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Labreu ago

People are so gullible. Here they are as refugees from the controlled mayhem created by NeonRevolt and the r/GA mods and yet are still happy to believe what this conceited prat of Neon Revolt or the clown outed by Q months ago, Jerome Corsi, have to say. Wake up people!!!!

abattoirdaydream ago

Yeah, but one of the mods of QRV was involved with ta, and I assume, reddit. That part is true.

Xorg ago

Need proof.

abattoirdaydream ago

Go to /v/QRV and look at the mods comments/submissions. Literally nothing is stopping you. If you can't be bothered to click a few readily available links, then you probably don't want to know, and wouldn't look at or believe anything I could link anyway, would you?

Qluelessnomore ago

You were right. PenSHITLORD was a mod at The Awakening and is now a mod at QRV. Here is a post he did right before the mod reboot at TheAwakening: