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ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Wow! A lot of Tells here! I keep seeing that phrase over and over. . ."intersection of tech, policy and politics."

Intersting because That is Exactly what operation mockingbird was doing through various avenues prior to their "weaponized" tech being placed in the hands of the public.

Seen in a variety of articles phrased in various ways also.

There are So many connections between these people or ancestors of the current Mockingbird clan. Pretty much laid the groundwork with of course the blessing of the cabal for running their propaganda and controlling the info in pretty much every sector. . .While they make money as they are usually the controllers of their Venture or Investment Firms and given massive breaks by the government. They spread out and continue to target more people with the sills they need by moving from one start up to another.

Absolutely diabolical.

You're spot on. Quite reminiscent of Seth Rich.

Excellent share! Thank you!

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks AJ. Maybe this is why God put me here?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

The funny thing is, they should be willing to work together because one person Can't possibly cover Everything!
Wish they were willing to appreciate good people like yourself and understand it's about working Together because Truth is Truth!

Super find on your part!

Blacksmith21 ago

The Truth never needs a defense.