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expletivdeleted ago

In the end, you will be 'shocked' to learn what you've 'essentially' witnessed.

Any theories as to what the big reveal will be? Towards the end of his life, Barlow thought the tech companies were collecting to much info. Maybe we, normies included, are about to see the scope of data collection. Like, in an in-your-face, can't just say "oh well" and laugh it off kind of way.

AngelofDeath ago

They'll know more about you then you do. That's gonna be a fact. THE REASON??? Something like PRE-CRIME arrest or re-education camps against CONSERVATIVES. If Hillary had won, people like me would likely already be rounded up or dead … If not from a nuclear war, a round up of conservatives I would have fought against.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, I have a feeling we were all on a list for a new address.