teraskasi ago

All i know is i saw part of the remote viewing thing on there site for got where i saw it but i saw a link to something but not sure what all of it said i wished i would of copied so i could of done a good read to see what it had said i know you probably already looked through it, but what if they made to different copies wiki leaks had some c_a stuff that was leaked to them not sure if they might have anything about it.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Interesting! I have seen some things too, but wasn't archiving either. Some of this info is declassified now, yet MSM still tries to deny it. I believe there is more info even on .gov sites.

derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/ahhow3.png :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=YoqLu3hh9V4 :

What is really behind Disney and it's elite club - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=on3xxr6JjH4 :

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors - YouTube

https://tweetsave.com/narrativetests/status/1046591003329736704 :

TestingTheNarrative on Twitter: "1. Christine Blasey works at Stanford where she researched an abortion drug for the company she works for and produces drug, Covers more Stanford research Projects Let's dig further into the background of Christine's and her family connections as promised when I covered this,"

This has been an automated message.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Computer controlled tracks for subways and railroads

In the early 1960s, Hewitt Crane and his colleagues developed the world's first all-magnetic digital computer, based upon extensions to magnetic core memories. The technology was licensed to AMP Inc., who then used it to build specialized computers for controlling tracks in the New York City Subway and on railroad switching yards.

So as you can see already, involved in many sectors of industry and innovation.

Robotics and AI

In 1966, SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center began working on "Shakey the robot", the first mobile robot to reason about its actions. Equipped with a television camera, a triangulating rangefinder, and bump sensors, Shakey used software for perception, world-modeling, and acting. The project ended in 1972. SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center marked its 45th anniversary in 2011.

Packet Switching

First connection on a wide area network to use packet switching in 1969. . . ARPANET, was established between nodes at Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Douglas Engelbart's laboratory at SRI using Interface Message Processors at both sites. The following year, Engelbart's laboratory installed the first TENEX system outside of BBN where it was developed. In addition to SRI and UCLA, University of California, Santa Barbara and the University of Utah were part of the original four network nodes. By December 5, 1969, the entire four-node network was connected. In the 1970s, SRI developed packet-switched radio (a precursor to wireless networking), over-the-horizon radar, Deafnet, vacuum microelectronics, and software-implemented fault tolerance.

First Internet Transmission Menlo Park,

First true Internet transmission occurred on November 22, 1977, when SRI originated the first connection between three disparate networks. Data flowed seamlessly through the mobile Packet Radio Van between SRI in Menlo Park, California and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles via London, England, across three types of networks: packet radio, satellite, and the ARPANET.

After the response from Vietnam protestors, who felt Stanford Research Institute was part of the Military Industrial Complex (well, they Did have funding from DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). So they felt it best to split from the University (the old blame it on the initial institution, allow them to take responsibility and we go on our merry way pretending it wasn't US all along). Awe history (His story)!

So the Stanford Research Institute split from it's mother in 1970 and became evermore known as that globalist entity it always aided. . .Stanford Research International. Nice NWO ring to it don't you think?

CIA Projects kept secret until 1995 involving Pseudoscience

1972 CIA shows it's involvement once again with, a series of investigations of psychic phenomena sponsored by the CIA, for which they coined the term remote viewing.

Led by Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ

Let's take a cursory look at, Harold Puthoff: worked with, and invented, tunable lasers and electron beam devices, concerning which he holds patents, and he is co-author (with R. Pantell) of Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics (Wiley, 1969), published in English, French, Russian and Chinese. Puthoff published papers on polarizable vacuum (PV) and stochastic electrodynamics topics, which are examples of alternative approaches to general relativity and quantum mechanics.

Nothing says World Wide approach like having your findings published in various languages. I thought they were Concerned about Russian Expansion. Seems odd they would give them all this insider technology.

Apparently Puthoff took an interest in the Church of Scientology in the late 1960s and reached what was then the top OT VII level by 1971, according to Hugh Urban, who wrote, The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion.

Puthoff wrote up his "wins" for a Scientology publication, Success Story, Scientology Advanced Org Los Angeles (AOLA) special publication, 1971. He claimed to have achieved "remote viewing" abilities.

In 1974, Puthoff also wrote a piece for Scientology's Celebrity magazine, stating that Scientology had given him "a feeling of absolute fearlessness".

Something must have gone awry (his story sounds similar to other celebrities) Puthoff severed all connection with Scientology in the late 1970s.

In the 1970s and '80s Puthoff directed a CIA/DIA-funded program at SRI International to investigate paranormal abilities, collaborating with Russell Targ in a study of the purported psychic abilities of Uri Geller, Ingo Swann, Pat Price, Joseph McMoneagle and others, as part of the Stargate Project. Both Puthoff and Targ became convinced Geller and Swann had genuine psychic powers. However, Geller employed sleight of hand tricks.

This becomes key because Uri Geller is an Israeli illusionist who claims to be a psychic. Considered a tv personality known for spoon bending and tricks that stimulate the effects psychokinesis and telepathy. Geller states his powers are real.

Geller was born in Tel Aviv in 1946 when it was then part of British-administered Mandatory Palestine. His father was a sergeant major in the army and his mother claimed to be a distant relative of Sigmund Freud.

Geller was part of Israeli Army's Paratroopers Brigade, with which he served in the 1967 Six-Day War and was wounded in action. Became a model then started performing his tricks in Israeli night clubs, Universities, military bases, etc.

In addition he has starred in a horror film and made for television programs involving mentalist competitions and the supernatural.

Important as you watch what magicians do today, much of which is no long explained as a trick, but rather summoning and black magic.

Geller has claimed his feats are the result of paranormal powers given to him by extraterrestrials.

What do You think extraterrestrials are? Definitely Not of this world or dimension. Do you think they have our best interests at heart?

Swann helped develop the process of remote viewing at the Stanford Research Institute in experiments that caught the attention of the Central Intelligence Agency. He is commonly credited with proposing the idea of controlled remote viewing, a process in which viewers would view a location given nothing but its geographical coordinates, which was developed and tested by Puthoff and Targ with CIA funding.

Both Geller and Swann were tested by two experimenters, Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, who concluded that they did indeed have unique skills. Others have strongly disputed the scientific validity of Targ and Puthoff's experiments. In a 1983 interview, magician Milbourne Christopher remarked that Swann was "one of the cleverest in the field."

Targ is also a physicist and parapsychologist. known for early work in lasers and laser applications. He joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1972 where he and Harold Puthoff coined the term "remote viewing" for the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using parapsychological means. Targ's work on remote viewing has been characterized as pseudoscience and has also been criticized for lack of rigor.

So why did the CIA fund it? Are they generally involved in rogue programs which are funded by the American people who don't get a chance to vote on these "programs" or "experiments." Are they conducted without people's knowledge and permission?

Link to Enlightenment, Theosophical Society (another name for illuminati, cabal belief system or mystery religion, i.e. luciferian).

Targ was introduced to the paranormal by his father whose Chicago bookstore carried a variety of paranormal works and whose later published works at Putnam included a biography of Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, and Erich von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods. ussell Targ was involved in early laser research at Technical Research Group where he co-authored, with Gordon Gould among others, a 1962 paper describing the use of homodyne detection with laser light. Later, at Sylvania Electronic Systems, he contributed to the development of frequency modulation and mode-locking of lasers, and co-authored a 1969 paper which described the operation of a kilowatt continuous wave laser.

In 1972, Targ joined the Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory at SRI as a senior research physicist. Here are the government funded groups where he and Puthoff conducted research for,

  • NASA
  • the CIA
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Army Intelligence He worked for Stanford Research International until 1982.

No worries, he got on at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company as a senior staff scientist working in electro-optics.

Targ's contributions at Lockheed involved, aviation windshear sensing applications of Doppler heterodyne lidar technology. I would say that is useful for an agenda.

Targ and Puthoff are the ones who coined the term remote-viewing which is defined as, the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using subjective means, in particular, extra-sensory perception (ESP) or "sensing with mind."

They were attempting to differentiate it from clairvoyance defined, from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.

More coming in a moment. . .

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Professionals claim it isn't supported by scientific evidence published in high impact factor peer reviewed journals. Parapsychology explores this possibility, but the existence of the paranormal is not accepted by the scientific community. Parapsychology, including the study of clairvoyance, is an example of pseudoscience.

Yet, both of these men claim to be parapsychologists. . .funded by the CIA, conducted many experiments for all of these groups claiming to use "Science" as their guide and end all.

Isn't this some kind of Contradiction?

Stanford Research International's remote viewing project also encompassed the work of such consulting "consciousness researchers" as the artist/writer Ingo Swann and Military Intelligence Corps chief warrant officer Joseph McMoneagle.

Joseph McMoneagle is a retired U.S. Army NCO and Chief Warrant Officer. He was involved in "remote viewing" (RV) operations and experiments conducted by U.S. Army Intelligence and the Stanford Research Institute. He was among the first personnel recruited for the classified program now known as the Stargate Project (1978–95). Along with psychic colleague Ingo Swann, McMoneagle is best known for claims surrounding the investigation of RV and the use of paranormal abilities for military intelligence gathering. His interests also include near-death experiences, out-of-body travel and unidentified flying objects.

Now lets look at McMoneagle's story, it's a rather interesting one.

McMoneagle describes a remarkable memory of very early childhood events. He grew up surrounded by alcoholism, abuse and poverty. As a child, he had visions at night when scared, and began to hone his psychic abilities in his teens for his own protection when he hitchhiked. He enlisted in the Army in 1964, at the age of 18, to get away from the family turmoil. McMoneagle subsequently became an experimental remote viewer while serving in U.S. Army Intelligence.

He was severely injured in a helicopter accident in Vietnam. He was involved in intelligence work for 15 years. From 1978, he was known as "Remote Viewer No. 1" at Project Stargate — the U.S. Army's psychic intelligence unit at Fort Meade, Maryland. At his retirement McMoneagle earned his Legion of Merit for his last 10 years of service, including 5 years of work in SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence) and 5 years in the RV program. He retired from the Army in 1984, but continued work as a consultant at Stargate until 1993.

Stargate Project

This is what Stargate entailed, Stargate Project was the code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Project, and its precursors and sister projects, went by various code names—GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, SCANATE—until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as "Stargate Project."

The overseer of this project primarily involving remote viewing was Lt. Frederick Holmes "Skip" Atwater, an aide and "psychic headhunter" to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, and later president of the Monroe Institute.The unit was small-scale, comprising about 15 to 20 individuals, and was run out of "an old, leaky wooden barracks", according to a Washington Post article titled, *Up close and personal with a remote viewer in 1995 where they claim it was a secret project and it was McMoneagle, who was defending it.

Dear Tax Payers who funded our experiments. . .we've concluded it was wasted money, but thanks for Funding Us!

So apparently after spending all those years and likely an unimaginable amount of money (at least to us mere working class who struggle to put their children through school) Stargate was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Information provided by the program was vague and included irrelevant and erroneous data, and there was reason to suspect that its project managers had changed the reports so they would fit background cues. The program was featured in the 2004 book and 2009 film entitled The Men Who Stare at Goats, although neither mentions it by name.

I would say this was Quite Convenient for them. What are your thoughts?

This appears to be another case of The Russians, The Russians! Has anyone else noticed how these Russians and the FUD. . .Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt these "research institutes" and industrial military complex uses to obtain an inordinate amount of tax payer money?

This was their explanation for the public upon termination

Information in the United States on psychic research in some foreign countries was sketchy and poorly detailed, based mostly on rumor or innuendo from second-hand or tertiary reporting, attributed to both reliable and unreliable disinformation sources from the Soviet Union.

The CIA and DIA decided they should investigate and know as much about it as possible. Various programs were approved yearly and re-funded accordingly. Reviews were made semi-annually at the Senate and House select committee level. Work results were reviewed, and remote viewing was attempted with the results being kept secret from the "viewer". It was thought that if the viewer was shown they were incorrect it would damage the viewer's confidence and skill. This was standard operating procedure throughout the years of military and domestic remote viewing programs. Feedback to the remote viewer of any kind was rare; it was kept classified and secret.

Remote viewing attempts to sense unknown information about places or events. Normally it is performed to detect current events, but during military and domestic intelligence applications viewers claimed to sense things in the future, experiencing precognition.

What happened according to them, was in 1970 U.S. intelligence sources believed that the Soviet Union was spending 60 million rubles annually on "psychotronic" research. In response to claims that the Soviet program had produced results, the CIA initiated funding for a new program known as SCANATE ("scan by coordinate") in the same year. Remote viewing research began in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California.

I suppose it's the Do, Spend, Justify and make excuses later to a citizenry where the elitists and wealthy don't care and are possibly entertained by these "government. . .meaning You and I programs" because they already have connections as Christine Blasey's family did to Stanford and various other Universities to send their kids to elite schools, the rest of us must work 2 to 3 jobs while our kids also help absorb debt to attend Universities involved in programs like this.

But hey, no worries. . ."It's SCIENCE, all for Science!" Don't you like working all those jobs to insure our ability to "experiment?"

In 1985 Army funding was terminated and the program redesignated SUN STREAK and funded by the DIA's Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate. Back to other "projects" by Stanford Research International.

Bioinormatics and drug discovery using AI and computing techniques

In the 2000s, SRI worked on Pathway Tools software for use in bioinformatics and systems biology to accelerate drug discovery using artificial intelligence and symbolic computing techniques. The software system generates the BioCyc database collection, SRI's growing collection of genomic databases used by biologists to visualize genes within a chromosome, complete biochemical pathways, and full metabolic maps of organisms.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

They wouldn't be working on one of those Georgia Guidestone Goals by any chance, would they? Together we can just "hope not!" After all, they may come back and tell us it was all for naught again.

In 2006, SRI was awarded a $56.9 million contract with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to provide preclinical services for the development of drugs and antibodies for anti-infective treatments for avian influenza, SARS, West Nile virus and hepatitis.

First National Air Pollution Symbposium, Thank you SRI for your keen interest!

This is Very Interesting as they were the First on the scene for air quality and "pollution." Do you ever ask yourself, pollution by whom? Who is In Charge of what is going into the atmosphere? How are They conducting their experiments and just Who makes Them accountable?

Stanford Research Institute (as it was initially called under it's 501c3) performed much of the early research on air pollution and the formation of ozone in the lower atmosphere. SRI sponsored the First National Air Pollution Symposium in Pasadena, California, in November 1949.

Experts gave presentations on pollution research, exchanged ideas and techniques, and stimulated interest in the field. . Did they Ever as "Environment Saving mechanisms/regulations make many people a pretty penny and have done so for Years to come!

Who were the people poking around in the ozone? Was it us, whom they blame or were they the ones conduction these experiments? The event was attended by 400 scientists, business executives, and civic leaders from the U.S. SRI co-sponsored subsequent events on the subject. That would be helpful for them to continue pocketing those trillions of dollars in funding!

More coming in reply

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

More on Robotics and what it has become today, Great job SRI!

In 1966, SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center began working on "Shakey the robot", the first mobile robot to reason about its actions. They say that project ended in 1972. Do you suppose it came under Another name since we now have Sofia, AI dolls and even AI brothels.


Did a report about this the end of last year called,

Robot marriage, children and some already living with the family as a companion to dad


Centibots, little minute wonders!

Stanford Research International created centibots in designed to coordinate in large numbers in order to achieve a single goal, an early example of swarm robotics. The $2.2 million project was sponsored by DARPA and had principal investigator SRI International along with other investigators University of Washington's Robotics and State Estimation Lab, Stanford University and ActivMedia Robotics.

Procedural Reasoning System and BDI-based intelligent agents

In 1986, SRI.com became the 8th registered ".com" domain. The Artificial Intelligence Center developed the Procedural Reasoning System (PRS) in the late 1980s and into the early 1990s. PRS launched the field of BDI-based intelligent agents.

In medicine and chemistry, SRI developed dry-powder drugs, laser photocoagulation.

Locations and holdings

SRI is primarily based on a 63-acre campus located in Menlo Park, California, which is considered part of Silicon Valley. This campus encompasses 1,300,000 square feet of office and lab space. In addition, SRI has a 254-acre campus in Princeton, New Jersey, with 600,000 square feet of research space. There are also offices in Washington, D.C., and Tokyo, Japan. In total, SRI has 2,300,000 square feet of office and laboratory space

This chart gives you some scope and sequence Here

Scope and Sequence 2 Here

Companies spawned from SRI

Intuitive Surgical's robotic surgery system, the da Vinci Surgical System Working with investment and venture capital firms, SRI and its former employees have launched more than 60 spin-off ventures in a wide range of fields, including Siri (acquired by Apple), Tempo AI (acquired by Salesforce.com), Redwood Robotics (acquired by Google), Desti (acquired by HERE), Grabit, Kasisto, Artificial Muscle, Inc. (acquired by Bayer MaterialScience), Nuance Communications, Intuitive Surgical, Ravenswood Solutions, and Orchid Cellmark.

Former SRI staff members have also established new companies. In engineering and analysis, for example, notable companies formed by SRI alumni include Weitbrecht Communications, Exponent and Raychem. Companies in the area of legal, policy and business analysis include Fair Isaac Corporation, Global Business Network and Institute for the Future.

Research in computing and computer science-related areas led to the development of many companies, including Symantec, the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, E-Trade, and Verbatim Corporation. Wireless technologies spawned Firetide and venture capital firm enVia Partners. Health systems research inspired Telesensory Systems.

No doubt SRI is attached to numerous sectors, industry and government in our society.

So why is this important concerning Blasey.

There may indeed be a direct connection as reported by intelligence services, right now, there is Proof the CIA is connected to Stanford through it's arm under a 501c3 cover and funding avenue called Stanford Research International.

Does this concern anyone else considering all they are involved in along with "signaling Science, when their Own research institute doesn't always abide by their own Scientific Rules."

Reeks of one set of rules for Us and another for Them!

Blasey does work for Stanford School of Medicine and is listed here on their site,

More coming on this in follow up post and twitter thread. These people are connected All over the MAP!

Stanford. . .D.C. set up as East/West coast link to Gov. dealings back in President Hoover's day. Once again, an original trustee at Stanford and friends with the group setting up Stanford Research Institute now known as . . .International. Way to announce your globalist intentions (as if the awake didn't already know)!