Neinlife ago

Being a sleazy jew whore, same as usual.

She hit the wall and since she cant be the Token Hot Girl everywhere shes angry.

kneo24 ago

Alyssa Milano is illuminati. She, and her husband (who was probably her handler) worked for the CAA (Creative Artists Agency). She was the talent, obviously, and I believe he was an agent there. The headquarters in LA, from an aerial view, is nothing but masonic symbols. To the two people who usually downvote this comment when I make it, your downvotes don't actually silence the truth.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WokeazfuQ ago

Never noticed aerial view. I tried taking pictures within the triangle grass area. Was stopped. NOT allowed.

JTV1776 ago

Her handler told her to! Follow the go fund me money! And let me guess! Soros funded, lizard face you need to just go away and eat flies!

Micheal84 ago

She's just, what Q calls, an Hollywood puppet.

Quinceberry ago

Wow it all makes sense.

carnold03 ago

Alyssa Milano's parents were hippies. Immense red flag right there.

KueAnaan ago

We'll find out that she was a pizza girl when she was young, and became a pizza consumer when she came of age. She is scared and not for the immigrant children.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

This shit is crazy. The whole thing, it’s just fkn crazy.

amarQ144 ago

ya think?

pckpat ago

Man-hating dike. Not too surprising she believes Ford with no evidence.

QSentMeToo ago

I knew she was up to no good. She has been showing her radical side since President Trump was elected. She is in deep with the evil side. Remember this is a spiritual war. Not political. It’s good vs evil. Keep praying patriots, God bless you all.

Qd4Action ago

It's the fucking silicon and Botox - it's just gone to her brain. From the cute, sweet kid she played on Who's The Boss to this rabid, leftist bitch is a transformation that only artificial chemicals unleashed through the body and dead toxins can produce. Or, it's her last gasp effort to grab attention of Hollywood Leftist producers since her career is sagging worse than her artificial tits. She can't act and there aren't roles for her except in softcore porn and she's too old for that.

DayWalker ago

I've been wondering about her lately. Q said "those who scream the loudest" so she must have some serious skeletons in the closet to be going through all this effort.

Given she was a child actress, it could be some pizzagate shit.

Qd4Action ago

And she was a clean-faced, bright-eyed cutie when she was a little girl. It truly breaks my heart to imagine a bunch of Weinstein-types passed this poor girl around like Tic-Tacs at parties or casting calls. As an adult though, you have to take responsibility for your actions and decide whether the past is going to control you or simply make you wiser. I hate what she's become and I can only imagine that hate is from brain-washing or currying favor with the extreme left in Hollywood in hopes of remaining relevant and eligible for work.

SerialLarper ago

It's not that simple. There's some defective armour out there, the truthers have the edge in this game.

URQ2 ago

She was there to get her envelope too.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

I wonder if those signs were given to her by Ford's attorney, who received them in that envelope this morning???

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Senate Is more liberal with their cell phone policy than the House. For instance you don't need to check your cell phone to be a guest in the senate but it's required for the house. However non-press is not supposed to use their digital devices in either chamber. Taking videos = confiscation.

WanderingTaurus ago

They never did confiscate her phone though as she continued to tweet throughout the hearing even after sharing a video from inside.

NotYoMama ago

How many of you teared up during Justice K’s opening statement? βœ‹πŸ»

v888 ago


Qd4Action ago

I got choked up and misty-eyed - that's all I'll cop to. The female colleague in my office was outright crying because of Justice K's emotional plea.

diarrhea_splatter ago

I didn't tear up, but I felt for the man and his family. You could tell he was genuine and that his emotions were real. Unlike that woman before him.

Profoundly__me ago

Through the entire statement! And I could actually feel the lump in his wife's throat as well. God Bless them .

NorthernLightsOut ago

Every time my eyes welled up it would stop. Then this feeling was replaced by a much stronger emotion. Anger. The Dems do not realize the hell they have unleashed. They turned many a heart cold today. They will rue this for decades.



QSentMeToo ago

Cried my eyes out... my heart breaks for this good, decent man and his family.

URQ2 ago

How about full fledged balling for what these devils have done to this man and his family. PURE EVIL!

Bluesky356 ago

Yep, I sure did - a few times.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

raises hand

bamadeplorable420 ago

smh......I was watching her and that big dude sitting behind Mrs. Kavanaugh.

NotYoMama ago

The guy with the grey beard was Fords atty!

URQ2 ago

The guy on the other side of Ford is MR Katz.

Qdini ago

And Andrew McCabe's attorney!

KueAnaan ago

The attorney is also in a photo with Hillary in a mumu that's currently circulating

URQ2 ago

Are you serious??? All these people are like bees in a hive and hrc is their queen. SICK how they coordinate to destroy good people!

NotYoMama ago

Funny how that works! No? 😝


All I can say is DAAAAAAAAAMN!

theoldones ago

assassination recon.

my bet is a lone shooter during the confirmation ceremony.

lvbuckeye27 ago

not recon. recon was last week with the Parkland shooting guy.

this wasn't a dry run. it was the real thing.

recon_johnny ago

Somebody call?

lvbuckeye27 ago

This is purely conjecture on my part, but with the way she was scoping out the room, and specifically the back of his head, with her phone, and the way she got busted with the first sign, only to magically have another sign, I think the assassin was in the room. All the assassin was waiting for was the signal: her jumping up and shouting and waving the sign around, and the assassin would have pulled the trigger.

Make no mistake. These evil swamp creatures from hell are fighting for their lives. I have no doubt that the assassin, most likely with a polymer 3D printed weapon, was an MKUltra plant. The assassin, most likely female, would have been portrayed as a sexual assault victim, maybe even one of Kavanaugh's, that the evil white man had refused justice.

The assassination would then have fulfilled two main objectives: 1) to permanently eliminate Kavanaugh, and 2) to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt to the brainwashed masses that sexual assault victims must be believed lest they take matters into their own hands, and that every single accused white male was guilty no matter what.

Now that I think about it, there was a Bonus Objective: which would be that legislation would pass to make anyone caught possessing 3D printed ghost guns would be convicted as enemies of the State and jailed for life.

It would have been the end of America.

Or maybe I'm paranoid. I just like to think that I'm creative since I read so much. :)

recon_johnny ago

First, I was trying to be funny re: my username.

However.....looking over the perspective, and what happened during first hearing....This may be entirely possible. Maybe not now, but soon.

NotYoMama ago

Q says security(s) in place!

NotYoMama ago

Wow that was quick! 😜