LibTearsNoBrakes ago

The great awakening board here is run by crying douche bags. I don't have 3 boards here. I have 2. The great awakening is dogshit which is why the other boards were created. I never go there. Division has been caused by "old goats". No one else fights with each other.

Type-o-Negative ago

We get it you suck NeonRevolt's cock on a normal basis, so STFU and MoveOn from here niggerfaggot.

Racer-X ago

I am new to all of this, particularly this style of forum. I have no friends here, nor do I have any enemies. I follow all three subs and I read all of the posts. If I find something glaringly "off", I tend to leave. I have done that with facebook groups and other sites. I appreciate the information and it's something I will keep at the back of my mind. I only want the truth. Period.

Blockedassylm ago

You described the situation very well. Thank you for trying to unite. I check them all in order to keep us united.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I don't have time to read all of this. I'm to busy making and running other Q boards. Never to many containers for which to divide ourselves into. Q doesn't know what's good for us! Q can't tell us! WE DO WHAT WE WANT!!!

Type-o-Negative ago

Awesome post Divine Human! Only one correction, it is Banout2018. Apparently they couldnt think of something clever like I dont know, paperclip, northwoods, the Philadelphia experiment, etc.

I am at my home sub which is here, as there is none of the niggerfaggot shit that @RonaldSwansong pulls here, and I should have just been here the whole time.

Thank you for letting new eyes know what is going on and the history behind it. @srayzie should pin this to the top for a week.

divine_human ago

it is Banout2018

right, mixed that up, damn, shit happens ;) thanks for the lovely feedback, m8 <3

srayzie ago

We are only allowed 3 stickies at a time. Since the mobile site doesn’t have a side bar, it’s important to have the everything sticky. I added it to the welcome Reddit refugees and it’s in the side bar showing where to start...

Type-o-Negative ago

Here is where I add my sad face :(

Okay no problem, thank you anyways!

14153284? ago

The mobile site had a side bar, you just gota click the menu button

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I did not know that. I’ll check it out

benjitsu ago

TL:dr Faggots will go where they are told and others will figure out what is good and what is shit

UKPAT1984 ago

Awesome post. Thankyou

Azurulia ago

When the Reddit ban happened, I was here v/GreatAwakening until the v/QRV opened up. Now I spend all my time there.

Ultimately, I don't think it matters which you part take in. Because in the end, we are all on the same team. Simply find which you are most comfortable with and stick around there, or browse all three.

casualwhoaversereade ago

Good wrap up. I think you should also mention /v/BiblicalQ and encourage all the Bible-thumping Jesus freaks to go post there. I get sick and tired of wading through this junk when I'm just here for the conspiracy posts. I have nothing against religion. I have a problem with people cramming it down my throat all the time.

venicreator ago

so we shouldn't censor profanity and an anything-goes approach, except for religious people's thoughts. Ah. Ok. got it...

casualwhoaversereade ago

You're free to think what you want.... over in /v/BiblicalQ. You can praise Jeebus all day long. The other people there will yell "Amen!" every time you do. I just warn you that in other (non-religious) subs, you're going to get raked over the coals for posting that stuff. Nobody cares. We know that a core component of Christianity is "converting pagans" but, maybe you should take a long look at the damage the church has caused throughout history and start to ask questions about your own beliefs. You've been lied to and misled and it's sad that you can't see that.

venicreator ago

a good Christian is always questioning his/her beliefs - it's called "working out your own salvation with fear and trembling". But relegating the "religious" people (and by that you appear to be only referring to Christians) to one corner of the public square is censorship, plain and simple. It appears you are the one with the problem. If I can handle the c-, f-, mf-, n- etc words, you should be able to tolerate a little Jesus talk too. I skip over what I don't want to read or be exposed to - I don't ask people not to say those things around me, unless they are my children.

divine_human ago

thanks for correcting, i mistook it for v/QBiblical, lol. yes, i agree, keep the religious talk basically there.

personally, i dont mind a post on it when Q quotes a bible verse, it always has significance at that point and deserves to be looked at with neutral eyes.

but generally, well, lets say it like this: the biggest conpiracy is with the church; with all organized religions that programm people with their control dogma.

Type-o-Negative ago

Bring Oyster over Divine! She is so fun and would love this free speech spot!

divine_human ago

i update her on whats going on here. she will come whenever she feels drawn to.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

It's definitely NOT divisive to DIVIDE ourselves from others we Disagree with. GOOOOOD OBSERVATION!!!!

casualwhoaversereade ago

the biggest conpiracy is with the church; with all organized religions that programm people with their control dogma.

You're not kidding! This is 1000% true! People are free to believe what they want. But, just be aware that what you're being taught in church isn't always the truth (even if you believe it is).

WillGreeley ago

It's voat 'great'! Thank you. Think we have 'finally' got a handle on it.

PoGaA ago

Thank you for posting this. The debates between who is fake or endorsed or has shitty mods has to stop. /s/GreatAwakening is personally my favorite way to keep on top of things.

PoGaA ago

Neh eh, /s/GreatAwakening

Why limit yourself to one board when you can view the 3 most popular at the same time?

Type-o-Negative ago

Because the one board is like talking to prison inmates and the other v/theawakening is a great place to shitpost since it will be censored anyways by the internet censorship power control committee.

In fact, I am STILL waiting for @NeonRevolt to challenge my accusation of him being @RonaldSwansong that he he so neatly swept under the carpet, you know, just the way MSM hides the real story from the American People.

s is perfect for s/GreatAwakening because it stands for Shit and that is what you get when it mixed in with quality posts that Goats actually work on in GreatAwakening instead of posting links and not much else.

Quantumdog ago

Some goats like the fresh greenery, no weirdness. Some like to try out a plastic bag. - my actual observation of actual goats.

divine_human ago

heheheh, thanks for the chuckle... good observation...

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LurkMaster ago


There are three Q subs on Voat which you can access as a set that unites all of their feeds in one here: (I prefer the ‘new’ view which makes me independent from the posts up- or downvotes.)

This. Note the /s/ instead of /v/ like all the other subs. You get some dups but its the fastest way to stay on top of things. I don't give a chit about Official subs other than the two on 8chan.

Read your things, dig your digs, and post it. This drama has run long enough.

forFreedom ago

The only purpose for 'theawakening' is to divide the community. The organizers and early promoters of that community have been revealed as misdirectors with bad intentions. They should be ignored by those who support Trump and Q. We don't need to attack them as they attack us. Just ignore them, realizing that they will continue their dirty work because so many people are pulled in by those same people who run YouTube channels that are also designed to misdirect. Use that knowledge to identify the bad pretenders on YouTube.

divine_human ago

never before has the invitation to flex our discernment muscels been as huge as now ;)

AbnormalSee ago

Hope this enlightens some of those who are new to all this.
Well done d_h