Laskolurch ago

I've been having a great time. I enjoy the wit and banter and high IQ of everyone here. I'm amazed at all the work srayzie does here and how much crap she has to endure. I'm not sure what your issue is.

Christosgnosis ago

The native old Voat goats threw a fit when mods from r/greatawakening tried to setup v/theawakening to where they would be empowered as mods to keep the invasion of the Soros-paid shills at bay. They got extremely nasty about it and for days went on and on directly acting the v/theawakening mods for not adhering to the way Voat does things

The irony is that in discussions with old members, they have conceded that its acceptable to delete postings to a subverse that is off topic to the subverse (of course, the whole time they flooded v/theawakening with post that were off topic in order to shill against the mods).

At this point in time, v/theawakening folks can do as the Voat guys say and start down voting the shills to their subverse

But not sure what v/QRV is going to do - its way too much to expect one guy to police that and the anonymous nature of how its setup, the users there will have no power themselves to defend against the shills - so looks to be somewhat of a quandary for that subverse

Enok-Stroth ago

I don't know what normal is around these parts but if you like freedom then this is the place to be.

shawnfromnh69 ago

I just thought a lot of us were having faggot days but I guess it might go deeper than that even.

hangry ago

[six day old member]

jfaodc13 ago

Hence the "record time" part. I just got here and it's already all effed up.

slanginpino ago

Since you have such a good grasp of what is effed up or not in voat?

Crensch ago

If you think anything about voat is fucked up, you still have the wool over your eyes. Old goats are doing what they always do, and destroying shills and safe spaces.

kneo24 ago

L O L They deleted their account!

Crensch ago

That they did.

kneo24 ago

I think the motto around Voat lately has been, "The gassings will continue until morale improves."

Crensch ago

That deserves a submission of its own.

jfaodc13 ago

So where 40% of the posts are anti Q/ debunking Q and 50% of the comments spewing nazi rhetoric and don't even support Q or Trump and just wants to punish isreal ... that's just "old time voat users doing what they do"? I was under the impression this sub was to rebuild what was lost from reddit. I'm not referring to all of voat, just our new subs. I don't care about pc speech or protecting feelings either. Be as vulgar as you want. I'm talking about subs being hijacked by bad actors.

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

Thinking you are struggling with the concept of free speech with NO censorship. People can say whatever they want.

Crensch ago

Think about how long neon Revolt has been around, and redditors never called him out or figured out that he was a piece of shit liar, and objectively against the Q movement.

Goats did all of that within 36 hours. You faggots need to learn how to think.

Crensch ago

Your intentions for the sub or the perceived intentions of Q are rather irrelevant. The sub will live or die on its own merits like everything else here.

Most of the old goats are pretty convinced that Q since you faggets here to get red pilled and to get thicker skin. More importantly, though, how to think. He's been telling you all to think logically this whole time, and so many of you are nothing but sheeple following the latest celebrity that will explain Q posts in Teletubby speak.

If you see people being an acting like Nazis, that's probably the old goats. The community here doesn't want weaklings sticking around and turning this place into a Reddit 2.0. Even completely non-racist goats will say what they need to say to vet new users as best as possible.

StormVet6 ago

I'm believe you are correct, sir. I misread some, but not all, of you when we first came on board, so I was not sure who to believe when I arrived. My shields were still up on high a bit, considering what happened. You were added to my good list within a few days. Thank you.

Crensch ago

Cheers, bud. Glad to have you around.

StormVet6 ago

I appreciate it. It's nice to be able to get so many folks that have been digging for so many years, myself included, finally in one place together and finding we were all digging for the same stuff. Unreal, and yet it is.

jfaodc13 ago

Then you are just wasting my time. Go bother someone else

kneo24 ago

Someone just took the time to explain to you what was going on, you decide the best course of action to pull the wool over your eyes? Good luck with that.

Crensch ago

You and so you're compared to you it's at this point are worthless to Q or the Q movement. I just gave you an example of where the lot of you couldn't do what we did in 36 hours. Who's helping Q more? Some blind non thanking followers, or the kind of people that will sniff out bullshit and expose it to the world?

Crensch ago

What's new about any of that?

jfaodc13 ago

It is new to Q based subs, not voat. Which I just clarified.

Crensch ago

The Q sub is in an Anon verse. Anon versus are free-for-alls here