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hels ago

Niggers don't just kill for no reason -- they aren't even that retarded. If she wasn't raped or robbed (I doubt it was a robbery) then they needed to know her or know of her.

If one or three knew her then she must have crossed lines -- dumped one, not paying drug debts etc. If I was to hire someone to assassinate I would pick someone that could work on their own and not show the color of their skin. Of course, we know with cosmetics it is easy to change the shape of your face, color of your hair and skin color (in whatever areas you plan on showing.

Blacksmith21 ago

Dude, I have a PhD in Niggerology. I don't use that term lightly, I'm not in favor of the niggerkikejewfaggot crap in this context. Any more than you would talk like that in front of _______ .


  • Blacks are not common in that part of the city, not just NW, but Logan Circle;

  • Mustard shirt identifies him as the lowest class of blacks, commonly found in SW DC. Same with the ghetto swagger. He isn't from NW;

  • The neighborhood runs 500k-3.5M for homes. Not the most expensive part of the city, but not ghetto by a long shot.

  • They've had no homicides in Logan Circle in something like 6 years.

It was a paid hit.

RoBatten ago

PhD in Niggerology

lmao here...Great job on this! We all appreciate your efforts and time.

pckpat ago

I think I have watched every episode of First 48 in the ten years I've been retired. If it was a drug debt collection, or anything sleazy/salacious like that- they would already have major clues. Esp.with three killers involved.( you know, 3 people can keep a secret- if 2 of them are dead). I also kinda doubt they'd use local help for an important hit. Unless they were setting the killers up for the fall. Plus someone who runs every night after work, and holds a job with an outfit like that- wouldn't likely be that stupid. Also, as RoBatten has pointed out- wtf they be doin' in that hood? Talk about not on the down low.