Shizy ago

Hi @Xenophobic. This is an excellent topic for discussion, however without any supporting links or information this may be more suitable in the comment section. Please see this recent post srayzie made that discusses submissions.

Xenophobic ago

I added links.

Shizy ago

Perfect! Thank you

Xenophobic ago

Np boss o7

Shizy ago

Keep up the good work!

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Sounds shady. Kind of like how they demolished that terrorist school-shooter training compound in New Mexico just days after it was busted.


Yeah, just like how the child sex-trafficking camp in Tucson was bulldozed, torched, and bulldozed again.

Xenophobic ago

Ya, then Judge Backus was all" I am a bit concerned, but oh well free on no cash bond" swings gavel

Veggiehead ago

I thought it took almost 3 years before there was any attempt at an investigation. Shrub and the Zios blocked it all the way.

Xenophobic ago

I think some engineers got there within a month. Either way you can see vids of the steel sailing over to China to be "recycled" asap

Veggiehead ago

Right I know that stuff was pulled and shipped very quickly. What I meant was the 9/11 Omission

Xenophobic ago

Yes, the actual oops we didn't really investigate so now we will after all the evidence is gone commission