Shiftworker1976 ago

Regime change in IRAN IS THE BEST ANSWER for the world. Pray, Pray Pray

DamnLiquor ago

IRAN is next

KKOH ago


Neongreen ago

What the actual fuck are you going on about?

KKOH ago

Ffwd the video to minute 12:05. Trump say sanctions against Iran start Nov 5th. Then he said, focus on the lips, he says "war will follow."

And the remember remember the 5th of november - referencing V for Vendetta, of course...

Neongreen ago

I just have to go on record here with this one being a stretch. If the time stamp was 11:05 it might make more sense.

KKOH ago

Just look at his lips mouth the word. His lips are not forming an "m" for more. They are forming a "w" for war.

Neongreen ago

No. He straight up said war. He said if Iran keeps fucking around we are going to war (Abridged).