SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'My reply to NEON REVOLTs REPLY YO ME. Also my thoughts and a REQUEST.' was posted in v/theawakening by @srayzie and includes this reply from @Silverlining:

Just checked you profile zero CCP

Consider posting your info as a comment here and see if you get some CCP and here Then when you have your CCP - is it 5, 10? make a Submission Post.

It gets better... Very frustrating at first - your voat will soon float!

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Silverlining ago

What is this all about - something new to me on voat every once in a while..

JDeere07 ago

Thank you all for getting back to business! I was worried that I would not find a new home. I took this weekend off to decompress and am happy to say I have found myself pleased that we are all on the same page. I believe we are all on the same journey and want to expose how much we have all been lied to. I have missed the last 2 days news events but feel confident that I will catch up. Thank you.

ilovejuices ago

Do we have a meme section here?

CelticCoyote ago

I don't know. I'm not any good at making them but I enjoy trying to figure out what they mean.

Stopmotionhistory ago

Hell I can't under stand memes half the time, and who cares what face book is doing, If your still using Facebook that's on you.

CelticCoyote ago

So true. I dropped FB two years ago and I haven't missed it at all.

robertawearefree ago

I don't believe they can do it with seat-of-the-pants image decoding. I'm guessing they are using existing memes and asking their software to go find those. This they could do with pattern recognition. Still a huge task but they could take out the most damaging. Easy to thwart, just make some changes: add borders, different text or embedded shit and recirculate.

CelticCoyote ago

I'm not sure if .jpg files can be looked at. I use a product (no names here) at work that scans files for proprietary info and it can't see .jpg files.

robertawearefree ago

I use a product (no names here) at work that scans files for proprietary info and it can't see .jpg files.

Right. That's the whole purpose of making and spreading memes. The automatic censoring software can't 'see' them. What Q is pointing to is some supposedly newly developed software that can scan images for dis-allowed content. I am saying that the way to fuck this up is to do slight modifications to the meme and recirculate.

UnknownStalker ago

Carpet bombs away! Scram faggots!

Terminal-Psychosis ago

Interesting after Q encouraged memes, suddenly it comes out FB & other corrupt MSM are working on AI to decode images. They're a LONG way from being clever enough though. Not yet. More like Artifical Stupidity than intelligence.

LakotaPride ago

as Q points out, get the Memes ready because the time is now when they will be needed.

CelticCoyote ago

KEK! I'm not sure they can do it either, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they try.

finemixture ago

yes and with how image processing work add the most basic 50% opacity checkerboard filter and it becomes 100% unreadable!

WokeazfuQ ago

Google can't even keep porn from popping up on an image search with maximum filters.


Porn filters prolly not on most the time. I once typed in "poster" with my child in the room and google popped up 2 bitches fingering each other. Not kool with my young one standing there. I started Duck that day

derram ago

CelticCoyote ago


BILLIONS OF TEXT posts, photos, and videos are uploaded to social media every day, a firehose of information that’s impossible for human moderators to sift through comprehensively. And so companies like Facebook and YouTube have long relied on artificial intelligence to help surface things like spam and pornography.

Something like a white supremacist meme, though, can be more challenging for machines to flag, since the task requires processing several different visual elements at once. Automated systems need to detect and “read” the words that are overlaid on top of the photo, as well as analyze the image itself. Memes are also complicated cultural artifacts, which can be difficult to understand out of context. Despite the challenges they bring, some social platforms are already using AI to analyze memes, including Facebook, which this week shared details about how it uses a tool called Rosetta to analyze photos and videos that contain text.

Facebook says it already uses Rosetta to help automatically detect content that violates things like its hate speech policy. With help from the tool, Facebook also announced this week that it’s expanding its third-party fact checking effort to include photos and videos, not just text-based articles. Rosetta will aid in the process by automatically checking whether images and videos that contain text were previously flagged as false."

So we need to work on how to drive fakebooks AI nuts and cause it to have a mental breakdown!

Triceratography ago

Sarcasm is likely not detectable.

OneLight11 ago

When will the waiting game come to an end?

GranimalSnake ago

Proverbs 3:5-6 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

I'm not sure if that is helpful for you, but it's definitely helping me.

DankOrganism ago


KryptoKoins ago

I love it thank you for sharing

ApoliticalProle ago

Proof doesn't matter, these assholes will deny it, counter if as counterfeit. These motherfuckers need to be crushed. Today.

MB_MoonPearl ago

"THE TIME IS NOW" - Q 2183 Release the MEMEs.

Qrusader ago

I'm ready. Buckle up.