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kestrel9 ago

I'm going to try out this idea to help QMapPubCurater

They are compiling links/info for simple Research Summaries on each Qdrop. No simple task. Here's the page from yesterday

So my idea is to incorporate that process into the daily Q Drop summary post (thank you clickbone). For instance, I'll reply with a Qdrop number for each one, and people can respond to each with info for that particular drop. It's like what we did yesterday for one drop, but this thread would encompass info on several drops all on one thread. Worth trying imo. Thanks in advance!


srayzie ago

That’s awesome. If you want to make a post saying that this is going to be your post and what it’s for and will be updated regularly, I could put it in the side bar and/or sticky. Then we can make a super thread out of it.

kestrel9 ago

Yes please sticky this post :)

kestrel9 ago

Yes can we have a side bar post QMap Research Summary Project or just QRSP, that I can use to compile what we have going on so far. It'll be access to links that people can add info to (the links that is) but not the main post? Is that possible? It'll be like building an index to easily find threads. I'll be including this post in it with intro. People are working on various QDrops and I can organize those links within respective QDrops within the outline I've started.

aQMapPubCurator ago

I second this idea! Thanks for your help yesterday!

clickclone ago

kestrel 9 What do you want me to do in this process? I don't quite understand yet.

kestrel9 ago

You don't have to do anything other than the daily drop single file review, unless you want to do what I did, which is a response "Q2205" for example, like I did for each number. Then people can post relevant links for that drop. I'm going to put some in so people can see what I mean. This gives data on each drop for that day, which the QMapCurator team can access and start posting on the QMap.

clickclone ago

Thanks kestrel9 That's good. I'll just do what I've been doing and you do the response part.

kestrel9 ago

Hope you don't mind a gazillion pings LOL

clickclone ago

Bring on the pings

aQMapPubCurator ago

Thank you guys!

I give this plan of action my full support. I’ll let you guys lead the charge and transcribe the research you guys produce.

We will blind the night with the light of truth!

kestrel9 ago

Thank you!


Let's go Goats!

kestrel9 ago


Consider the task at hand! @aQMapPubCurator has endorsed our effort and would love for us to "get the crowd sourcing working as a well oiled we can burn down the backlog of research in time for the major Red pilling to come."

I'm thinking that for a week we can have a sticky of this post and one of the daily drop single file review (changed daily obviously). After a week as people are familiar we will only keep the sticky of the daily and I can link in this post. All of the first week's dailies will be folded into a new Sticky of a 'Weekly QMap Summary Project' Each Daily drop will fold into the weekly as it's changed out. Continuing on that method we could nest further into a sticky of 'Monthly QMSP'. In the end: 3 stickies: The daily, the weekly, the monthly. Just an idea.


Getting people in the habit contributing to the broader group effort of QMap in a way that is easy for aQMapPubCurator to access the data. Thereby going Turbo on the completion of the task at hand. They have the curators, we feed them data.


  • Using this thread, as I post people can see examples

  • We can create a separate post addressing the topic and including some helpful reference sites (timeline sites...etc)