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magavoices ago

So Fake MAGA Fake Q "Dr." Corsi whom Q labelled as outside the movement called /v/QRV (that Q endorses) as being compromised?

Someone needs to pull their head out of their ass.

GoodGodKirk ago

Or new info is available which needs to be addressed.

magavoices ago

Corsi is fake MAGA and fake Q -- straight out of Q's mouth. In fact, everyone associated with Alex Jones is suspect.

His only purpose is to deceive you back into AJ's plantation. They are Mossad agents.

Wake the fuck up, this has been settled since like last January.

GoodGodKirk ago

here you go, a link:

usually only mods make announcements like that. don't be lead...

magavoices ago

You just linked to theawakening. It's a different form from GreatAwakening (the forum you posted to me on), and it's a different forum from Q's official QRV voat.

The reason /v/theawakening posted that is because they fucked up and banned everyone. They're an embarrassment and should shut down their forum and merge with /v/QRV

GoodGodKirk ago

look who posted, compare to mod list on QRV. it's how we research.

magavoices ago

Don't know what you're getting on about. The conversation started with you plugging known traitor Corsi and now you're whining about some mods list.

Mods lists have nothing to do with Corsi the traitor.

GoodGodKirk ago

NeonRevolt = potential Jerome Corsi

NeonRevolt posted that GA mods were running QRV, you said that when asked for proof from NR, he couldn’t provide any. I’m giving you proof that one of the mods from TheAwakening is a mod at QRV, meaning he could be swayed by friends to edit the community if needed.

You’re low energy on research and high energy on insults, we don’t need shills like you around if you can’t even properly research anything before posting.

You should rename yourself CNN, cause you post bullshit just like them. Moron.

magavoices ago

can't even properly research

Go to and look at the 2nd to the last post.


22 Sep 2018 - 9:59:16 AM📁📁📁📁📁

[Reddit Replacement]


It's staring you in the fucking face, slapping you 5 times. Why 5 times? Because Q knew that out there there would be some fucking idiot trying to persuade people from going to QRV based on Corsi and trying to fool everyone that it's compromised.

Now go prance around in your Corsi cult.

GoodGodKirk ago

There is no help for you...