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aussie_fuckin_legend ago

this stuff hitting the homepage is why voat will be taken down.

Blacksmith21 ago

Is that a complaint?

Gorillion ago

He's Australian. They're natural pessimists. So it's likely praise, but with a morbid "we can't have good things" outlook.

Blacksmith21 ago

Aussies are like Americans but with .22LR for defense and genital cuffs like Ruprecht the Monkey Boy wore.

I used to admire Australia.

There is no greater country on this planet than the US of fucking A. We are going to spread Freedom whether "they" (Deep State, Sa*an-worshipping, Jesuit kid-fucking, Hadjii Man Love Thursday goatboy fucking vermin; Bris-licking Jews; Scientological Christianiomatic, Nigger loving zipper-headed, JEsusfreakazoids, cannabalistic God motherfucking dammit Wetback gangbanging junglebunnyspookporchmonkeyniggerlovvingwiggerfuckshitpiss. Like it, or fucking not. Golly.