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4freedomsring ago

Fiscal Note’s CEO Tim Hwang has ties to Obama campaign. Prior to founding FiscalNote, Hwang started his career in politics in the Obama ’08 campaign, assisting in the election of the first Obama Administration. He was elected to the Montgomery County Board of Education a year later, overseeing a budget of over $4 Billion for 22,000 public employees. As a student, Tim also served as the President of the National Youth Association and the founder of Operation Fly. Inc., – a national 501(c)(3) organization that served inner-city children in underprivileged areas around the country.

He is the founder of a 501c3 “Operation Fly” an org that helps the homeless and students in DC. Interesting that it’s got the political leaning to “Rock the Vote “.,_Inc.

“Operation Fly was recently a coalition partner in the Thomas S. Wootton High School Student Government's 'Spring Project', a part of a 'Rock the Vote' concert trying to engage students into being civically active. The concert was held April 28, 2012 and hosted by CNN's John King.”

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They seem to Always have a 501c3 to help further their cause, collect funds, elect their like minded political i.e. globalist buddies to their boards to help with the cloak and cover about what they are Really about!

Vindicator ago

You forgot "launder ill-gotten cash".