistake...They probably won't try to stop you if you need to get to a hospital or some other emergency pops up on you, but you will still need to remain calm & explain it to any soldier that finds you. They're likely to actually help you get there as long as you don't show any appearance of being a threat. Remember, these guys are Americans & they don't want to harm you; they're job at first will be to make the mass arrests & stop rioters/looters.

Stay calm. Stay safe. Don't get stupid. The faster they can clean up the bad guys, the sooner that they can restore our infrastructures/services & let us get back to normal. POTUS has no intention of making this a long-term occurance.

TheOldestGoat ago

Antifa vs 250 Million guns and 2 Trillion round of Ammunition should be fun to watch, and that's just the locked and loaded civilian arsenal in the United States

MidnightDStroyer ago

Yeah, but if Trump has to declare a temporary martial law for widespread rioters & such, the civilians should stay home & let the real pros do the job. They're trained & equipped for just this sort of thing & many of them are back stateside after having been operating during tours in the Middle East...So it's just best to stay out of their way! I suggest watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHWUENgeQqM&t=29s for some good common sense if that happens. Don't panic, be prepared & remain at home in a position of self-defense (from looters & rioters only). Don't go wandering around to "see what's happening" or you may wind up involved in the wrong way.

HelloDolly ago

Great post, and very helpful. I have been hoping it's a plan for the worst but it won't end up being that bad situation.

MidnightDStroyer ago

If you expect disappointment, then no matter what happens you won't be disappointed...And perhaps even pleasantly surprised.


JeanOphelia ago


adogrocket ago

Bring the noise

MrCooper12 ago

Lets Roll. May God watch over those fighting the fight against evil on the front lines and in support rolls! WWG1WGA!

1of17 ago

Pantries full, gas tanks full, cash commodities on hand. Bullets, guns and gold, Check! How many ways are there to say "Fuck Yeah"? %Send Lawyers, Guns and Money%

Old_longtooth ago

Onward Christian soldiers. Think of Joshua Chamberlain of the 20th main at the Battle of Gettysburg. Out of ammo trapped on "little round top" hill surrounded by the enemy. What did he say? FIX BAYONETS, CHARGE. The rebs certain he must have an overwhelming force turned and ran. Because of that action the line held, because the line held the union won the battle, because of that battle the american union won the war. Because we won that war. We still have one nation under God. Because one small quiet man had courage.

Bunkson23 ago

Justice by the crime .whatever Military Tribunals do.

caesarfecit ago

I would love to see some arrests. Starting with Dr Fraud.

moblodite ago

I just had a brain fart.. maybe means protesters arrest? I hope bigger than that !!!

TheOldestGoat ago

LOCKED and very LOADED.....

LOCK THEM UP!!!!! ==> https://www.bitchute.com/video/axrn78NkFmVf/

Comey drops the Soap ==> https://www.bitchute.com/video/tqj7UW49kcHK/

DTrumplican ago

hahahahaha great

scoripowarrior ago

You Betcha!!

Notimportant36 ago

Whoever the anon was that pointed out, I hope it's accurate...

Week 1: BOOM (MTWT)

Week 2: BOOM(TWTF)

Week 3: BOOM(WTFS)

Week 4: BOOM(TFSS)

Where the trigger gets pulled a bit staggered, if that is right we should see a few arrests tomorrow...

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Here's another twist in all of the timing - the white cop on trial for shooting a black man, van Dyke in Chicago, will likely have a verdict next Tues the 10th and it is possible that all hell is going to break loose that day in Chicago.

Notimportant36 ago

Excellent observation... that would make for a great distraction for 11th with alleged Rosenstein/ Mueller falling apart theory.

sully3301Q ago


lightmeup77 ago

Open up the Gates of Hell. We stand with Q.


moblodite ago

God it would be so fucking great if MSM ran this Q post !!! I love to watch Rats run!

HouseHawkwood ago

I’ve got such bad blue balls I’m so ready

RufusTFlywheel ago

I'm locked and loaded. Let's do it Q!!!

Qstorm ago

Let's go!!!

scoripowarrior ago

If Kavanaugh is finally confirmed on Saturday night...and sworn in right away....then let the dumping of docs begin!!

DQBlizzard1 ago

I am tippy-top ready for some arrests, and pain, and to be a part of history! BRING IT, Q!!!

usa100000 ago

I am ready for Justice!

LuciferMF626 ago

Yes we are ready. Release the Krackin

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Does a bear shit in the woods? Is hell hot? Does a fat baby go goo? Hell YES I’m ready.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Is the Pope a pedo

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

In the worst fucking way.

RufusTFlywheel ago

kek. These people are sick

Rhondaher ago

Release the Krackin

Rhondaher ago

Hell yes. Bring it on

HomerDog7878 ago

We stand at the position of attention on standby. We wait patiently in our foxholes scanning our sectors. We pray in the trenches before the charge signal is thrown. Give the word Q, We are with you! WWG1WGA!

Qforever ago

Just DoitQ!

wrathfulmomes ago

Right? Just fucking do it already.
Sick of waiting for nothing and delivering the midterm based on a promise withi no collateral.

Justaddcoffee ago

HomerDog7878 ago

tossitrightinthere ago

Really good!

moblodite ago

I am way past ready! Going to get an attends, Don't want to pee all over myself! Bring on the house of PAIN !https://youtu.be/geNBfALfqr4

bloodykisses84 ago

I've got 100 different kinds of popcorn and 3d glasses. The old-school kind of 3d made of paper with the blue and red lenses...

Dreamer59 ago

Ready since Nov 2016

lastcallhall ago

Im ready. Given the months Ive been following, Im all in.

bopper ago

Coming up on the anniversary since the drops started. Coincidence?

minicog ago

We were born for this time.


jkrupelasr ago

Yes, unleash Justice

moblodite ago

I might have to get Cable again, The news is going to be going wild really soon !!

smellmaster ago

Any indication on when?

Notimportant36 ago

Sadly when is always guesswork. We know Q called it Red October numerous times. The meanin should become evident soon...

See, for those of us who have been redpilled for 5days-20years, the awakening is going to be mostly a redeeming moment where we can truly help others into the new realities.

For the average brainwashed leftist, this is going to be a major trauma.

JeanOphelia ago

True. I can't wait though to show all the a-holes in my family and at work that Trump is right.

Notimportant36 ago

I really doubt it will happen in a satisfactory way. I'm sorry you also have some shitheads in the family, but its going to really be a question of what is more empathetic, cutting them out or helping them cope.

Seriously, you think people were losing their shit because Clinton lost, now can you imagine if they find out the whole truth which we know at a minimum is child sacrifice, organ trafficking, pedo cults, etc... that is a trauma, you aren't doing anyone favors rubbing trauma in their faces.

I understand the temptation though, as it is, with the minor booms to date to get to the "I told you so"

F_Scott ago

Right. I think it'll, perhaps, be more important for the country to see the victims than the criminals, and on all sides. We need a lot of compassion -- it sifts the innocent from the guilty, and unites them. I'm very much hoping that we don't end up with a razor-thin confirmation vote with Kavanaugh -- I hope seeing the results of this investigation inspires some Democrats to vote their consciousnesses. The country desperately needs a moment like that right now. Without it, the cabal will undoubtedly start shouting "Nazis! Saturday Night Massacre!" and panic the public.

AmericanPatriot-38 ago

Count me in, I say as I am doing my best Horshack impression

KueAnaan ago

"Juan could not be ready today as he has the flu" ~ Epstein's Mother

AmericanPatriot-38 ago


InspiredPatriot ago

Could Q & POTUS be unleashing hell to force a few dims to vote for BK? A little shock & awe might just change some minds

MidnightDStroyer ago

It would seem that way, even if covertly. I've been seeing some news indicating that some Dems are backpedaling already because they too have seen how badly their party is getting tromped in the public polls & losing votes. Just remember, the longer that the likes of Feinstein & Booker keep pushing, the longer that none of teh Dems can get out & campaign for the Midterms...And they're likely to be facing a colder reception than they're used to seeing.

The Senate vote is scheduled for Saturday, as I've heard it.

caesarfecit ago

I think GEOTUS is planning to have them vote on the record for the cloture vote, then he's gonna release the FBI report, announce Sessions will be going after the false accusers and their lawyers, and BTFO the lying Dems right before the real vote on BK.

tossitrightinthere ago

I would LOVE THAT! Can you imagine what it would do to solid Dems that are running for re-election in a close race?

WxGirlTx ago

I'm soooo ready. Bring them on Q!

frankenglock ago


SkelSoc ago



Valkirin ago

im on board anchors away