likealatte ago

Dual citizenship should never be allowed by those who serve as leaders.

likealatte ago

What does unverified mean at the top of your post?

Hasuroma ago

Oh no!, Go back to sleep goyim, nothing here......look over there, is that Pamela Anderson?

Rootcause ago

Head of the snake!

savedbygrace2 ago

wow, that is interesting worth the research.

Ndalocal760 ago

Why is Fox news now reporting that Trump is backing off realesing the fisa warrants?

SearchVoat ago

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TrueCat ago

Interestingly, Bernie Sanders is the only dual citizen who even stood up to Netanyahu. He doesn't like him. He refused to go to his speech to Congress. He said a foreign leader had no business speaking to Congress without going through the President. I believe Sanders is the only one, currently in office, who has voiced any compassion for the plight of the Palestinians, and that includes the Christian Congress critters. Oddly enough, he even lives by the golden rule. For these things, I admire him very much. I don't agree with everything, but then I don't agree with everything our President believes, and I strongly support him.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

I have no doubt this is so that their bank accounts can be kept private from our investigators.

lethak ago

Don't worry, "We are saving Israel for last" Q916

jbone777 ago

This is against the OATH these assholes take get rid of them all

Qdog ago

Ok one more change. If you want to represent WE THE PEOPLE, you can only be a citizen of USA.

jonnyquest ago

Surprise, surprise -- actually, nothing is surprising when it comes to these folks. I'm sure the majority here are just shaking their heads thinking, "figures" ...

The depth ("layers") of lies is so deep and so interwoven. No wonder they're expanding Guantanamo..! The day of reckoning is approaching. Every day we learn more; Soon, everyone the majority will be aware, and history will not (and should not!) be kind to these folk.

Monty1961 ago

These creatures should be voted out!

SanCanToo ago

Why would they need dual citizenship to Israel?

usmcobra ago

So they can vote in Israel?

and Bank in Israel?

I wonder if we have any treaties with Israel that prevent federal investigations into large sums of money being transferred to banks there by dual citizens...

The Name Marc Rich comes to mind, and something about the Clinton's...

JJSmooth17 ago


Flowerbeds ago

I have found no information on this, this however if true needs to be stopped. However it seems that they are all of Jewish heritage anyway, they should not be serving in our Government. We must all remember that the Israeli elections did not go the way they wanted. Remember Obama meddling in the last election, remember you can not take all the nation and put them in a basket of drplorables. There as here there are white hats, black hats and clueless hats. Pray for the peace of Jeruselam, as you pray for our nation. Hate evil not Good. Blessings patriots, here and there, and if there is truth in this post we must again push our represenatives to change what ever law allows for this.

Modernminuteman ago

Hopefully soon they will take up citizenship in GITMO.

truthbrary ago

" Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Richard Blumenthal " neither of them have israeli citizenship and it is sad to see this unsourced bullshit have so many upvotes here

IndigoEyes ago

And I bet not one of them would send a family member to fight Israels wars!! They want the American goyim to die for Israel!!


Ban dual citizens from government office.

IndigoEyes ago


usmcobra ago

US dual citizenship

Dual citizenship had previously been banned in the United States, but in 1967 the US Supreme Court struck down most laws forbidding dual citizenship.

Now ask your self a simple question what happened in 1967 that would lead them to allow dual citizenship for Americans?

a war that was over in less than a week, maybe?


I searched but found no credible source for this information. If there is one, please share.

Blacksmith21 ago

See my comments below. This is the type of bullshit you have to be on the lookout for. Unsourced rumors, stated as fact, replicated across fringe websites. Again, no sourcing, though the connection to Vittorio is tenuous as well. Use of Breitbart's denial of Sanders' dual citizenship is good enough to cast doubt on the entire list.

Blacksmith21 ago

@FreedBy45 @shizy @molochhunter @srayzie

How about a citation? A credible one. This smells like Stormfront bullshit.

Shizy ago

I just tried to find a credible source that lists my states rep as a dual citizen, and I can't find anything.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's my point, Shizy. Folks need to look before they post mis/disinformation. See my case study in a new OP.

Shizy ago

I put an unverified flair on it.

MolochHunter ago

yes I'd appreciate a citation (removing Confirmed flair until it is, in fact, confirmed)

Blacksmith21 ago

One last piece tying it together:

“No, I do not have dual citizenship with Israel. I’m an American. I don’t know where that question came from. I am an American citizen, and I have visited Israel on a couple of occasions. No, I’m an American citizen, period,” Sanders said.

Rehm responded by saying that she had mistakenly thought Sanders was on a list of politicians with alleged Israeli citizenship compiled by a radical pro-Palestinian activist who, as Jared Sichel at the Jewish Journal points out, was killed in Gaza in 2011.

“That’s some of the nonsense that goes on in the Internet,” Sanders said. “But that is absolutely not true.”

kneo24 ago

Israel gives automatic permanent resident status to people who have hereditary claims of being Jewish. - The law of return.

If either of Bernie's parents were born in Israel, it seems it does give him full citizenship status. - I don't know if this is the case, but at the very least he could claim permanent resident status.

Blacksmith21 ago

Neither of Sander's parents were born in Israel. Jews can claim dual-citizenship under Israeli law, assuming lineage can be proven. In either case, Sanders denies holding dual citizenship. There is no proof he holds it either. Again, casting sever doubt on the claim that aforementioned members of Congress are holding dual US-ISR citizenship. Considering all the "sources" are the same article churned over and over with no sourcing, as a research analyst, I would have to put this "narrative" in the bullshit bin until someone can come up with solid evidence of proof. Until then, it smells like hummous to me.

Before you jump on me, I am 100% OPPOSED to any elected member of Congress or any political appointee holding dual-citizenship with ANY country.

kneo24 ago

I was just pointing out that the claim, while not factually accurate, has some basis on facts. People often confuse the law of return with the law of nationality there. Of course, if Sanders never claims, it's a rather moot point in the end.

There's other people in congress who hold dual citizenship, that's not Israeli. It's a much larger problem than just Israeli influence. Ted Cruz, for example, holds both Canadian and US citizenship.

I think, in the end, you'll probably end up being correct that a lot of these people don't officially hold dual-citizenship with Israel, but certainly can claim right to citizenship in Israel with their Jewish DNA in them. I also do not hold it past these people in congress to vote in accordance to their tribe, but that is an entirely different subject that the OP was trying to get to. Dual-citizenship might just be a moot point here, though not allowing it does muddy the waters less.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's the point, is to muddy the waters. Cruz renounced his CAN citizenship FYI:

I agree with you that I don't put anything past Members of Congress, D and R, but especially D. Regardless, no one with dual citizenship should be allowed to hold office at a national level, be a poltical appointee, serve in a uniformed service or work within the intelligence or Federal law enforcement. I could care less if they want to be a park ranger.

Blacksmith21 ago

Furthermore, the closest thing I can find to credible source is Breitbart addressing the Bernie Sanders dual-citizenship, in which it was denied in this credible source. Which in my opinion, discredits the entire list:

Also, there is some evidence to support that the "list" was actually started by a pro-Palestinean group as disinformation. Working on a solid citation.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Post this on qrv The normies need to understand this

TrueSeeker777 ago

their should be a law prohibiting that for any Gov. official that takes an oath to our country remember Theodore Roosevelt-Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

GentleRenegade ago

If I remember correctly, Q said that Israel will be last.

Anoneeemooss ago

Here in Australia, dual nationals are not allowed to be Parliamentary Members of Government. The US should be the same. In fact, every country should adopt that approach.

TrueSeeker777 ago

to hell with your globalist BS were Americans and only Americans PERIOD

Modernminuteman ago

Amen my brother!

TrueSeeker777 ago

God Bless you Brother have a wonderful day

TrueSeeker777 ago

thats BS our great President said it best ,Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Shizy ago

Great quote! I could almost hear Trump saying that too!

TrueSeeker777 ago

im surprised myself he hasn't quoted Theodore Roosevelt One America News dose and the other great Presidents we had in between just about all their commercials i look at OAN as a good learning tool for our youth if not for the real not fake news for their history on our country and Presidents our schools refuse to 59yrs old and even learn things our Presidents said and were for from OAN. its the best semi main stream news out there

Exoduslarry ago

Are these the only dual pp holders? Do you have a broader point to make?

kneo24 ago

Lurk moar, newfag. You might better understand the culture here at Voat and see the broader point implicitly.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

I have been noticing this as well. Schumer, Schiff, Swalwel, etal need to be voted out as soon as possible. No more of this anti-American rhetoric used to only divide us into smaller groups that can be more easily controlled.

Runwithscissors ago

Dual citizenship so they can send money to the home land. Just like every other immigrant.

Lotus369 ago

It is clear all these senators have a Plan B in the event they need to leave the US. When more truth bombs are revealed and these senators are exposed, it will be scary for them to be in the public eye.

CrowWatcher ago

May I ask a stupid question? Is this legal?

Wormhole11 ago

12% that's so fucked up. Drain the swamp by not allowing any dual citizenship in our government. Stupidest thing.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Although it is notable that many of the main players in the current political unfoldings have claim to Jewish heritage, we should not conflate their status under Right to Return (look it up) as being a passport-carrying Israeli Citizen, unless such specific proof is offered.

To be sure, having foreign heritage, and doing official business with that country's government should be scrutinized and oversight is in place for clearance holders that do so, but the question does remain whether or not it is looked the other way when it comes for dealings with Israel, as it is culturally seems to be a political badge of honor to serve the interests of Israel, and political suicide to oppose it.

Posts like Op's needs to be better researched at best and is designed to serve as disinfo at worst. Be mindful of not adopting and spreading the thought, wholesale.

Charlez6 ago

It's more complex than that. Right of return means the kikes always have a genetic passport to Israel.

You must restrict it on a racial basis (or, perhaps more importantly, acknowledge that you are in a crisis situation if your own people are electing foreigners under the illusion that they could possibly best represent their interests!).

CorpusCallosum ago

There was a time in the USA when taking citizenship in another nation meant losing your citizenship in the states.

SanCanToo ago

Is there a way to find out when that changed?

Secret_1 ago

Agreed! Forth Graders WOULD KNOW Better than THAT!

robot7247 ago

4th graders in the 1950s perhaps.

Tobioshi ago

This. I didn't know this was a thing until now. It certainly seems like a conflict of interest to me. Politicians should be forced to give up their citizenship to other countries as a pre-requisite to holding office. Makes you wonder if they would get away with it if they held Russian or Chinese dual citizenship.

pairadocs ago

Thanks for citing that it is from 2013 but (to all) please cite sources so we can look ourselves and be confident of your material.

pckpat ago

Added perks for voting pro- Israeli.

jewlie ago

Right on schedule kike. Must be making a decent amount of shekels this week.

pckpat ago

Are you talking about me making shekels? Yeah, right. I was refering to these American/Jews in Congress getting perks (say like Israeli citizenship perhaps?) for taking pro- Israeli stances in DC.