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acmbandit01 ago

This is an excellent find/dig Anon. My frustration if your hypothesis is true is WTF are you doing jogging alone and if cooperating with an investigation, why not be protected. If I were a whistleblower in this day and age I'd go into full blown or self induced witness protection mode. This is not a game.

RoBatten ago

Plus you can't protect yourself in DC either, aside from OC spray, which was unlikely to help her with 3 attackers . . .

WhiskeyIndiaAlpha ago

That’s wrong you are now allowed to CCW in DC since last year there is no longer a “justifiable need” clause. I work on the Hill as an analyst and am always carrying my Glock 19 and 3 extra magazines unless I am going into a secured zone like my office. Since the ban was lifted its super common for congressional staffers or anyone associated with the fed to be carrying a sidearm.