R3VO1utionary ago

Hey sorry I just now saw this shout-out, please don’t hesitate to ask about anything... anytime. We are all Q!

kestrel9 ago

Perfect! Thank you for stepping up.

Here's one easy way to help. When you see a great digging article such as archive.is/KJ3Vh https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/obama-foundation-global-summit-chicago/

Make a quick tag list... names, event name, foundation name and the date. pm me the link and the list!

kestrel9 ago

Differents ways to post (will answer this shortly)

kestrel9 ago


I'd like to have a ping list for Goats who are interested in helping. QDrops include a HUGE amount of PG related topics and v/PG has the body of research to dive into those . I can direct people to the specific QDrops, and I'll be creating a topics index of QDrops so everyone can just head towards the areas of interest they want to.

@Vindicator @srayzie What do think about announcing this and gather the volunteer names, I can link those announcements here. Thanks!

Vindicator ago

This sounds like a great idea, k9. When you get the topic index of PG related drops together, let me know and I will either sticky a submission inviting folks to get involved submitted by you, or write one up myself.

We can use that post to invite v/pizzagate people to be added to the ping list, and they can reply in the comments.

kestrel9 ago

Perfect, will do!

srayzie ago

I agree! What @Vindicator said.

kestrel9 ago


kestrel9 ago

Why is Sept 18 daily single file review page include QDrop Index numbers for Sept 17?

Because that is the day the idea for QMap Research Summary Project came together, which you can read about on that thread https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2729922 It's both a mini history of how the process started as well as a place to find QDrop read pages for Sept 18th as well as Sept. 17th. It's messy :)

kestrel9 ago


This is a great project. Looking forward to contributing, once I get the hang of process. I was curious if links will be archived, seeing how sometimes direct links disappear.

I know that aQMapPubCurator team saves all the QMap read pages (RS). Read through my intro on this thread to start learning about the project, where to go, read the examples. I'll be adding more resources, tips, examples as we get rolling. Thank you for your help. Want to start more quickly? Tell me a specific QDrop topic within QDrops that interests you the most and I'll get you there!

SeekNuShallFind ago

IG mentions, or wherever you need help I'm game

kestrel9 ago

You got it! give me a few minutes... :)

kestrel9 ago


kestrel9 ago

  • TIPS

kestrel9 ago


kestrel9 ago


kestrel9 ago

THE DYNAMIC of ways to contribute

kestrel9 ago


kestrel9 ago


Silverlining ago


jfaodc13 ago

They can’t handle the truth