cholofrost2 ago

Carefully not mentioned by the DC article is the fact that Ellison and Carson are both mohameddans.

Steelerfish ago

Maybe there will be an investigation for collusion with the Iranians. Why is everyone laughing? That was serious, not a joke. Maybe they actually will investigate. Quit laughing, it’s not funny. The press is just confirming their sources and will have this ready for tomorrow’s news cycle, I’m sure of it. STOP LAUGHING, DICKHEAD. This is America, justice is blind and equal. ITS NOT FUNNY...

GranimalSnake ago


patrat102 ago

They were there planning the over through of our country. The guy suppressing the photo is guilty of covering up Obama's traitorous act. Look at all the damage done to our country during Obama's dictatorship.

SGM11Z ago

Why, they are simply seeking campaign donations to fund their overthrow of the free world is all. Nothing to see here...move along nice sheep.

kestrel9 ago

I'm wondering if any of this is somehow related to this 2012 meeting including Nancy Pelosi as well:

Pelosi holds secret fundraiser with Islamists, Hamas-linked groups

The hosts of the event were DCCC chairman Rep. Steve Israel and two Muslim representatives, Rep. Keith Ellison and Rep. Andre Carson.

Ellison is the DCCC’s “national community outreach chair” and the co-chair of the House progressive caucus.

On Oct. 29, The Daily Caller asked Ellison’s press aide if the congressman would decline donations from Islamist groups. The aide replied that Ellison was not available to comment.

LakotaPride ago

Great point Patriot, also need to ask Pelosi why she was on NK also.

patrat102 ago

birds of a feather----in this case rats..