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FakeNewzIsFake ago

Usually when they want to do a hit, they don't use 3 people.. It's good information, but people do get killed, no hit required.

Gorillion ago

Wasn't Seth Rich supposedly killed by a team of 3 MS-13 guys that were then also killed?

Mustard Man will be long dead himself if this was set up by the same (((fixer))).

Blacksmith21 ago

Look at the crime stats for 20005:

No murder. And very few blacks. I live here. This was a hit using a black gang. They used 3 people - 2 lookouts, 1 killer. You need to understand gang mentality. Hit probably cost 5 grand. Chump change.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

The only reason I can think of why they used 3 people is that they don't mind killing them later. 2 more people know than shouldn't, they don't like loose ends. A 2005 report isn't very accurate either. I can post a 2005 crime stats for London and claim it's safe, we all know 13 years later, the stats change.

Blacksmith21 ago

You can pull 2017 crime stats for 20005. Go look.

everlastingphelps ago

They hired one guy, he subbed it out to two others.

Part of being in a gang is that you are in a gang. The people hiring them knew that. The lookouts don't know who the hirer was, and the hiree likely only knows a street name.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Not buying it.. Very bad explanations. You are just making things happen, not looking at what's likely.

everlastingphelps ago

Don't buy it, faggot. I've spent more time with gangbangers and murders, I'm pretty sure.