Vindicator ago

@furryfish17, do you have any links supporting any of this to help people get started?

furryfish17 ago

I am checking the BOD for Mayo- been too busy to get far- but , it looks PROMISING!

Vindicator ago

Keep at it. There's quite a bit of stuff here. Had a friend whose dad was a hemopheliac and got AIDS from a blood transfusion in the 1980's. It killed him. I think they deliberately spread it.


@furryfish17 Bill Clinton was involved in a "aids-blood" scandal as governor of Arkansas

In early 1999, a group of Canadian hemophiliacs infected with HIV and hepatitis C descended on Washington DC. They wanted an inquiry into why the United States, particularly the Food and Drug Administration, allowed the export of tainted prison plasma from Arkansas and Louisiana to Canada in the 1980s. At the time, Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, and the FDA had already ruled that prison plasma was too unsafe to be used for the manufacture of blood products inside the USA.

Try to Find the "Factor 8" documentary. It keeps getting removed from the internet

furryfish17 ago

Thank you for this- watched the vid- no words,...


Of course. I know dude. I wish the public attention span was longer. The Clintons' are drowning in skeletons.

furryfish17 ago

they are serial killers- and if the medical industry at top knows- then that's what it makes them, too. "drowning in skeletons"- great analogy-kudos. watched a vid concerning the catacombs under Paris- waaaay tooo many skeletons to be from what it's official touted to be- plagues-removed burials due to flooding or making space- there are regions the public's not allowed in- and a leaked photo shows what looks like STREAMS of bones- all piled randomly- something too about there being only the skulls & 2 femurs - skull & bones logo. Someones are investigating, and the hunch is- cannibalism has been going on down there from millennia till present,....

furryfish17 ago

Thank You. Will do. If captured, may put it up on this board for review. DMN those C's.

ThankfulForTrump ago

Funny how they were always advertised on t.v....Now, I see nothing.

furryfish17 ago

I know, right?

furryfish17 ago

don't draw attention to yourself, eh? Cut out their 50 seater jets b'cuz they were "too-expensive-to-operate" in favor of MORE EFFICIENT BUSINESS- wonders what that might be- huh? BODIES are big business.

Interim ago

This is reason I love you guys! We aren’t like MSM and abandon topics to the ‘popular’ theme; we’re civilian army of truth seekers. This in itself will keep America Great! Pursue, share and reveal! Truth wins!

furryfish17 ago

aw gee thnx : )

Fraunk ago

That's easy... we pseudo-anons have to divide up the work load, that's why there's different autistic faggots with their specialities then other faggots like most of us that disseminate... especially those of us that have to wait tables etc.. keep up the good work anon..

furryfish17 ago

U th' man!

furryfish17 ago


FestivusHoliday ago

I'm delighted you've raised the Mayo Clinics. I was lurking on 4chan/pol/ for a year before Q first appeared in October 2017 (followed MegaAnon from May 2017), so I read Q's drops from the outset.

IIRC, in those early weeks, before moving to 8chan, Q did drops on the Mayo Clinics, with autists doing a ton of research on the board at the time.

I seem to remember reading that a huge industry existed within Mayo Clinics illegally harvesting body parts + organs, then shipping them overseas in (?)mattresses(? - not sure if my memory is correct on this bit). The name of recently deceased Senator No-name came up re Mayo Clinics too.

furryfish17 ago

listening to McCallistertv-(an interesting person)- she pointed out what I had suspected- BIG PHARMA IS YUGE-ER THAN WE KNOW- I mean, c'mon- CHINA?!?- bet they don't report their "missing"-(minus eyes etc)? This is DMND ugly & DMND BIG


Check the B.O.D. of MAYO. Also No Name was treated there for brain cancer. Vehry intharesting.

furryfish17 ago

must make a chart - with lines connecting - all these people joined- it's IMMENSE

furryfish17 ago

WONDER if that's a place where they surgically do the "EYE OF HORUS" thing. All those BLACK EYE incidents,...

furryfish17 ago

Dear JESUS! Paul Vollker(sp?)!! Goldman-Saks/Marriott/Fed-Ex relationships etc- Rabbit-Hole paydirt- (almost)

furryfish17 ago

thnx muchly : )-will do

Divine_Intervention ago

Do you want an honest answer?? People are battle weary, so many headlines and a hundred balls in the area with news coming out the wazoo. Its deliberate to flood the mind with distractions. You know how it goes slight of hand to fool the mind.

furryfish17 ago

yeah- i've juiced up on POTUS"s indomitable spirit/ Gen.Mattis's stink-eye to L.Graham @ funeral(kek!) determined to dream bigger - focus on after the end-game- what will become . + the ire-of-th-Fire, that these bstrds reap the whirlwind for the innocents~ worth it all. REPECT 2U anon!

LurkMaster ago

This is a big part of it. As a quick test, go back two weeks and re-read Q posts. Note how much you have forgotten in just two weeks.

furryfish17 ago

*I WILL, MISTER! ; ) *